public static function BlockedIpsExpireTestCase::generateIpAddress in Blocked IPs Expire 7
Generate a random IP address.
Currently this only generates IPv4 addresses, i.e.: a string in the form 'a.b.c.d', where a, b, c, and d are integers between 0 and 255.
Return value
string A string containing an IP address.
1 call to BlockedIpsExpireTestCase::generateIpAddress()
- BlockedIpsExpireUi::testSystemBlockedIpFormHasExpiryDate in tests/
blocked_ips_expire.ui.test - Test that the module modified the blocked IPs entry form as expected.
- tests/
blocked_ips_expire.base.test, line 102 - Contains \BlockedIpsExpireTestCase.
- BlockedIpsExpireTestCase
- An object containing test functions common to all tests for this module.
public static function generateIpAddress() {
$components = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
$components[] = (string) rand(0, 255);
return implode('.', $components);