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Functions in Bibliography Module 6

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
en7_type_map ./ 1
en8_add_contributors ./ 1
en8_add_dates ./ 1
en8_add_keywords ./ 1
en8_add_titles ./ 1
en8_add_urls ./ 1
en8_characterData ./ 2
en8_encode_font_faces ./
en8_endElement ./
en8_field_map ./ 1
en8_parser_field_map ./ 1
en8_parser_type_map ./ 1
en8_startElement ./
marc_type_map ./ 1
ris_type_map ./ 1
tagged_field_map ./ 1
tagged_type_map ./ 1
template_preprocess_views_view_unformatted__biblio_year ./
theme_biblio_admin_author_edit_form ./ Themes the author editing form
theme_biblio_admin_author_types_form ./
theme_biblio_admin_field_mapper_form ./
theme_biblio_admin_keyword_orphans_form ./
theme_biblio_admin_orphans_form ./
theme_biblio_admin_types_edit_form ./
theme_biblio_admin_type_mapper_form ./
theme_biblio_alpha_line ./ This function creates a string of letters (A - Z), which depending on the sorting are either linked to author or title filters i.e. clicking on the A when in the listing is sorted by authors will bring up a list of all the entries where the…
theme_biblio_authors ./
theme_biblio_author_link ./
theme_biblio_coin_button ./
theme_biblio_contributors ./
theme_biblio_download_links ./
theme_biblio_end_category_section ./ 1
theme_biblio_entry ./
theme_biblio_export_links ./ Creates a group of links for the various export functions
theme_biblio_filters ./
theme_biblio_format_authors ./
theme_biblio_form_filter ./
theme_biblio_long ./ DEPRECIATED! this was the original output format which is not to flexable it will be removed TODO: remove this function
theme_biblio_openurl ./
theme_biblio_page_number ./ 4
theme_biblio_separator_bar ./ 1
theme_biblio_style ./ Applies a "style" function to a single node.
theme_biblio_tabular ./
unixref_characterData ./ 2 1
unixref_decode ./ 1
unixref_endElement ./ 1
unixref_startElement ./ 1
_add_biblio_keywords ./biblio.install Copies keywords from the biblio_keyword column of the biblio table to a taxonomy vocabulary
_add_custom_field_data ./biblio.install 3
_add_db_field_data ./biblio.install 3


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