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function theme_biblio_admin_overview in Bibliography Module 7.2

Returns HTML for a node type description for the content type admin overview page.


$variables: An associative array containing:

  • name: The human-readable name of the publication type.
  • type: An object containing the 'type' (machine name) and 'description' of the content type.
1 theme call to theme_biblio_admin_overview()
biblio_overview_types in includes/
hook_menu callback function for admin/config/content/biblio/publication-types


includes/, line 1129


function theme_biblio_admin_overview($variables) {
  $name = $variables['name'];
  $type = $variables['type'];
  $description = $variables['description'];
  $instances_missing = $variables['instances missing'];
  $output = check_plain($name);
  $output .= ' <small>' . t('(Machine name: @type)', array(
    '@type' => $type,
  if ($instances_missing) {
    $output .= ' (<span class="admin-disabled">Missing Field Instances</span>)';
  $output .= '</small>';
  $output .= '<div class="description">' . filter_xss_admin($description) . '</div>';
  return $output;