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function _birthdays_get in Birthdays 7

Queries the database for birthdays.


$trigger: TRUE, if only birthdays should be returned, that are not opted out of triggers.

$instance: The field instance to query for.

$day: The day to look up. 0 for all days of a month.

$month: The month to look up.

$year: Optional. If that year is not a leap year and $day and $month indicate the first of March, then February 29 will be included in the query.

Return value

An array where both keys and values are entity ids.

1 call to _birthdays_get()
birthdays_cron in ./birthdays.module
Implements hook_cron().


./birthdays.module, line 1022
The Birthdays module allows users to add their birthday to their profile. It lists birthdays on a seperate page and in different blocks. Users can receive an email on their birthday automatically, and the administrator can receive daily reminders of…


function _birthdays_get($trigger, $instance, $day, $month, $year = NULL) {
  $field_name = $instance['field_name'];
  $query = db_select('field_data_' . $field_name, 'f')
    ->fields('f', array(
    ->condition($field_name . '_month', $month)
    ->condition('entity_type', $instance['entity_type'])
    ->condition('bundle', $instance['bundle']);
  if ($day) {
      ->condition($field_name . '_day', $day);
  if ($trigger && $instance['settings']['triggers']['user']) {
      ->condition($field_name . '_triggers', TRUE);
  $result = $query
    ->fetchAllKeyed(0, 0);
  if ($year && $day == 1 && $month == 3 && !BirthdaysBirthday::isLeapYear($year)) {
    $result += _birthdays_get($trigger, $instance, 29, 2);
  return $result;