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birthdays-page.tpl.php in Birthdays 6

birthdays-page.tpl.php Display a page listing users and their birthdays. Depending on the settings it will be sorted by date of birth or by username. Users without an birthday can be filtered from the listing.

Available variables:

  • $show_starsigns: Boolean indication whether to show the star sign.
  • $show_year: Global Boolean indicating whether year & age are enabled.
  • $show_user_picture: Boolean indicating whether user pictures are enabled.
  • $show_filter: Boolean for toggling the page filter form.
  • $filter_form: Form to filter by year and month.
  • $pager: The pager to browser through the pages.
  • $birthdays: Associative array with the following data for each user:
    • 'username': Themed username with link to account.
    • 'age': Current age shown depending on the settings of the module or the user's preference.
    • 'show_age': Boolean indicating whether the age should be shown.
    • 'date': Date of birth for this user.
    • 'account': Entire account, for user pictures and other ways to improve the birthdays block.
    • 'starsign': Themed star sign.
    • 'user_picture': Themed user picture.
    • 'zebra': Odd or even, for alternating table rows.



View source

 * @file birthdays-page.tpl.php
 * Display a page listing users and their birthdays. Depending on the settings
 * it will be sorted by date of birth or by username. Users without an
 * birthday can be filtered from the listing.
 * Available variables:
 * - $show_starsigns: Boolean indication whether to show the star sign.
 * - $show_year:      Global Boolean indicating whether year & age are enabled.
 * - $show_user_picture: Boolean indicating whether user pictures are enabled.
 * - $show_filter:    Boolean for toggling the page filter form.
 * - $filter_form:    Form to filter by year and month.
 * - $pager:          The pager to browser through the pages.
 * - $birthdays:      Associative array with the following data for each user:
 *   - 'username':      Themed username with link to account.
 *   - 'age':           Current age shown depending on the settings of the
 *                      module or the user's preference.
 *   - 'show_age':      Boolean indicating whether the age should be shown.
 *   - 'date':          Date of birth for this user.
 *   - 'account':       Entire account, for user pictures and other ways to
 *                      improve the birthdays block.
 *   - 'starsign':      Themed star sign.
 *   - 'user_picture':  Themed user picture.
 *   - 'zebra':         Odd or even, for alternating table rows.
 *   -
if ($show_filter) {
  <div class="container-inline birthdays-filter"><?php

  print $filter_form;

<table class="sticky-enabled">

print t('User');

print t('Birthday');

if ($show_year) {

  print t('Age');


if ($show_starsign) {

  print t('Starsign');


if ($show_user_picture) {


foreach ($birthdays as $birthday) {
    <tr class="<?php

  print $birthday['zebra'];

  print $birthday['username'];

  print $birthday['date'] ? $birthday['date'] : '&nbsp;';

  if ($show_year) {

    print $birthday['show_age'] ? $birthday['age'] : '&nbsp;';


  if ($show_starsign) {

    print $birthday['starsign'] ? $birthday['starsign'] : '&nbsp;';


  if ($show_user_picture) {

    print $birthday['picture'];



print $pager;