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function book_access_node_update in Book access 1.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 book_access.module \book_access_node_update()

Implements hook_node_update().

Makes sure defaults propagate to pages that have been 'upgraded' to a book.


./book_access.module, line 71


function book_access_node_update(NodeInterface $node) {

  /* if (isset($node->book['bid']) && $node->book['bid']) {
      // Check for existing permissions
      //    $rowCount = \Drupal::database()->select('book_access_author', 'book_access_author')
      //      ->condition( 'nid', $node->book['bid'], '=')
      //      ->condition( 'uid', $node->getOwnerId())
      //      ->countQuery()
      //      ->execute()
      //      ->fetchField();
      if ($rowCount == 0) {
        // @FIXME
        // Could not extract the default value because it is either indeterminate, or
        // not scalar. You'll need to provide a default value in
        // config/install/book_access.settings.yml and config/schema/book_access.schema.yml.
        // @FIXME
        // Could not extract the default value because it is either indeterminate, or
        // not scalar. You'll need to provide a default value in
        // config/install/book_access.settings.yml and config/schema/book_access.schema.yml.
        // BookAccess::setAuthorGrants(
        //        $node->book['bid'],
        //        $node->getOwnerId(),
        //        array_combine($node->getOwnerId() == 0 ? BookAccess::defaultGrants() : \Drupal::config('book_access.settings')->get("book_access_default_author_access"), $node->getOwnerId() == 0 ? BookAccess::defaultGrants() : \Drupal::config('book_access.settings')->get("book_access_default_author_access"))
        //      );

      $roles = user_roles();
      $rids = array_keys($roles);
      $roleResultSet = \Drupal::database()->select('book_access_role', 'book_access_role')
        ->condition('nid', $node->book['bid'], '=')
        ->condition('rid', $rids, 'IN')
        ->fields('book_access_role', ['rid'])
      if ($roleResultSet->rowCount() < count($rids)) {
        // Fill in the missing ones.
        $existingRids = [];
        foreach ($roleResultSet as $row) {
          $existingRids[] = $row->rid;

        $missingRids = array_diff($rids, $existingRids);
        foreach ($missingRids as $rid) {
          // @FIXME
          // // @FIXME
          // // The correct configuration object could not be determined. You'll need to
          // // rewrite this call manually.
          // $defaultToUse = variable_get( "book_access_role_{$rid}_default");
          if ($defaultToUse !== NULL) {
            $roleDefaults = [];
            foreach ($defaultToUse as $grant) {
              $roleDefaults[$grant] = $rid;
            // BookAccess::addRoleGrants( $node->book['bid'], array($rid), $roleDefaults);.