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Functions in Background Images 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bg_image_add_background_image ./bg_image.module Adds a background image to the page using the css 'background' property. 1
bg_image_add_background_image_from_node ./bg_image.module Adds a background image to the page using an image from a node. The node must have an image (or media) field and the field must be configured on the bg_image configuration page for this to work. 1
bg_image_context_page_reaction ./bg_image.module Implementation of hook_context_page_reaction().
bg_image_context_plugins ./bg_image.module Implements hook_context_plugins
bg_image_context_registry ./bg_image.module Implements hook_context_registry
bg_image_css_repeat_options ./bg_image.module Returns an options list of css repeat options 2
bg_image_ctools_plugin_api ./bg_image.module Implements hook_ctools_plugin_api().
bg_image_field_has_image ./bg_image.module Check if a node has an image set on the configured field
bg_image_get_fields_for_node_type ./bg_image.module Returns the fields for a given node type Only image fields will be accepted 1
bg_image_get_image_path_from_node ./bg_image.module Determines the path of an image on the configured image field on a node and returns it. 1
bg_image_menu ./bg_image.module Implements hook_menu().
bg_image_node_is_configured ./bg_image.module Checks if a node (and field) is configured.
bg_image_node_options ./bg_image.module Returns an array of nids to node titles for the configured node type. Useful for select lists. 1
bg_image_node_type_ajax_callback ./bg_image.module AHAH Callback after Node Type has been chosen. 1
bg_image_perm ./bg_image.module Implements hook_permission().
bg_image_settings_form ./bg_image.module Defines the settings for for bg_image 1
_bg_image_path_is_admin ./bg_image.module Returns true if the current page is an 'admin' page 1

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