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17 calls to biblio_access() in Bibliography Module 7.2

biblio_bibtex_biblio_export_link in modules/bibtexParse/biblio_bibtex.module
Creates a link to export a node (or view) in BibTEX format
biblio_build_query in includes/
biblio_entry in includes/
biblio_handler_citation::render in views/
Render the field.
biblio_import_form in includes/
Return a form used to import files into biblio.
biblio_page_header in includes/
biblio_plugin_row_citation::render in views/
Render a row object. This usually passes through to a theme template of some form, but not always.
biblio_ris_biblio_export_link in modules/RIS/biblio_ris.module
Creates a link to export a node (or view) in ris format
biblio_rtf_biblio_export_link in modules/rtf/biblio_rtf.module
Creates a link to export a node (or view) in rtf format
biblio_tagged_biblio_export_link in modules/endnote/biblio_tagged.module
Creates a link to export a node (or view) in tagged format
biblio_xml_biblio_export_link in modules/endnote/biblio_xml.module
Creates a link to export a node (or view) in xml format
theme_biblio_entry in includes/
theme_biblio_export_links in includes/
Creates a group of links for the various export functions
theme_biblio_long in includes/
DEPRECIATED! this was the original output format which is not to flexable it will be removed TODO: remove this function
_biblio_format_author in includes/
_biblio_format_author_page in includes/
_biblio_get_authors in includes/