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function hook_blazy_complete_form_element_alter in Blazy 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 blazy.api.php \hook_blazy_complete_form_element_alter()
  2. 8 blazy.api.php \hook_blazy_complete_form_element_alter()

Alters blazy-related formatter form elements.

Modify anything Blazy forms output as you wish. This is run after hook_blazy_form_element_alter().


array $form: The $form being modified.

array $definition: The array defining the scope of form elements.

See also


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1 invocation of hook_blazy_complete_form_element_alter()
BlazyAdminBase::finalizeForm in src/Form/BlazyAdminBase.php
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./blazy.api.php, line 328
Hooks and API provided by the Blazy module.


function hook_blazy_complete_form_element_alter(array &$form, array $definition = []) {

  // Limit the scope to Slick formatters, blazy, gridstack, etc. Or swap em all.
  if (isset($definition['namespace']) && $definition['namespace'] == 'slick') {

    // Extend the formatter form elements as needed.