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function blockgroup_boot in Block Group 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 blockgroup.module \blockgroup_boot()

Implements hook_boot().

Blockgroup works by injecting regions into themes at runtime using hook_system_info_alter. If this hook is invoked when the blockgroup module is not (yet) loaded, the regions defined by block groups are not injected into the theme. This may happen when either system_rebuild_theme_data or list_themes is called before drupal is fully bootstrapped. In order to avoid this problem we implement hook_boot. As a result blockgroup gets loaded very early in the bootstrapping phase and the all important blockgroup_system_info_alter is present in any case.

Probably hook_system_info_alter should also become a bootstrap-hook in core.



./blockgroup.module, line 31
Add block groups to block configuration page


function blockgroup_boot() {

  // Intentionally left empty (see above).