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function biblio_remove_brace in Bibliography Module 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 biblio.module \biblio_remove_brace()
  2. 6 biblio.module \biblio_remove_brace()
  3. 7 biblio.module \biblio_remove_brace()

Removes brace from a string


string $title_string:

Return value


9 calls to biblio_remove_brace()
biblio_bibtex_entity_load in modules/bibtexParse/biblio_bibtex.module
Implements hook_entity_load().
biblio_handler_citation::render in views/
Render the field.
biblio_page_content in includes/
biblio_page_view in ./biblio.module
Displays a biblio; Hands data off to the Field API
biblio_plugin_row_citation::render in views/
Render a row object. This usually passes through to a theme template of some form, but not always.

... See full list


./biblio.module, line 991


function biblio_remove_brace($title_string) {

  //$title_string = utf8_encode($title_string);
  $matchpattern = '/\\{\\$(?:(?!\\$\\}).)*\\$\\}|(\\{[^}]*\\})/';
  $output = preg_replace_callback($matchpattern, 'biblio_remove_brace_callback', $title_string);
  return $output;