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function _boost_install_set_time_limit in Boost 6

Attempts to set the PHP maximum execution time. See

13 calls to _boost_install_set_time_limit()
boost_update_6103 in ./boost.install
Update 6103 - Add new columns to tables
boost_update_6104 in ./boost.install
Update 6104 - Add new column to tables Add in mime_type column
boost_update_6105 in ./boost.install
Update 6105 - Add new column to boost_cache table Add in url column
boost_update_6109 in ./boost.install
Update 6109 - Change .js to .json
boost_update_6111 in ./boost.install
Update 6111 - Use MD5 hash for DB Keys, allowing for long URL's to be cached

... See full list


./boost.install, line 447
Handles Boost module installation and upgrade tasks.


function _boost_install_set_time_limit($time_limit) {
  if (function_exists('set_time_limit')) {