function _better_statistics_update_fields in Better Statistics 7
Determines whether or not accesslog fields should be altered, and if so, performs any necessary database alterations and re-saves the declared fields to the active store variable.
It is absolutely necessary that this function does all sanity checks because if not, it's possible for our hook_exit() call to insert data into non-existent fields.
This function is also necessary to ensure that our schema alter is always in line with what's actually declared in the database.
4 calls to _better_statistics_update_fields()
- better_statistics_disable_fields in ./ - Disables a list of statistics fields.
- better_statistics_enable_fields in ./ - Enables a list of statistics fields.
- better_statistics_flush_caches in ./
better_statistics.module - Implements hook_flush_caches().
- better_statistics_update_7101 in ./
better_statistics.install - Update the list of statistics files to be auto-loaded.
- ./, line 421 - Admin and config code for the Better Statistics module.
function _better_statistics_update_fields() {
// Attempt to get all fields, including customizations from other modules.
$active = variable_get('better_statistics_fields', FALSE);
$customizations = _better_statistics_get_custom_fields_by_module();
// Manually include Core statistics' fields.
$customizations['statistics'] = better_statistics_get_default_fields();
$available_fields = array();
// There's no reason for this to run if no custom fields are installed.
if (!$active) {
// Write through updates to the non-schema portions of custom fields; also
// check for, perform, and write through schema updates.
foreach ($customizations as $module => $data) {
foreach ($data as $field => $field_data) {
// Only check for differences in pre-existing fields in the active store.
if (isset($active[$field])) {
// Check that the new callback is callable and write through.
if (is_callable($field_data['callback'])) {
$active[$field]['callback'] = $field_data['callback'];
// Write through Views API changes.
$active[$field]['views_field'] = $field_data['views_field'];
// Write through the location of the callback.
if (isset($field_data['_file'])) {
$active[$field]['_file'] = $field_data['_file'];
// Write through BS JS API changes.
if (isset($field_data['js'])) {
$active[$field]['js'] = $field_data['js'];
// Check for updates to the schema.
if ($active[$field]['schema'] != $field_data['schema']) {
try {
// Change the schema.
db_change_field('accesslog', $field, $field, $field_data['schema']);
// Write through the change to the active store.
$active[$field]['schema'] = $field_data['schema'];
// Log the field change in watchdog.
watchdog('better statistics', 'Successfully changed field %field in the accesslog.', array(
'%field' => $field,
} catch (Exception $e) {
$module_info = system_get_info('module', $module);
$message = filter_xss_admin('<em>Error</em>: Failed to update the %field field in the access log. Please make sure you are using the latest version of the @module module.');
$options = array(
'%field' => $field,
'@module' => $module_info['name'],
// Set a message notifying the user.
drupal_set_message(t($message, $options), 'error');
// Log the failed attempt in watchdog and add more details.
$message .= filter_xss_admin('<br /><br /><strong>Error message:</strong><br />@error');
$options['@error'] = $e
watchdog('better statistics', $message, $options, WATCHDOG_ERROR);
// Save this field as an available field.
$available_fields[] = $field;
// Check for fields in the active store that no longer exist.
foreach ($active as $field => $data) {
if (!in_array($field, $available_fields)) {
$message = 'A recent module update has invalidated the %field field in the access log. No data has been removed at this time, but all data in the field will be lost next time Better Statistics settings are updated.';
$options = array(
'%field' => $field,
drupal_set_message(t($message, $options), 'warning');
watchdog('better statistics', $message, $options, WATCHDOG_WARNING);
// Save the active store with any changes.
variable_set('better_statistics_fields', $active);
// Save off a list of active inc files to be loaded.
$active_incs = array();
foreach (_better_statistics_include_handlers() as $module => $api_info) {
$active_incs[] = $api_info['file_required'];
variable_set('better_statistics_active_incs', $active_incs);