function _move_field_data in Bibliography Module 6
1 call to _move_field_data()
- ./
biblio.install, line 1380 - Install file for biblio module
function _move_field_data(&$result) {
$schema = biblio_schema();
// update default settings (tid=0) in biblio_field_type from old biblio_fields
$result[] = update_sql("UPDATE {biblio_field_type_data} ftd, {biblio_field_type} ft\n INNER JOIN {biblio_fields} f ON f.fid = ft.fid /* add */\n INNER JOIN {biblio_fields_old} fo ON /* link to old biblio_fields by name */\n SET ftd.title=fo.title, ftd.hint=fo.hint, ft.common=fo.common, ft.autocomplete=fo.autocomplete, ft.required=fo.required, ft.weight=fo.weight, ft.visible=fo.visible\n WHERE ft.ftdid=ftd.ftdid AND ft.tid=0");
// add new field types from old biblio_type_details
$db_result = db_query("SELECT old.*,f.fid as fidnew FROM\n /* biblio_type_details augmented by field name (biblio_*) */\n (SELECT otd.*, FROM {biblio_type_details} otd\n INNER JOIN {biblio_fields_old} fo ON otd.fid=fo.fid) old\n /* left join: all entries from biblio_type_details are matched to existing entries in biblio_field_type_data */\n LEFT JOIN {biblio_field_type_data} ftd ON old.title=ftd.title\n /* add matching fids (fidnew) from new biblio_fields based on field name */\n INNER JOIN {biblio_fields} f ON\n /* consider only those entries in biblio_type_details which have no match in biblio_field_type_data yet */\n WHERE ftd.title IS NULL");
while ($row = db_fetch_array($db_result)) {
// check for presence of this field_type
$fieldtype = db_fetch_array(db_query("SELECT * FROM {biblio_field_type_data} WHERE title='%s'", $row['title']));
if (!is_array($fieldtype)) {
$new_ftdid = variable_get('biblio_last_ftdid', 100);
variable_set('biblio_last_ftdid', $new_ftdid + 1);
$fieldtype = array(
'ftdid' => $new_ftdid,
'title' => $row['title'],
'hint' => $row['hint'],
// write_record may not work if module is diabled.
db_query("INSERT INTO {biblio_field_type_data} (ftdid, title, hint) VALUES(%d, '%s', '%s')", $fieldtype['ftdid'], $fieldtype['title'], $fieldtype['hint']);
// update ftdid in linking table to new field type
$ftdid = $fieldtype['ftdid'];
update_sql("UPDATE {biblio_field_type} SET ftdid={$ftdid}, cust_tdid={$ftdid} WHERE tid={$row['tid']} AND fid={$row['fidnew']}");
// update biblio_field_type (linking table) with overrides from old biblio_type_details
$result[] = update_sql("UPDATE {biblio_field_type} ft\n INNER JOIN {biblio_field_type_data} ftd ON ft.ftdid=ftd.ftdid\n /* link to old biblio_type_details based on field title and publication type */\n INNER JOIN {biblio_type_details} otd ON otd.title=ftd.title AND otd.tid=ft.tid\n SET ft.required=otd.required, ft.weight=otd.weight");
// update auth_type associated to (auth_category,biblio_type) from old biblio_type_details
$result[] = update_sql("UPDATE {biblio_contributor_type} ct\n INNER JOIN\n /* select contributor fields from biblio_type_details (fid <= 4) and augment with new ctd.auth_type */\n (SELECT tid,IF(fid=4,5,fid) AS auth_category,ctd.auth_type FROM {biblio_type_details} b\n INNER JOIN {biblio_contributor_type_data} ctd ON b.title=ctd.title WHERE b.fid <= 4) otd\n /* match on publication type and auth_category, fid=4 (corp. author) changed to catagory 5 */\n ON otd.tid=ct.biblio_type AND otd.auth_category=ct.auth_category\n SET ct.auth_type=otd.auth_type");
return $result;