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function _birthdays_instance_description in Birthdays 7

Gets a human readable description of a field instance.


$instance: The field instance.

Return value

A localized string.

1 call to _birthdays_instance_description()
birthdays_trigger_info in ./birthdays.module
Implements hook_trigger_info().


./birthdays.module, line 903
The Birthdays module allows users to add their birthday to their profile. It lists birthdays on a seperate page and in different blocks. Users can receive an email on their birthday automatically, and the administrator can receive daily reminders of…


function _birthdays_instance_description($instance) {
  $vars = array(
    '@entity_type' => $instance['entity_type'],
    '@bundle' => $instance['bundle'],
    '@field_name' => $instance['field_name'],
  if ($instance['entity_type'] == $instance['bundle']) {
    $desc = t('@entity_type: @field_name', $vars);
  else {
    $desc = t('@entity_type: @bundle: @field_name', $vars);
  return $desc;