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BlazyViews.php in Blazy 8

Same filename in this branch
  1. 8 src/BlazyViews.php
  2. 8 src/Plugin/views/style/BlazyViews.php
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/BlazyViews.php




View source

namespace Drupal\blazy;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\NestedArray;

 * Provides optional Views integration.
class BlazyViews {

   * Implements hook_views_pre_render().
  public static function viewsPreRender($view) {

    // Load Blazy library once, not per field, if any Blazy Views field found.
    if ($blazy = self::viewsField($view)) {
      $plugin_id = $view
      $settings = $blazy
      $load = $blazy

      // Enforce Blazy to work with hidden element such as with EB selection.
      $load['drupalSettings']['blazy']['loadInvisible'] = TRUE;
      $view->element['#attached'] = isset($view->element['#attached']) ? NestedArray::mergeDeep($view->element['#attached'], $load) : $load;
      $grid = $plugin_id == 'blazy';
      if ($options = $view
        ->getStyle()->options) {
        $grid = empty($options['grid']) ? $grid : TRUE;

      // Prevents dup [data-LIGHTBOX-gallery] if the Views style supports Grid.
      if (!$grid) {

        // @todo remove conditions when confident, kept to avoid the unexpected.
        $view->element['#attributes'] = empty($view->element['#attributes']) ? [] : $view->element['#attributes'];
        Blazy::containerAttributes($view->element['#attributes'], $settings);

   * Returns one of the Blazy Views fields, if available.
  public static function viewsField($view) {
    foreach ([
    ] as $entity) {
      if (isset($view->field['blazy_' . $entity])) {
        return $view->field['blazy_' . $entity];
    return FALSE;



Namesort descending Description
BlazyViews Provides optional Views integration.