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public function BlockedIpsExpireHelpers::testAddIp in Blocked IPs Expire 7

Tests that the helper function to add an IP with expiry date works.

@covers _blocked_ips_expire_add_ip()


tests/blocked_ips_expire.helpers.test, line 170
Contains \BlockedIpsExpireHelpers.


Tests that helper functions are operating correctly.


public function testAddIp() {

  // Some variables we will use in this test case.
  $ip_with_spaces = ' ' . BlockedIpsExpireHelpers::generateIpAddress() . '  ';
  $second_time = BlockedIpsExpireHelpers::randomDatetimeInFuture();

  // Test that the test IP address is not in the database to start with.
  $num_times_in_db = BlockedIpsExpireHelpers::numberTimesIpInDatabase($this->anyOldIp);
    ->assertFalse($num_times_in_db > 0, 'Test IP not in database before adding.');

  // Block the IP address using the first expiry time.
  $iid = _blocked_ips_expire_add_ip($this->anyOldIp, $this->anyOldDate);

  // Test that the IP address is now there and the expiry time matches.
  $num_times_in_db = BlockedIpsExpireHelpers::numberTimesIpInDatabase($this->anyOldIp);
    ->assertTrue($num_times_in_db > 0, 'IP added to database.');
  $ip_info = _blocked_ips_expire_get_one((int) $iid);
    ->assertEqual($ip_info->expiry_date, $this->anyOldDate, "IP's expiry time matches what was set.");

  // Block the address a second time.
  _blocked_ips_expire_add_ip($this->anyOldIp, $second_time);

  // Test the IP address is only in there once, and has the second expiry
  // time.
  $num_times_in_db = BlockedIpsExpireHelpers::numberTimesIpInDatabase($this->anyOldIp);
    ->assertEqual($num_times_in_db, 1, 'IP only in database once.');
  $ip_info = _blocked_ips_expire_get_one((int) $iid);
    ->assertEqual($ip_info->expiry_date, $second_time, "IP's expiry time matches what was set the second time.");

  // Try to add an IP with extra spaces around it.
  $spaces_iid = _blocked_ips_expire_add_ip($ip_with_spaces, $second_time);

  // Verify that it's stored without the spaces.
  $ip_with_spaces_info = _blocked_ips_expire_get_one((int) $spaces_iid);
  $trimmed_ip = trim($ip_with_spaces);
    ->assertEqual($ip_with_spaces_info->ip, $trimmed_ip, 'IPs are not stored with leading or trailing spaces.');