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class BlazyFormatterTest in Blazy 8.2

Same name in this branch
  1. 8.2 tests/src/Kernel/BlazyFormatterTest.php \Drupal\Tests\blazy\Kernel\BlazyFormatterTest
  2. 8.2 tests/modules/blazy_test/src/BlazyFormatterTest.php \Drupal\blazy_test\BlazyFormatterTest
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tests/modules/blazy_test/src/BlazyFormatterTest.php \Drupal\blazy_test\BlazyFormatterTest

Implements GridStackFormatterInterface.


Expanded class hierarchy of BlazyFormatterTest

1 string reference to 'BlazyFormatterTest' in tests/modules/blazy_test/
1 service uses BlazyFormatterTest
blazy_test.formatter in tests/modules/blazy_test/


tests/modules/blazy_test/src/BlazyFormatterTest.php, line 10


View source
class BlazyFormatterTest extends BlazyFormatter implements BlazyFormatterTestInterface {

   * Gets the thumbnail image using theme_image_style().
   * @param array $settings
   *   The array containing: thumbnail_style, etc.
   * @param object $item
   *   The \Drupal\image\Plugin\Field\FieldType\ImageItem object.
   * @return array
   *   The renderable array of thumbnail image.
  public function getThumbnail(array $settings = [], $item = NULL) {
    $thumbnail = [];
    if (!empty($settings['uri'])) {
      $thumbnail = [
        '#theme' => 'image_style',
        '#style_name' => isset($settings['thumbnail_style']) ? $settings['thumbnail_style'] : 'thumbnail',
        '#uri' => $settings['uri'],
        '#item' => $item,
    return $thumbnail;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
BlazyFormatter::$cropStyles protected property Returns available styles with crop in the effect name.
BlazyFormatter::$isCrop protected property Checks if the image style contains crop in the effect name.
BlazyFormatter::$isImageDimensionSet private property Checks if image dimensions are set.
BlazyFormatter::buildSettings public function Modifies the field formatter settings inherited by child elements. Overrides BlazyFormatterInterface::buildSettings
BlazyFormatter::cropStyles private function Returns available image styles with crop in the name.
BlazyFormatter::extractFirstItem public function Extract the first image item to build colorbox/zoom-like gallery. Overrides BlazyFormatterInterface::extractFirstItem
BlazyFormatter::isCrop public function Checks if an image style contains crop effect. Overrides BlazyFormatterInterface::isCrop
BlazyFormatter::postBuildElements public function Modifies the field formatter settings not inherited by child elements. Overrides BlazyFormatterInterface::postBuildElements
BlazyFormatter::preBuildElements public function Modifies the field formatter settings inherited by child elements. Overrides BlazyFormatterInterface::preBuildElements
BlazyFormatter::setImageDimensions protected function Sets dimensions once to reduce method calls, if image style contains crop.
BlazyFormatterTest::getThumbnail public function Gets the thumbnail image using theme_image_style().
BlazyManager::backgroundImage private function Prepares CSS background image.
BlazyManager::build public function Returns the contents using theme_field(), or theme_item_list().
BlazyManager::buildCaption public function Build captions for both old image, or media entity.
BlazyManager::buildContent protected function Build out (rich media) content.
BlazyManager::buildImage private function Build out image, or anything related, including cache, CSS background, etc.
BlazyManager::buildMedia private function Build out (Responsive) image.
BlazyManager::buildResponsiveImage private function Build out Responsive image.
BlazyManager::createPlaceholder protected function Build thumbnails, also to provide placeholder for blur effect.
BlazyManager::getBlazy public function Returns the enforced rich media content, or media using theme_blazy().
BlazyManager::getImage Deprecated public function Deprecated method.
BlazyManager::getSettings protected function Prepares Blazy settings.
BlazyManager::prepareBlazy protected function Prepares the Blazy output as a structured array ready for ::renderer().
BlazyManager::prepareBuild protected function Prepares Blazy outputs, extract items as indices.
BlazyManager::preRenderBlazy public function Builds the Blazy image as a structured array ready for ::renderer().
BlazyManager::preRenderBuild public function Builds the Blazy outputs as a structured array ready for ::renderer().
BlazyManager::thumbnailAndPlaceholder protected function Build thumbnails, also to provide placeholder for blur effect.
BlazyManager::trustedCallbacks public static function Lists the trusted callbacks provided by the implementing class. Overrides TrustedCallbackInterface::trustedCallbacks
BlazyManagerBase::$cache protected property The cache backend.
BlazyManagerBase::$configFactory protected property The config factory.
BlazyManagerBase::$entityRepository protected property The entity repository service.
BlazyManagerBase::$entityTypeManager protected property The entity type manager service.
BlazyManagerBase::$languageManager protected property The language manager.
BlazyManagerBase::$moduleHandler protected property The module handler service.
BlazyManagerBase::$renderer protected property The renderer.
BlazyManagerBase::$root protected property The app root.
BlazyManagerBase::attach public function Returns array of needed assets suitable for #attached property. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::attach
BlazyManagerBase::buildSkins public function Collects defined skins as registered via hook_MODULE_NAME_skins_info().
BlazyManagerBase::configLoad public function Returns any config, or keyed by the $setting_name.
BlazyManagerBase::create public static function
BlazyManagerBase::entityLoad public function Returns a shortcut for loading a config entity: image_style, slick, etc.
BlazyManagerBase::entityLoadMultiple public function Returns a shortcut for loading multiple configuration entities.
BlazyManagerBase::getCache public function Returns the cache.
BlazyManagerBase::getCacheMetadata public function Return the cache metadata common for all blazy-related modules.
BlazyManagerBase::getCommonSettings public function Returns the common UI settings inherited down to each item.
BlazyManagerBase::getConfigFactory public function Returns the config factory.
BlazyManagerBase::getEntityRepository public function Returns the entity repository service.
BlazyManagerBase::getEntityTypeManager public function Returns the entity type manager.
BlazyManagerBase::getImageEffects public function Returns the supported image effects. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::getImageEffects
BlazyManagerBase::getIoSettings public function Returns drupalSettings for IO. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::getIoSettings
BlazyManagerBase::getLightboxes public function Gets the supported lightboxes. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::getLightboxes
BlazyManagerBase::getModuleHandler public function Returns the module handler.
BlazyManagerBase::getRenderer public function Returns the renderer.
BlazyManagerBase::getResponsiveImageStyles public function Returns the Responsive image styles and caches tags.
BlazyManagerBase::isBlazy public function Checks for Blazy formatter such as from within a Views style plugin. Overrides BlazyManagerInterface::isBlazy
BlazyManagerBase::isBlazyFormatter protected function Collects the first found Blazy formatter settings within Views fields.
BlazyManagerBase::languageManager public function Returns the language manager service.
BlazyManagerBase::root public function Returns the app root.
BlazyManagerBase::setAttachments protected function Provides attachments and cache common for all blazy-related modules.
BlazyManagerBase::setLanguageManager public function Sets the language manager service.
BlazyManagerBase::setResponsiveImageDimensions public function Sets dimensions once to reduce method calls for Responsive image.
BlazyManagerBase::setRoot public function Sets app root service.
BlazyManagerBase::__construct public function Constructs a BlazyManager object.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_entityStorages protected property An array of entity type IDs keyed by the property name of their storages.
DependencySerializationTrait::$_serviceIds protected property An array of service IDs keyed by property name used for serialization.
DependencySerializationTrait::__sleep public function 1
DependencySerializationTrait::__wakeup public function 2
StringTranslationTrait::$stringTranslation protected property The string translation service. 1
StringTranslationTrait::formatPlural protected function Formats a string containing a count of items.
StringTranslationTrait::getNumberOfPlurals protected function Returns the number of plurals supported by a given language.
StringTranslationTrait::getStringTranslation protected function Gets the string translation service.
StringTranslationTrait::setStringTranslation public function Sets the string translation service to use. 2
StringTranslationTrait::t protected function Translates a string to the current language or to a given language.
TrustedCallbackInterface::THROW_EXCEPTION constant Untrusted callbacks throw exceptions.
TrustedCallbackInterface::TRIGGER_SILENCED_DEPRECATION constant Untrusted callbacks trigger silenced E_USER_DEPRECATION errors.
TrustedCallbackInterface::TRIGGER_WARNING constant Untrusted callbacks trigger E_USER_WARNING errors.