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function block_access_check_perms in Block Access 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 block_access.module \block_access_check_perms()
  2. 7 block_access.module \block_access_check_perms()
1 call to block_access_check_perms()
block_access_form_alter in ./block_access.module


./block_access.module, line 227


function block_access_check_perms(&$form, $key, $block) {
  $module = $block['module']['#value'];
  $delta = $block['delta']['#value'];

  // Remove the block completely if it's not allowed to be viewed
  if (!block_access_can_view($module, $delta)) {
  else {

    // Remove the delete link if the user can't delete this block
    if (!block_access_can_delete($module, $delta)) {

    // Remove the configure link if the user can't configure this block
    if (!block_access_can_config($module, $delta)) {

    // if a block is in BLOCK_REGION_NONE it is effectively disabled
    if ($block['region']['#default_value'] == BLOCK_REGION_NONE) {

      // Disable the region selection and weight if the user can't enable the block
      if (!block_access_can_enable($module, $delta)) {
        $form[$key]['region']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
        $form[$key]['weight']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
    else {

      // Disable the region selection and weight if the user can't move the block
      if (!block_access_can_move($module, $delta)) {
        $form[$key]['region']['#disabled'] = TRUE;
        $form[$key]['weight']['#disabled'] = TRUE;

      // Remove the <none> option from the select list if the user can't disable the block
      if (!block_access_can_disable($module, $delta)) {