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function biblio_get_class_from_style in Bibliography Module 7.3

Get a loaded class from a style plugin.

@todo: Add static cache.


$style_name: The style plugin name.

Return value

BiblioStyleInterface The Biblio style object.

4 calls to biblio_get_class_from_style()
BiblioBibtexTestCase::testBibTex in tests/BibTex.test
Test BibTex.
BiblioCiteProcTestCase::setUp in tests/CiteProc.test
Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
BiblioEndNoteTestCase::testEndNoteTagged in tests/EndNote.test
Test end note tagged.
BiblioImportPreventDuplicateTestCase::testMd5 in tests/ImportPreventDuplicates.test
Test preventing duplicate biblios, using BibTex import.


./biblio.module, line 161
Maintains bibliographic lists.


function biblio_get_class_from_style($style_name) {
  $plugin = biblio_get_biblio_style($style_name);
  $class = ctools_plugin_load_class('biblio', 'biblio_style', $style_name, 'class');
  return new $class($plugin);