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biblio_citeproc.install in Bibliography Module 6.2


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function biblio_citeproc_install() {
function biblio_citeproc_uninstall() {
  if (db_table_exists('biblio_type_maps')) {
    db_query("DELETE FROM {biblio_type_maps} WHERE format = 'csl'");
function biblio_citeproc_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();
  $t = get_t();
  if ($phase == 'install') {
    if (function_exists('mb_strtoupper')) {
      $mbs_severity = REQUIREMENT_OK;
      $mbs_desc = $t('PHP "Multibyte String" extension is enabled');
    else {
      $mbs_severity = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
      $mbs_desc = $t('Your PHP installation does not have the "Multibyte String" extension enabled, Biblio - CiteProc requires the Multibyte String extension');
    $requirements['mbs'] = array(
      'title' => $t('PHP Multibyte String'),
      'severity' => $mbs_severity,
      'description' => $mbs_desc,
    if (!module_exists('biblio')) {
      $requirements['biblio_crossref'] = array(
        'title' => $t('Biblio'),
        'description' => $t('The Biblio module must be installed first'),
        'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
  return $requirements;
function biblio_citeproc_schema() {
  $schema['biblio_citeproc_styles'] = array(
    'fields' => array(
      'id' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
      'title' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
      'filename' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
      'parent' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 255,
        'not null' => FALSE,
        'default' => '',
      'summary' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'not null' => FALSE,
      'csl' => array(
        'type' => 'text',
        'not null' => TRUE,
      'sha1' => array(
        'type' => 'varchar',
        'length' => 40,
        'not null' => TRUE,
        'default' => '',
    'primary key' => array(
  return $schema;
function biblio_citeproc_install_default_styles() {
  $record = array();
  $dir = drupal_get_path('module', 'biblio_citeproc') . '/style';
  $files = file_scan_directory($dir, '..*.csl$');
  foreach ($files as $file) {
    $csl = file_get_contents($file->filename);
    $xml = simplexml_load_string($csl);
    $parent = '';
    foreach ($xml->info->link as $link) {
      $attrs = $link
      if (isset($attrs['rel']) && $attrs['rel'] == 'independent-parent') {
        $parent = (string) $attrs['href'];
    $record = array(
      'filename' => basename($file->filename),
      'parent' => $parent,
      'title' => (string) $xml->info->title,
      'summary' => (string) $xml->info->summary,
      'csl' => $csl,
      'sha1' => sha1($csl),
      'id' => (string) $xml->info->id,
    db_query("INSERT INTO {biblio_citeproc_styles} (filename, parent, title, summary, csl, sha1, id) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %b, '%s')", $record);
function _get_csl_type_map() {
  $map['type_map'] = serialize(array(
    'article' => '',
    'article-magazine' => 106,
    'article-newspaper' => 105,
    'article-journal' => 102,
    'bill' => 117,
    'book' => 100,
    'broadcast' => 111,
    'chapter' => 101,
    'entry' => '',
    'entry-dictionary' => '',
    'entry-encyclopedia' => '',
    'figure' => '',
    'graphic' => '',
    'interview' => '',
    'legislation' => 118,
    'legal_case' => 128,
    'manuscript' => 121,
    'map' => 122,
    'motion_picture' => 110,
    'musical_score' => '',
    'pamphlet' => '',
    'paper-conference' => 103,
    'patent' => 119,
    'post' => '',
    'post-weblog' => '',
    'personal\\_communication' => 120,
    'report' => 109,
    'review' => '',
    'review-book' => '',
    'song' => '',
    'speech' => '',
    'thesis' => 108,
    'treaty' => '',
    'webpage' => 107,
  $map['format'] = 'csl';
  return $map;
function _get_csl_type_names() {
  $map['type_names'] = serialize(array(
    'article' => '',
    'article-magazine' => "Magazine Article",
    'article-newspaper' => "Newspaper Article",
    'article-journal' => "Journal Article",
    'bill' => 'Bill',
    'book' => "Book",
    'broadcast' => 'Broadcast',
    'chapter' => "Book Section",
    'entry' => '',
    'entry-dictionary' => '',
    'entry-encyclopedia' => '',
    'figure' => '',
    'graphic' => '',
    'interview' => '',
    'legislation' => 'Legislation',
    'legal_case' => 'Legal Ruling',
    'manuscript' => 'Manuscript',
    'map' => 'Map',
    'motion_picture' => "Film or Broadcast",
    'musical_score' => '',
    'pamphlet' => '',
    'paper-conference' => "Conference Paper",
    'patent' => "Patent",
    'post' => '',
    'post-weblog' => '',
    'personal\\_communication' => 'Personal Communication',
    'report' => "Report",
    'review' => '',
    'review-book' => '',
    'song' => '',
    'speech' => '',
    'thesis' => "Thesis",
    'treaty' => '',
    'webpage' => "Web Page",
  $map['format'] = 'csl';
  return $map;
function _get_csl_field_map() {
  $map['field_map'] = serialize(array(
    'title' => 'title',
    'container-title' => 'biblio_secondary_title',
    'collection-title' => 'biblio_secondary_title',
    'original-title' => 'biblio_alternate_title',
    'publisher' => 'biblio_publisher',
    'publisher-place' => 'biblio_place_published',
    'original-publisher' => '',
    'original-publisher-place' => '',
    'archive' => '',
    'archive-place' => '',
    'authority' => '',
    'archive_location' => '',
    'event' => 'biblio_secondary_title',
    'event-place' => 'biblio_place_published',
    'page' => 'biblio_pages',
    'page-first' => '',
    'locator' => '',
    'version' => 'biblio_edition',
    'volume' => 'biblio_volume',
    'number-of-volumes' => 'biblio_number_of_volumes',
    'number-of-pages' => '',
    'issue' => 'biblio_issue',
    'chapter-number' => 'biblio_section',
    'medium' => '',
    'status' => '',
    'edition' => 'biblio_edition',
    'section' => 'biblio_section',
    'genre' => '',
    'note' => 'biblio_notes',
    'annote' => '',
    'abstract' => 'biblio_abst_e',
    'keyword' => 'biblio_keywords',
    'number' => 'biblio_number',
    'references' => '',
    'URL' => 'biblio_url',
    'DOI' => 'biblio_doi',
    'ISBN' => 'biblio_isbn',
    'call-number' => 'biblio_call_number',
    'citation-number' => '',
    'citation-label' => 'biblio_citekey',
    'first-reference-note-number' => '',
    'year-suffix' => '',
    'jurisdiction' => '',
    //Date Variables'
    'issued' => 'biblio_year',
    'event' => 'biblio_date',
    'accessed' => 'biblio_accessed',
    'container' => 'biblio_date',
    'original-date' => 'biblio_date',
    //Name Variables'
    'author' => 'biblio_contributors:1',
    'editor' => 'biblio_contributors:2',
    'translator' => 'biblio_contributors:3',
    'recipient' => ':',
    'interviewer' => ':',
    'publisher' => 'biblio_publisher:',
    'composer' => ':',
    'original-publisher' => ':',
    'original-author' => ':',
    'container-author' => ':',
    'collection-editor' => ':',
  $map['format'] = 'csl';
  return $map;
function _save_csl_maps() {
  $typemap = _get_csl_type_map();
  $typenames = _get_csl_type_names();
  $fieldmap = _get_csl_field_map();
  $maps = array_merge($typemap, $typenames, $fieldmap);
  db_query("INSERT INTO {biblio_type_maps} (format,type_map,type_names,field_map) VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')", array(
function _reset_csl_map($type = NULL) {
  $count = db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {biblio_type_maps} WHERE format='csl'"));
  if ($count && $type) {

    $function = '_get_csl_' . $type;
    if (!function_exists($function)) {
    $map = $function();
    drupal_write_record('biblio_type_maps', $map, 'format');
  else {

    // install
    db_query("DELETE FROM {biblio_type_maps} WHERE format='csl'");
function biblio_citeproc_update_6001() {
  $result = array();
  return $result;
function biblio_citeproc_update_6002() {
  $result = array();
  return $result;
function biblio_citeproc_update_6003() {
  $result = array();
  $spec = array(
    'type' => 'text',
    'not null' => TRUE,
  db_change_field($result, 'biblio_citeproc_styles', 'csl', 'csl', $spec);
  return $result;