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14 calls to better_statistics_get_default_fields() in Better Statistics 7

better_statistics_access_log in ./
Displays details of recent page accesses.
better_statistics_better_statistics_log in ./
Implements hook_better_statistics_log().
better_statistics_disable_fields in ./
Disables a list of statistics fields.
better_statistics_enable_fields in ./
Enables a list of statistics fields.
better_statistics_get_fields_data in ./better_statistics.module
Returns data for all valid, declared fields in preparation for DB insertion.
better_statistics_preprocess_html in ./better_statistics.module
Implements hook_preprocess_html().
better_statistics_schema_alter in ./better_statistics.module
Implements hook_schema_alter().
better_statistics_views_data_alter in views/
Implements hook_views_data_alter().
drush_better_statistics_stats_dis in ./
Drush command callback for stats-dis.
drush_better_statistics_stats_en in ./
Drush command callback for stats-en.
drush_better_statistics_stats_ls in ./
Drush command callback for stats-ls.
_better_statistics_form_statistics_settings_form_alter in ./
Makes alterations to the core Statistics configuration form.
_better_statistics_settings_form_submit in ./
Submit handler for Better Statistics configuration settings.
_better_statistics_update_fields in ./
Determines whether or not accesslog fields should be altered, and if so, performs any necessary database alterations and re-saves the declared fields to the active store variable.