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function get_transtab_latex_unicode in Bibliography Module 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 modules/bibtexParse/ \get_transtab_latex_unicode()
  2. 7.2 modules/bibtexParse/ \get_transtab_latex_unicode()

Creates a translation table for decoding of TeX symbols in BibTeX input.

Return value

array An array with substitutions (regexps as keys, characters as values)


Exception Indicates that an internal check failed. Should only be thrown if someone broke a config array.

1 call to get_transtab_latex_unicode()
PARSEENTRIES::__construct in modules/bibtexParse/PARSEENTRIES.php


modules/bibtexParse/, line 29
Copyright: Matthias Steffens This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. Please see the GNU General Public License for more details. File: ./includes/ Created: …


function get_transtab_latex_unicode() {
  $transtab = array(
    '\\$\\\\#\\$' => '#',
    '\\\\%' => '%',
    '\\\\&' => '&',
    '(?<!\\\\)~' => ' ',
    '\\{\\\\c\\\\ \\}' => '¸',
    '--' => '–',
    '---' => '—',
    '\\$\\^\\{0\\}\\$' => '⁰',
    '\\$\\^\\{4\\}\\$' => '⁴',
    '\\$\\^\\{5\\}\\$' => '⁵',
    '\\$\\^\\{6\\}\\$' => '⁶',
    '\\$\\^\\{7\\}\\$' => '⁷',
    '\\$\\^\\{8\\}\\$' => '⁸',
    '\\$\\^\\{9\\}\\$' => '⁹',
    '\\$\\^\\{+\\}\\$' => '⁺',
    '\\$\\^\\{-\\}\\$' => '⁻',
    '\\$\\^\\{=\\}\\$' => '⁼',
    '\\$\\^\\{n\\}\\$' => 'ⁿ',
    '\\$_\\{0\\}\\$' => '₀',
    '\\$_\\{1\\}\\$' => '₁',
    '\\$_\\{2\\}\\$' => '₂',
    '\\$_\\{3\\}\\$' => '₃',
    '\\$_\\{4\\}\\$' => '₄',
    '\\$_\\{5\\}\\$' => '₅',
    '\\$_\\{6\\}\\$' => '₆',
    '\\$_\\{7\\}\\$' => '₇',
    '\\$_\\{8\\}\\$' => '₈',
    '\\$_\\{9\\}\\$' => '₉',
    '\\$_\\{+\\}\\$' => '₊',
    '\\$_\\{-\\}\\$' => '₋',
    '\\$_\\{=\\}\\$' => '₌',

  // Map for diacritics that do *not* require whitespace in the absence of curly braces around the letter;
  // diacritic code and letter are separated by a pipe symbol.
  $quoty_mapping = array(
    '`|A' => 'À',
    '\'|A' => 'Á',
    '^|A' => 'Â',
    '~|A' => 'Ã',
    '"|A' => 'Ä',
    '`|E' => 'È',
    '\'|E' => 'É',
    '^|E' => 'Ê',
    '"|E' => 'Ë',
    '`|I' => 'Ì',
    '\'|I' => 'Í',
    '^|I' => 'Î',
    '"|I' => 'Ï',
    '~|N' => 'Ñ',
    '\'|N' => 'Ń',
    '\'|n' => 'ń',
    '`|O' => 'Ò',
    '\'|O' => 'Ó',
    '^|O' => 'Ô',
    '~|O' => 'Õ',
    '"|O' => 'Ö',
    '`|U' => 'Ù',
    '\'|U' => 'Ú',
    '^|U' => 'Û',
    '"|U' => 'Ü',
    '\'|Y' => 'Ý',
    '`|a' => 'à',
    '\'|a' => 'á',
    '^|a' => 'â',
    '~|a' => 'ã',
    '"|a' => 'ä',
    '`|e' => 'è',
    '\'|e' => 'é',
    '^|e' => 'ê',
    '"|e' => 'ë',
    '`|i' => 'ì',
    '\'|i' => 'í',
    '^|i' => 'î',
    '"|i' => 'ï',
    '"|\\i' => 'ï',
    '~|n' => 'ñ',
    '`|o' => 'ò',
    '\'|o' => 'ó',
    '^|o' => 'ô',
    '~|o' => 'õ',
    '"|o' => 'ö',
    '=|o' => 'ō',
    '`|u' => 'ù',
    '\'|u' => 'ú',
    '^|u' => 'û',
    '"|u' => 'ü',
    '\'|y' => 'ý',
    '"|y' => 'ÿ',
    '\'|C' => 'Ć',
    '\'|c' => 'ć',
    '.|g' => 'ġ',
    '.|I' => 'İ',
    '\'|\\i' => 'í',
    '\'|L' => 'Ĺ',
    '\'|l' => 'ĺ',
    '\'|R' => 'Ŕ',
    '\'|r' => 'ŕ',
    '\'|S' => 'Ś',
    '\'|s' => 'ś',
    '"|Y' => 'Ÿ',
    '\'|Z' => 'Ź',
    '\'|z' => 'ź',
    '.|Z' => 'Ż',
    '.|z' => 'ż',
  foreach ($quoty_mapping as $sequence => $character) {

    // Split sequence at the pipe symbol.
    $key = explode('|', $sequence);
    if (count($key) != 2) {
      throw new Exception('Internal error: Invalid sequence ' . check_plain($sequence) . ' for character ' . check_plain($character));
    $pattern = '(\\{)?\\\\' . preg_quote($key[0], '/') . '(\\s*\\{)?' . preg_quote($key[1], '/') . '(?(2)\\}|)(?(1)\\}|)';
    $transtab[$pattern] = $character;

  // Map for diacritics that *require* whitespace in the absence of curly braces around the letter;
  // diacritic code and letter are separated by a pipe symbol.
  $lettery_mapping = array(
    'v|L' => 'Ľ',
    'v|l' => 'ľ',
    'r|A' => 'Å',
    'c|C' => 'Ç',
    'r|a' => 'å',
    'c|c' => 'ç',
    'u|A' => 'Ă',
    'u|a' => 'ă',
    'k|A' => 'Ą',
    'k|a' => 'ą',
    'v|C' => 'Č',
    'v|c' => 'č',
    'v|D' => 'Ď',
    'v|d' => 'ď',
    'k|E' => 'Ę',
    'k|e' => 'ę',
    'v|E' => 'Ě',
    'v|e' => 'ě',
    'u|e' => 'ĕ',
    'u|G' => 'Ğ',
    'u|g' => 'ğ',
    'v|N' => 'Ň',
    'v|n' => 'ň',
    'H|O' => 'Ő',
    'H|o' => 'ő',
    'v|R' => 'Ř',
    'v|r' => 'ř',
    'c|S' => 'Ş',
    'c|s' => 'ş',
    'v|S' => 'Š',
    'v|s' => 'š',
    'c|T' => 'Ţ',
    'c|t' => 'ţ',
    'v|T' => 'Ť',
    'v|t' => 'ť',
    'r|U' => 'Ů',
    'r|u' => 'ů',
    'H|U' => 'Ű',
    'H|u' => 'ű',
    'v|Z' => 'Ž',
    'v|z' => 'ž',
  foreach ($lettery_mapping as $sequence => $character) {

    // Split sequence at the pipe symbol.
    $key = explode('|', $sequence);
    if (count($key) != 2) {
      throw new Exception('Internal error: Invalid sequence ' . check_plain($sequence) . ' for character ' . check_plain($character));

    // Letter escapes require whitespace or quotes, or both.
    $pattern = '(\\{)?\\\\' . preg_quote($key[0], '/') . '((\\s*\\{)?|\\s+)' . preg_quote($key[1], '/') . '(?(3)\\}|)(?(1)\\}|)';
    $transtab[$pattern] = $character;

  // Simple named sequences like greek letters
  // tex name without the backslash => unicode.
  $mapping = array(
    'alpha' => 'α',
    'beta' => 'β',
    'gamma' => 'γ',
    'delta' => 'δ',
    'epsilon' => 'ε',
    'zeta' => 'ζ',
    'eta' => 'η',
    'theta' => 'θ',
    'iota' => 'ι',
    'kappa' => 'κ',
    'lambda' => 'λ',
    'mu' => 'μ',
    'nu' => 'ν',
    // AFAICT there is no omicron sequence in TeX,
    // but the previous version had this replacement.
    'omicron' => 'o',
    'xi' => 'ξ',
    'pi' => 'π',
    'rho' => 'ρ',
    'varsigma' => 'ς',
    'sigma' => 'σ',
    'tau' => 'τ',
    'upsilon' => 'υ',
    'phi' => 'φ',
    'chi' => 'χ',
    'psi' => 'ψ',
    'omega' => 'ω',
    'Gamma' => 'Γ',
    'Delta' => 'Δ',
    'Theta' => 'Θ',
    'Lambda' => 'Λ',
    'Xi' => 'Ξ',
    'Pi' => 'Π',
    'Sigma' => 'Σ',
    'Upsilon' => 'Υ',
    'Phi' => 'Φ',
    'Psi' => 'Ψ',
    'Omega' => 'Ω',
    'AA' => 'Å',
    'aa' => 'å',
    'AE' => 'Æ',
    'ae' => 'æ',
    'DH' => 'Ð',
    'dh' => 'ð',
    'DJ' => 'Đ',
    'dj' => 'đ',
    'i' => 'ı',
    'L' => 'Ł',
    'l' => 'ł',
    'NG' => 'Ŋ',
    'ng' => 'ŋ',
    'O' => 'Ø',
    'o' => 'ø',
    'OE' => 'Œ',
    'oe' => 'œ',
    'TH' => 'Þ',
    'th' => 'þ',
    'ss' => 'ß',
    'texteuro' => '€',
    'textcelsius' => '℃',
    'textnumero' => '№',
    'textcircledP' => '℗',
    'textservicemark' => '℠',
    'texttrademark' => '™',
    'textohm' => 'Ω',
    'textestimated' => '℮',
    'textleftarrow' => '←',
    'textuparrow' => '↑',
    'textrightarrow' => '→',
    'textdownarrow' => '↓',
    'infty' => '∞',
    'textlangle' => '〈',
    'textrangle' => '〉',
    'textvisiblespace' => '␣',
    'textopenbullet' => '◦',
    'textflorin' => 'ƒ',
    'textasciicircum' => 'ˆ',
    'textacutedbl' => '˝',
    'textendash' => '–',
    'textemdash' => '—',
    'textbardbl' => '‖',
    'textunderscore' => '‗',
    'textquoteleft' => '‘',
    'textquoteright' => '’',
    'quotesinglbase' => '‚',
    'textquotedblleft' => '“',
    'textquotedblright' => '”',
    'quotedblbase' => '„',
    'textdagger' => '†',
    'textdaggerdbl' => '‡',
    'textbullet' => '•',
    'textellipsis' => '…',
    'textperthousand' => '‰',
    'guilsinglleft' => '‹',
    'guilsinglright' => '›',
    'textfractionsolidus' => '⁄',
    'textdiv' => '÷',
    'textexclamdown' => '¡',
    'textcent' => '¢',
    'textsterling' => '£',
    'textyen' => '¥',
    'textbrokenbar' => '¦',
    'textsection' => '§',
    'textasciidieresis' => '¨',
    'textcopyright' => '©',
    'textordfeminine' => 'ª',
    'guillemotleft' => '«',
    'textlnot' => '¬',
    'textregistered' => '®',
    'textasciimacron' => '¯',
    'textdegree' => '°',
    'textpm' => '±',
    'texttwosuperior' => '²',
    'textthreesuperior' => '³',
    'textasciiacute' => '´',
    'textmu' => 'µ',
    'textparagraph' => '¶',
    'textperiodcentered' => '·',
    'textonesuperior' => '¹',
    'textordmasculine' => 'º',
    'guillemotright' => '»',
    'textonequarter' => '¼',
    'textonehalf' => '½',
    'textthreequarters' => '¾',
    'textquestiondown' => '¿',
    'texttimes' => '×',
    'textgreater' => '>',
    'textless' => '<',
  foreach ($mapping as $name => $character) {

    // Consume pairs of $ signs and curly braces, if any;
    // if neither brace nor $ is present then whitespace or a backslash is required to end a sequence.
    $pattern = '(\\$)?(\\{)?\\\\' . $name . '(?(2)\\}|(\\s+|(?=\\$)|(?=\\\\)))(?(1)\\s*\\$|)';
    $transtab[$pattern] = $character;

  // Decode escaped underscores.
  $transtab['\\\\_'] = '_';

  // finally, handle escaped space.
  $transtab['\\\\ '] = ' ';

  // drupal_set_message('<pre>'.check_plain(print_r($transtab, TRUE)).'</pre>');.
  return $transtab;