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function blockreference_autocomplete_process in Block reference 6

Process an individual element.

Build the form element. When creating a form using FAPI #process, note that $element['#value'] is already set.

1 string reference to 'blockreference_autocomplete_process'
blockreference_elements in ./blockreference.module
Implementation of FAPI hook_elements().


./blockreference.module, line 559
Defines a field type for referencing a block from a node.


function blockreference_autocomplete_process($element, $edit, $form_state, $form) {

  // The blockreference autocomplete widget doesn't need to create its own
  // element, it can wrap around the text_textfield element and add an autocomplete
  // path and some extra processing to it.
  // Add a validation step where the value can be unwrapped.
  $field_key = $element['#columns'][0];
  $element[$field_key] = array(
    '#type' => 'text_textfield',
    '#default_value' => isset($element['#value']) ? $element['#value'] : '',
    '#autocomplete_path' => 'blockreference/autocomplete/' . $element['#field_name'],
    // The following values were set by the content module and need
    // to be passed down to the nested element.
    '#field_name' => $element['#field_name'],
    '#delta' => $element['#delta'],
    '#columns' => $element['#columns'],
    '#title' => $element['#title'],
    '#required' => $element['#required'],
    '#description' => $element['#description'],
  if (empty($element[$field_key]['#element_validate'])) {
    $element[$field_key]['#element_validate'] = array();
  array_unshift($element[$field_key]['#element_validate'], 'blockreference_autocomplete_validate');
  return $element;