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function biblio_save in Bibliography Module 7.2

Save a biblio object to the database

2 calls to biblio_save()
biblio_form_submit in ./biblio.module
Process data that was submitted from the biblio add form. This handles the additions of Biblio and Contributor entities.
biblio_save_node in includes/


./biblio.module, line 2912


function biblio_save($biblio) {
  module_load_include('inc', 'biblio', 'includes/biblio.keywords');
  $biblio->changed = REQUEST_TIME;

  // @todo: get md5 working. See
  //  $duplicate = biblio_hash($biblio);
  //  if (isset($duplicate) && $duplicate != $biblio->bid) { // if this is a potential duplcate, write the bids of the pre-existing and new biblios
  //    $dup_map = array('vid' => $duplicate, 'did' => $biblio->bid);
  //    drupal_write_record('biblio_duplicates', $dup_map);
  //  }
  entity_save('biblio', $biblio);