class BlazyFilter in Blazy 7
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 8.2 src/Plugin/Filter/BlazyFilter.php \Drupal\blazy\Plugin\Filter\BlazyFilter
Provides a filter to lazyload image, or iframe elements.
- class \Drupal\blazy\Plugin\Filter\BlazyFilter uses BlazyVideoTrait
Expanded class hierarchy of BlazyFilter
1 file declares its use of BlazyFilter
- in ./ - Provides basic Blazy integration for lazy loading and multi-serving images.
- src/
Plugin/ Filter/ BlazyFilter.php, line 13
Drupal\blazy\Plugin\FilterView source
class BlazyFilter {
use BlazyVideoTrait;
* The blazy manager service.
* @var \Drupal\blazy\BlazyManagerInterface
protected $manager;
* Constructs the BlazyFilter object.
public function __construct(BlazyManagerInterface $manager) {
$this->manager = $manager;
* Return blazy filter info.
public function filterInfo() {
$filters['blazy_filter'] = [
'title' => t('Lazyload inline images, or video iframes, using Blazy'),
'cache' => TRUE,
'process callback' => '_blazy_filter_process',
'settings callback' => '_blazy_filter_settings_form',
'tips callback' => '_blazy_filter_tips',
'weight' => 3,
'default settings' => [
'filter_tags' => [
'img' => 'img',
'iframe' => 'iframe',
'column' => TRUE,
'grid' => TRUE,
'media_switch' => '',
return $filters;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function process($text, $filter, $langcode) {
$allowed_tags = array_values((array) $filter->settings['filter_tags']);
if (empty($allowed_tags)) {
return $text;
$dom = filter_dom_load($text);
$settings = $this->manager
->getCommonSettings() + BlazyDefault::lazySettings();
$settings['grid'] = stristr($text, 'data-grid') !== FALSE;
$settings['column'] = stristr($text, 'data-column') !== FALSE;
$settings['media_switch'] = $switch = $filter->settings['media_switch'];
$settings['lightbox'] = $switch && in_array($switch, $this->manager
->getLightboxes()) ? $switch : FALSE;
$settings['id'] = $settings['gallery_id'] = 'blazy-filter-' . drupal_random_key(8);
$settings['plugin_id'] = 'blazy_filter';
$settings['_grid'] = $settings['column'] || $settings['grid'];
$settings['placeholder'] = $this->manager
$settings['use_data_uri'] = isset($filter->settings['media_switch']) ? $filter->settings['media_switch'] : FALSE;
// At D7, BlazyFilter can only attach globally, prevents blocking.
// Allows lightboxes to provide its own optionsets.
if ($switch) {
$settings[$switch] = empty($settings[$switch]) ? $switch : $settings[$switch];
// Provides alter like formatters to modify at one go, even clumsy here.
$build = [
'settings' => $settings,
drupal_alter('blazy_settings', $build, $filter);
$settings = array_merge($settings, $build['settings']);
$valid_nodes = [];
foreach ($allowed_tags as $allowed_tag) {
$nodes = $dom
if ($nodes->length > 0) {
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if ($node
->hasAttribute('data-unblazy')) {
$valid_nodes[] = $node;
if (count($valid_nodes) > 0) {
$elements = $grid_nodes = [];
$item_settings = $settings;
$item_settings['count'] = $nodes->length;
foreach ($valid_nodes as $delta => $node) {
// Build Blazy elements with lazyloaded image, or iframe.
$item_settings['uri'] = $item_settings['image_url'] = '';
$item_settings['delta'] = $delta;
->buildSettings($item_settings, $node);
$build = [
'settings' => $item_settings,
->buildImageItem($build, $node);
// Marks invalid/ unknown IMG or IFRAME for removal.
if (empty($build['settings']['uri'])) {
->setAttribute('class', 'blazy-removed');
$output = $this->manager
if ($settings['_grid']) {
$elements[] = $output;
$grid_nodes[] = $node;
else {
$altered_html = drupal_render($output);
// Load the altered HTML into a new DOMDocument, retrieve element.
$updated_nodes = filter_dom_load($altered_html)
foreach ($updated_nodes as $updated_node) {
// Import the updated from the new DOMDocument into the original
// one, importing also the child nodes of the updated node.
$updated_node = $dom
->importNode($updated_node, TRUE);
->insertBefore($updated_node, $node);
// Finally, remove the original blazy node.
if ($node->parentNode) {
// Build the grids.
if ($settings['_grid'] && !empty($elements[0])) {
// @todo remove first_uri for _uri for consistency.
$settings['_uri'] = $settings['first_uri'] = isset($elements[0]['#build']['settings']['uri']) ? $elements[0]['#build']['settings']['uri'] : '';
->buildGrid($dom, $settings, $elements, $grid_nodes);
// Cleans up invalid or moved nodes.
$text = filter_dom_serialize($dom);
return trim($text);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function cleanupNodes(\DOMDocument &$dom) {
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
$nodes = $xpath
->query("//*[contains(@class, 'blazy-removed')]");
if ($nodes->length > 0) {
foreach ($nodes as $node) {
if ($node->parentNode) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildGrid(\DOMDocument &$dom, array &$settings, array $elements = [], array $grid_nodes = []) {
$xpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
$query = $settings['style'] = $settings['column'] ? 'column' : 'grid';
$grid = FALSE;
// This is weird, variables not working for xpath?
$node = $query == 'column' ? $xpath
->query('//*[@data-column]') : $xpath
if ($node->length > 0 && $node
->item(0) && $node
->hasAttribute('data-' . $query)) {
$grid = $node
->getAttribute('data-' . $query);
if ($grid) {
// Create the parent grid container, and put it before the first.
$grids = array_map('trim', explode(' ', $grid));
foreach ([
] as $key => $item) {
if (isset($grids[$key])) {
$settings['grid_' . $item] = $grids[$key];
$settings['grid'] = $grids[$key];
$build = [
'items' => $elements,
'settings' => $settings,
$output = $this->manager
$altered_html = drupal_render($output);
if ($first = $grid_nodes[0]) {
// Create the parent grid container, and put it before the first.
$container = $first->parentNode
->createElement('div'), $first);
$updated_nodes = filter_dom_load($altered_html)
// This extra container ensures hook_blazy_build_alter() aint screw up.
->setAttribute('class', 'blazy-wrapper blazy-wrapper--filter');
foreach ($updated_nodes as $updated_node) {
// Import the updated from the new DOMDocument into the original
// one, importing also the child nodes of the updated node.
$updated_node = $dom
->importNode($updated_node, TRUE);
// Cleanups old nodes already moved into grids.
foreach ($grid_nodes as $node) {
if ($node->parentNode) {
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildImageItem(array &$build, &$node) {
$settings =& $build['settings'];
$item = new \stdClass();
// Checks if we have a valid file entity, not hard-coded image URL.
if ($src = $node
->getAttribute('src')) {
// If starts with 2 slashes, it is always external.
if (strpos($src, '//') === 0) {
// We need to query stored SRC, https is enforced.
$src = 'https:' . $src;
if ($node->tagName == 'img') {
$settings['uri'] = $settings['image_url'] = $src;
elseif ($node->tagName == 'iframe') {
// Iframe with data: scheme is a serious kidding, strip it earlier.
$src = drupal_strip_dangerous_protocols($src);
$settings['input_url'] = $src;
$settings['uri'] = $settings['image_url'] = $this
$settings['scheme'] = $this
// @todo integrate with media WYSIWG via BlazyMedia::getMediaData();.
$settings['embed_url'] = $this
$settings['autoplay_url'] = $this
$settings['ratio'] = empty($settings['width']) ? '16:9' : 'fluid';
$settings['type'] = 'video';
// Attempts to get the correct URI with hard-coded URL if applicable.
if (!empty($settings['image_url']) && ($uri = Blazy::buildUri($settings['image_url']))) {
$settings['uri'] = $item->uri = $uri;
// Responsive image with aspect ratio requires an extra container to work
// with Align/ Caption images filters.
$build['media_attributes']['class'][] = 'media-wrapper media-wrapper--blazy';
// Copy all attributes of the original node to the $item _attributes.
if ($node->attributes->length) {
foreach ($node->attributes as $attribute) {
if ($attribute->nodeName == 'src') {
// Move classes (align-BLAH,etc) to Blazy container, not image so to
// work with alignments and aspect ratio. Sanitization is performed at
// BlazyManager::prepareImage() to avoid double escapes.
if ($attribute->nodeName == 'class') {
$build['media_attributes']['class'][] = $attribute->nodeValue;
else {
$build['item_attributes'][$attribute->nodeName] = $attribute->nodeValue;
$build['media_attributes']['class'] = array_unique($build['media_attributes']['class']);
$build['item'] = $item;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildSettings(array &$settings, $node) {
$settings['_check_protocol'] = TRUE;
$width = $node
$height = $node
$src = $node
if ($src && $node->tagName == 'img') {
$abs_url = strpos($src, 'http') === FALSE ? DRUPAL_ROOT . $src : $src;
if (!$width && ($data = @getimagesize($abs_url))) {
list($width, $height) = $data;
$settings['width'] = $width;
$settings['height'] = $height;
$settings['ratio'] = !$width ? '' : 'fluid';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function tips($filter, $long = FALSE) {
if ($long) {
$tips = t('<p><strong>Blazy</strong>: Image or iframe is lazyloaded. To disable, add attribute <code>data-unblazy</code>:</p>
<li><code><img data-unblazy /></code></li>
<li><code><iframe data-unblazy /></code></li>
if ($filter->settings['grid'] || $filter->settings['column']) {
if ($filter->settings['grid']) {
$tips .= t('<p>To build a grid of images/ videos, add attribute <code>data-grid</code> (only to the first item):
<li>For images: <code><img data-grid="1 3 4" /></code></li>
<li>For videos: <code><iframe data-grid="1 3 4" /></code></li>
<li>If both media types are present, choose only the first item.</li>
if ($filter->settings['column']) {
$tips .= t('<p>To build a CSS3 Masonry columns of images/ videos, add attribute <code>data-column</code> (only to the first item):
<li>For images: <code><img data-column="1 3 4" /></code></li>
<li>For videos: <code><iframe data-column="1 3 4" /></code></li>
<li>If both media types are present, choose only the first item.</li>
$tips .= t('The numbers represent the amount of grids/ columns for small, medium and large devices respectively, space delimited. Be aware! All media items will be grouped regardless of their placements, unless those disabled via <code>data-unblazy</code>. This is also required if using <b>Image to lightbox</b> (Colorbox, Photobox, PhotoSwipe). Only one block of grids or columns can exist at a time in a particular body text.</p>');
return $tips;
else {
return t('To disable lazyload, add attribute <code>data-unblazy</code> to <code><img></code> or <code><iframe></code> elements. Examples: <code><img data-unblazy</code> or <code><iframe data-unblazy</code>.');
* Implements callback_filter_settings().
public function settingsForm($form, &$form_state, $filter) {
$lightboxes = $this->manager
$elements['filter_tags'] = [
'#type' => 'checkboxes',
'#title' => t('Enable HTML tags'),
'#options' => [
'img' => t('Image'),
'iframe' => t('Video iframe'),
'#default_value' => empty($filter->settings['filter_tags']) ? [] : array_values((array) $filter->settings['filter_tags']),
'#description' => t('To disable per item, add attribute <code>data-unblazy</code>.'),
$elements['grid'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Grid Foundation'),
'#default_value' => $filter->settings['grid'],
$elements['column'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('CSS3 Masonry columns'),
'#default_value' => $filter->settings['column'],
'#description' => t('Check to support inline grids, or columns. Load both to support any, yet only one can exist at a time in a particular body text.'),
$elements['media_switch'] = [
'#type' => 'select',
'#title' => t('Media switcher'),
'#options' => [
'media' => t('Image to iframe'),
'#empty_option' => t('- None -'),
'#default_value' => $filter->settings['media_switch'],
'#description' => t('<ul><li><b>Image to iframe</b> will hide iframe behind image till toggled.</li><li><b>Image to lightbox</b> (Colorbox, Photobox, PhotoSwipe, Intense, etc.) requires a grid. Add <code>data-column="1 3 4"</code> or <code>data-grid="1 3 4"</code> to the first image/ iframe only.</li></ul>'),
if (!empty($lightboxes)) {
foreach ($lightboxes as $lightbox) {
$name = ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $lightbox));
$elements['media_switch']['#options'][$lightbox] = t('Image to @lightbox', [
'@lightbox' => $name,
$elements['use_data_uri'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Trust data URI'),
'#default_value' => isset($filter->settings['use_data_uri']) ? $filter->settings['use_data_uri'] : FALSE,
'#description' => t('Enable to support the use of data URI. Leave it unchecked if unsure, or never use data URI.'),
'#suffix' => t('Check out <a href="@url1">filter tips</a> for details. Be sure to configure Blazy pages <a href="@url2">here</a>.', [
'@url1' => url('filter/tips', [
'fragment' => 'filter-blazy_filter',
'@url2' => url('admin/config/media/blazy', [
'fragment' => 'edit-visibility',
return $elements;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function submitForm($form, &$form_state) {
$defaults = BlazyDefault::formSettings()['filters'];
if (isset($form_state['values']['filters']['blazy_filter'])) {
$blazy = $form_state['values']['filters']['blazy_filter'];
if ($blazy['status'] == 1) {
$format = $form_state['values']['format'];
$settings =& $blazy['settings'];
$components['filters'] = $this->manager
->config('filters', []);
foreach ($defaults as $key => $value) {
if (isset($settings[$key])) {
$type = gettype($value);
settype($settings[$key], $type);
$components['filters'][$format][$key] = $settings[$key];
// Merge individual flat variables into a single blazy.settings.
variable_set('blazy.settings', array_merge((array) $this->manager
->config(), $components));
Name![]() |
Modifiers | Type | Description | Overrides |
BlazyFilter:: |
protected | property | The blazy manager service. | |
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | ||
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | ||
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | ||
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | ||
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | Return blazy filter info. | |
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | ||
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | Implements callback_filter_settings(). | |
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | ||
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | ||
BlazyFilter:: |
public | function | Constructs the BlazyFilter object. | |
BlazyVideoTrait:: |
public | function | Returns video embed URL with an autoplay parameter. | |
BlazyVideoTrait:: |
public | function | Returns the host for scheme. | |
BlazyVideoTrait:: |
public | function | Gets the faked image item out of file entity, or ER, if applicable. | |
BlazyVideoTrait:: |
public | function | Gets the Media item thumbnail, or re-associate the file entity to ME. | |
BlazyVideoTrait:: |
public | function | Returns Youtube/ Vimeo video embed suitable for non-file-entity. | |
BlazyVideoTrait:: |
public | function | Returns Youtube/ Vimeo video ID from URL, thanks to Kus from s.o. | |
BlazyVideoTrait:: |
public | function | Returns video thumbnail based on video id, needed by BlazyFilter. |