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10 calls to biblio_types() in Bibliography Module 7.2

biblio_admin_type_mapper_form in includes/
biblio_combined_bundle_load in ./biblio.module
Get an individual publication type definition object. Necessary for the %biblio_bundle menu placeholder to work in hook_menu().
biblio_delete_confirm_submit in ./biblio.module
Delete form confirmation page
biblio_entity_info in ./biblio.module
Implements hook_entity_info().
biblio_form in ./biblio.module
Displays the Add/Edit form for a biblio entity
biblio_menu in ./biblio.module
Implements hook_menu().
biblio_overview_types in includes/
hook_menu callback function for admin/config/content/biblio/publication-types
biblio_page_edit in ./biblio.module
Presents the biblio editing form, or redirects to delete confirmation.
theme_biblio_tabular in includes/
_biblio_field_extra_fields in includes/