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private function HumanNameParser_Parser::parse in Bibliography Module 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/Parser.php \HumanNameParser_Parser::parse()
1 call to HumanNameParser_Parser::parse()
HumanNameParser_Parser::setName in includes/Parser.php
Sets name string and parses it. Takes Name object or a simple string (converts the string into a Name obj), parses and loads its constituant parts.


includes/Parser.php, line 168


Works with a Name object to parse out the parts of a name.


private function parse() {
  $suffixes = implode("\\.*|\\s", $this->suffixes) . "\\.*";

  // each suffix gets a "\.*" behind it.
  $prefixes = implode(" |", $this->prefixes) . " ";

  // each prefix gets a " " behind it.
  // The regex use is a bit tricky.  *Everything* matched by the regex will be replaced,
  //	but you can select a particular parenthesized submatch to be returned.
  //	Also, note that each regex requres that the preceding ones have been run, and matches chopped out.
  $nicknamesRegex = "/ ('|\"|\\(\"*'*)(.+?)('|\"|\"*'*\\)) /";

  // names that starts or end w/ an apostrophe break this
  $suffixRegex = "/,* *({$suffixes})\$/";
  $lastRegex = "/(?!^)\\b([^ ]+ y |{$prefixes})*[^ ]+\$/u";
  $leadingInitRegex = "/^(.\\.*)(?= \\p{L}{2})/";

  // note the lookahead, which isn't returned or replaced
  $firstRegex = "/^[^ ]+/";

  // get nickname, if there is one
  $this->nicknames = $this->name
    ->chopWithRegex($nicknamesRegex, 2);

  // get suffix, if there is one
  $this->suffix = $this->name
    ->chopWithRegex($suffixRegex, 1);

  // flip the before-comma and after-comma parts of the name

  // get the last name
  $this->last = $this->name
    ->chopWithRegex($lastRegex, 0);
  if (!$this->last) {
    throw new Exception("Couldn't find a last name in '{$this->name->getStr()}'.");

  // get the first initial, if there is one
  $this->leadingInit = $this->name
    ->chopWithRegex($leadingInitRegex, 1);

  // get the first name
  $this->first = $this->name
    ->chopWithRegex($firstRegex, 0);
  if (!$this->first && $this->category != 5) {
    throw new Exception("Couldn't find a first name in '{$this->name->getStr()}'");

  // if anything's left, that's the middle name
  $this->middle = $this->name
  return true;