function _build_google_scholar_link in Bibliography Module 6
2 calls to _build_google_scholar_link()
- biblio_link in ./
biblio.module - Implementation of hook_link().
- _build_biblio_link in ./ - Creates a link to export a node (or view) in EndNote Tagged format
- ./, line 1018
function _build_google_scholar_link($node) {
$query = array();
$query['btnG'] = 'Search+Scholar';
$query['as_q'] = '"' . str_replace(array(
' ',
), array(
), $node->title) . '"';
// as_q = all the words
$query['as_sauthors'] = $node->biblio_contributors[1][0]['lastname'];
$query['as_occt'] = 'any';
$query['as_epq'] = '';
// exact phrase
$query['as_oq'] = '';
// at least one of the words
$query['as_eq'] = '';
// without the words
$query['as_publication'] = '';
// published in
$query['as_ylo'] = '';
// lower date in date range
$query['as_yhi'] = '';
// upper date in date range
$query['as_sdtAAP'] = 1;
//Search articles in all subject areas
$query['as_sdtp'] = 1;
//include patents
return array(
'title' => t('Google Scholar'),
'href' => '',
'attributes' => array(
'title' => t("Click to search Google Scholar for this entry"),
'query' => $query,