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better_exposed_filters.test in Better Exposed Filters 7.3

Simpletest tests for the Better Exposed Filters module.


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require_once 'better_exposed_filters_TestBase.php';

 * @file Simpletest tests for the Better Exposed Filters module.
class BEF_TestOptions extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF Options tests',
      'description' => 'Checks that BEF options appear when should.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify BEF options display for binary and unlimited option fields
  public function test_befOptionsExist() {

    // Add filters to the default display
    $settings = array(
      'status_1' => 'Published',
      'type' => 'Type',
      'title' => 'Title',
    foreach ($settings as $id => $label) {
      $translation = array(
        '!id' => $id,
        '!label' => $label,
      $html_id = str_replace('_', '-', $id);
        ->assertField('edit-exposed-form-options-bef-' . $html_id . '-bef-format', t('BEF options dropdown exists for "!id"', $translation));

   * Verify BEF options are saved and redisplayed properly
  public function test_befOptionsSave() {

    // Add filters to the default display

    // Ensure basic BEF settings are preserved on save.
    $settings = array(
      'status_1' => 'Published',
      'type' => 'Type',
    foreach ($settings as $id => $label) {
      $edit = array(
        "exposed_form_options[bef][{$id}][bef_format]" => 'bef',
        "exposed_form_options[bef][{$id}][more_options][bef_filter_description]" => $this
        "exposed_form_options[bef][{$id}][more_options][bef_collapsible]" => TRUE,
      foreach ($edit as $name => $expected) {
          ->assertFieldByName($name, $expected);

    // Ensure View-based settings are preserved on save.
    $edit = array(
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][input_required]' => 1,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][allow_secondary]' => 1,
    foreach ($edit as $name => $expected) {
        ->assertFieldByName($name, $expected);

    // This filter cannot use BEF settings. Ensure only generic settings are
    // available for open text filters.
      ->assertNoFieldByName('exposed_form_options[bef][title][bef_format]', 'bef');
    $edit = array(
      "exposed_form_options[bef][{$id}][more_options][bef_filter_description]" => $this
      "exposed_form_options[bef][{$id}][more_options][bef_collapsible]" => TRUE,
    foreach ($edit as $name => $expected) {
        ->assertFieldByName($name, $expected);

class BEF_TestRadios extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF radio button tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering filters as radio buttons.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify BEF radio buttons are rendered correctly on a page view.
  public function test_befPageDisplayRadios() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Verify radio button rendering with the node type filter.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][bef_format]' => 'bef',
      ->assertText(t('Type'), 'Exposed "Type" filter title renders correctly.');

    // Exposed filter options render as radio buttons.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type" and @type="radio" and @id="edit-type-all"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type" and @type="radio" and @id="edit-type-article"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type" and @type="radio" and @id="edit-type-page"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type" and @type="radio" and @id="edit-type-bef-test"]');

    // Now try it in a with the collapsible option.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][more_options][bef_collapsible]' => TRUE,

    // Exposed filter is shown as radio buttons enclosed within a fieldset.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="type" and @type="radio" and @id="edit-type-all"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="type" and @type="radio" and @id="edit-type-article"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="type" and @type="radio" and @id="edit-type-page"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="type" and @type="radio" and @id="edit-type-bef-test"]');

    // Filter label is used as the fieldset legend
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//legend[* = "Type"]');

class BEF_TestCheckboxes extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF checkbox tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering filter options as checkboxes.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify that checkboxes are rendered correctly on a page display
  public function test_befPageDisplayCheckboxes() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Verify checkbox rendering with the node type filter.
      ->addFilter('node.type', array(
      'options[expose][multiple]' => TRUE,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][bef_format]' => 'bef',
      ->assertText(t('Type'), 'Exposed "Type" filter title renders correctly.');

    // Exposed filter option render as checkboxes.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type[]" and @type="checkbox" and @id="edit-type-article"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type[]" and @type="checkbox" and @id="edit-type-page"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type[]" and @type="checkbox" and @id="edit-type-bef-test"]');

    // Verify classes added for select all/none functionality.
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "bef-select-all-none")]');
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][more_options][bef_select_all_none]' => TRUE,
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "bef-select-all-none")]');

    // Now try it in a with the collapsible option.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][more_options][bef_collapsible]' => TRUE,

    // Exposed filter is shown as checkboxes enclosed within a fieldset.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="type[]" and @type="checkbox" and @id="edit-type-article"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="type[]" and @type="checkbox" and @id="edit-type-page"]');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="type[]" and @type="checkbox" and @id="edit-type-bef-test"]');

    // Filter label is used as the fieldset legend
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//legend[* = "Type"]');

    // Test the select all/none option in fieldsets.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//div[contains(@class, "bef-select-all-none")]');

class BEF_TestHidden extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF hidden tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering filter options as hidden elements.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify hidden exposed filters are rendered correctly on a page display
   * @TODO: check the functionality of a multi-pass filter using hidden BEF
   * settings.
  public function test_befPageDisplayHidden() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Verify multi-selection hidden elements with node->type.
      ->addFilter('node.type', array(
      'options[expose][multiple]' => TRUE,

    // Verify single-selection hidden elements with node->status.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][bef_format]' => 'bef_hidden',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][status_1][bef_format]' => 'bef_hidden',
      ->assertNoText(t('Type'), 'Exposed "Type" filter title does not show for hidden elements.');
      ->assertNoText(t('Published'), 'Exposed "Published" filter title does not show for hidden elements.');

    // Exposed filter option render as checkboxes.
    // @todo: Need to fix these.
    // $this->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type[]" and @type="hidden"]');
    // $this->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="status_1" and @type="hidden"]');

class BEF_TestTaxonomyFilters extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF taxonomy filter tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering of taxonomy filters.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify taxonomy-based exposed filters display correctly as both radio
   * buttons and checkboxes
  public function test_befTaxonomyFilters() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Not sure why I can't get the Features-based functionality to work without
    // pulling up the modules page, but it works...

    // Add three terms with two children each to the vocab defined in
    // bef_test_content.
    $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_machine_name_load('taxonomy-bef_test-location');
    $parents = array();
    foreach (array(
    ) as $name) {
      $term = new stdClass();
      $term->vid = $vocab->vid;
      $term->name = $name;
      $parents[$term->tid] = $term->name;
    foreach (array(
    ) as $name) {
      foreach ($parents as $pid => $pname) {
        $term = new stdClass();
        $term->vid = $vocab->vid;
        $term->name = "{$pname} {$name}";
        $term->parent = $pid;

    // Add a heirarchical taxonomy filter from the BEF test feature.
      ->addFilter('field_data_field_bef_test_location.field_bef_test_location_tid', array(), array(
      'options[type]' => 'select',
      'options[hierarchy]' => TRUE,

    // Verify settings available to a heirarchical taxonomy filter.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_location_tid][bef_format]' => 'bef_ul',

    // Verify taxonomy filter as radio buttons
      ->assertText(t('Location (field_bef_test_location)'), 'Verify exposed filter label');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="field_bef_test_location_tid" and @type="radio"]', NULL, 'Verify exposed filter is shown as radio buttons');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//ul[@class="bef-tree"]/li//label[@for="edit-field-bef-test-location-tid-all"]', NULL, 'Verify "- Any -" is in the top level of heirarchy.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//ul[@class="bef-tree"]/li//label[@for="edit-field-bef-test-location-tid-1"]', NULL, 'Verify "parent1" is in the top level of heirarchy.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//ul[@class="bef-tree"]/li/ul/li//label[@for="edit-field-bef-test-location-tid-4"]', NULL, 'Verify "parent1 child1" is in the second level of heirarchy.');

class BEF_TestSort extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF sort tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering exposed sort options.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify exposed sorts, including the combined sort/operator option and
   * option rewriting, work with BEF.
  public function test_befExposedSort() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Add an exposed sort

    // Double-check that expose sort order is checked.
      'exposed_form_options[expose_sort_order]' => TRUE,

    // Verify basic options
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][sort][bef_format]"]/option', 'Default select list');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][sort][bef_format]"]/option', 'Radio Buttons');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][sort][bef_format]"]/option', 'Links');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][sort][bef_format]"]/option', 'Toggle Links');

    // Verify combined sort order and sort by.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][sort][advanced][combine]' => TRUE,
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="sort_bef_combine"]/option', 'title DESC');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="sort_bef_combine"]/option', 'title ASC');

    // And rewrite the combined sort options.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][sort][advanced][combine]' => TRUE,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][sort][advanced][combine_rewrite]' => "Title Desc|Going down\nTitle Asc|Going up",
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="sort_bef_combine"]/option', 'Going up');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="sort_bef_combine"]/option', 'Going down');

    // @todo: add tests for correct rendering of Links and Toggle links options.

class BEF_TestSliders extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF slider tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering filters jQueryUI sliders.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify the correct classes are placed on exposed form elements and
   * correct JS files are loaded to display jQuery UI sliders.
  public function test_befSliders() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Not sure why I can't get the Features-based functionality to work without
    // pulling up the modules page, but it works...

    // Verify slider rendering using the Numbers field from the BEF test content
    // type.
      ->addFilter('field_data_field_bef_test_price.field_bef_test_price_value', array(
      'options[operator]' => 'between',

    // Verify the slider option appears for integer fields
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_integer_value][bef_format]"]/option', 'Default select list');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_integer_value][bef_format]"]/option', 'jQuery UI slider');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][bef_format]"]/option', 'Default select list');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][bef_format]"]/option', 'jQuery UI slider');

    // Set both fields to use sliders using the default slider options. Integer
    // should render as a single slider, Price should render as two because of
    // the "between" operator. But we can't test the creation of the sliders as
    // Simpletest ignores JavaScript, so we just verify the settings and
    // necessary files are there.
      // Just use the default values for this one.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_integer_value][bef_format]' => 'bef_slider',
      // More complicated option for this one.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][bef_format]' => 'bef_slider',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][slider_options][bef_slider_min]' => 100,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][slider_options][bef_slider_max]' => 5000,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][slider_options][bef_slider_step]' => 250,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][slider_options][bef_slider_animate]' => 'normal',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][slider_options][bef_slider_orientation]' => 'vertical',
    ), t('The range of the slider (Range maximum - Range minimum) should be evenly divisible by the step.'));
      ->drupalPost(NULL, array(
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_price_value][slider_options][bef_slider_step]' => 100,
    ), 'Apply');
    $settings = $this
    $settings = $settings['better_exposed_filters'];
      ->assertTrue($settings['slider'], 'BEF slider setting is TRUE');

    // Check slider options are passed from the settings page to JavaScript.
    // Note that we skip the
      ->assertEqual($settings['slider_options']['field_bef_test_integer_value'], array(
      'min' => '0',
      'max' => '99999',
      'step' => '1',
      'animate' => '',
      'orientation' => 'horizontal',
      'id' => 'field-bef-test-integer-value',
      'viewId' => 'views-exposed-form-' . $this->view['machine_name'] . '-page-1',
      ->assertEqual($settings['slider_options']['field_bef_test_price_value'], array(
      'min' => '100',
      'max' => '5000',
      'step' => '100',
      'animate' => 'normal',
      'orientation' => 'vertical',
      'id' => 'field-bef-test-price-value',
      'viewId' => 'views-exposed-form-' . $this->view['machine_name'] . '-page-1',

class BEF_TestDatepicker extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF datepicker tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering filter options as a jQueryUI Datepicker.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verifies Datepicker options using Drupal core date fields.
  public function test_befDatepicker() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Verify Datepicker rendering using the Numbers field from the BEF test
    // content type.

    // Verify the datepicker option appears for core date fields.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][created][bef_format]"]/option', 'Default select list');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][created][bef_format]"]/option', 'jQuery UI Datepicker');
      'exposed_form_options[bef][created][bef_format]' => 'bef_datepicker',
    $settings = $this
    $settings = $settings['better_exposed_filters'];
      ->assertTrue($settings['datepicker'], 'BEF datepicker setting is TRUE');

   * Verifies Datepicker options using a custom (Date module) date field.
  public function test_befDatepickerCustom() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Not sure why I can't get the Features-based functionality to work without
    // pulling up the modules page, but it works...

    // Verify datepicker rendering using the Numbers field from the BEF test
    // content type.
      ->addFilter('field_data_field_bef_test_date.field_bef_test_date_value', array(), array(
      'options[form_type]' => 'date_text',

    // Verify the datepicker option appears for custom date fields.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_date_value][bef_format]"]/option', 'Default select list');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@name="exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_date_value][bef_format]"]/option', 'jQuery UI Datepicker');
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_date_value][bef_format]' => 'bef_datepicker',
    $settings = $this
    $settings = $settings['better_exposed_filters'];
      ->assertTrue($settings['datepicker'], 'BEF datepicker setting is TRUE');
      ->assertTrue(!empty($settings['datepicker_options']['dateFormat']), 'BEF datepicker setting is TRUE');

class BEF_TestLinks extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF links tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering filter options as toggle links.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify filters rendered as links.
  public function test_befFilterLinks() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Verify link rendering with the node type filter.
      ->addFilter('node.type', array(
      'options[expose][multiple]' => TRUE,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][bef_format]' => 'bef_links',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][status_1][bef_format]' => 'bef_links',

    // @todo A couple of assertions are disabled here to make the 7.x branch
    // pass the tests for now. We need to find out what the correct behavior
    // here is since it seems to have changed. Disabled assertions are marked
    // with ///.
    // Verify the type filter, which is multi-select.

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-type-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-type-article"]/a[contains(@href, "?type[0]=article")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "article" filter');

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-type-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-type-page"]/a[contains(@href, "?type[0]=page")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "page" filter');

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-type-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-type-bef-test"]/a[contains(@href, "?type[0]=bef_test")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "bef test" filter');

    // None of the type filter options should be marked as "active."
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-type-wrapper"]//a[contains(@class, "Active")]', NULL, 'No "type" link options are marked as "active"');

    // Verify the status filter, which is single select.

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-1"]/a[contains(@href, "?status_1=1")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "status: yes" filter');

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-0"]/a[contains(@href, "?status_1=0")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "status: no" filter');

    // None of the status filter options should be marked as "active."
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//a[contains(@class, "Active")]', NULL, 'No "status" link options are marked as "active"');

    // Click the published/yes link and verify the filter links update.

    // Verify the type filter, which is multi-select.

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-type-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-type-article"]/a[contains(@href, "?status_1=1&type[0]=article")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "article" filter');

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-type-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-type-page"]/a[contains(@href, "?status_1=1&type[0]=page")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "page" filter');

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-type-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-type-bef-test"]/a[contains(@href, "?status_1=1&type[0]=bef_test")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "bef test" filter');

    // None of the type filter options should be marked as "active."
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-type-wrapper"]//a[contains(@class, "Active")]', NULL, 'No "type" link options are marked as "active"');

    // Verify the status filter, which is single select.

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-1"]/a[contains(@href, "?status_1=1")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "status: yes" filter');

    /// $this->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-0"]/a[contains(@href, "?status_1=0")]', NULL, 'Correct link for "status: no" filter');

    // Just the "yes" option should be marked as "active."
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-1"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: yes" filter');
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-0"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: no" filter');

    // Verify correct links and "active" settings for non-required, boolean
    // filters. See
      ->editFilter('status_1', array(
      'options[expose][required]' => FALSE,

    // No default filters so nothing should be marked as active.
    // @TODO: Views is giving us an $element['#value'] = FALSE which leads to
    // the "No" option being marked as active. There is no reason that #value
    // should be set, as far as I can tell. Because I'm not sure if this is a
    // Views bug or assumption, I'm leaving this test out for now.

    //$this->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Nothing marked as "active"');

    // Clicking "no" should mark that option as active.
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-all"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: any" filter');
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-1"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: yes" filter');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-0"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: no" filter');

    // Clicking "any" should mark that option as active.
      ->clickLink('- Any -');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-all"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: any" filter');
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-1"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: yes" filter');
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-0"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: no" filter');

    // Verify correct "active" settings for filters with default values.
      ->editFilter('status_1', array(
      'options[expose][required]' => FALSE,
      'options[value]' => 0,
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-all"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: any" filter');
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-1"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: yes" filter');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-status-1-wrapper"]//div[@id="edit-status-1-0"]/a[contains(@class, "active")]', NULL, 'Correct "active" setting for the "status: no" filter');

class BEF_TestSecondaryFilters extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF secondary filter tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rendering filter options within the secondary filter fieldset.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Basic coverage for filters rendered in secondary options fieldsets. See
   * @todo near the end of this test.
  public function test_befSecondaryFilters() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Add the node.type filter as a multi-select filter.
      ->addFilter('node.type', array(
      'options[expose][multiple]' => TRUE,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][allow_secondary]' => 1,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][secondary_label]' => 'Custom Label',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][secondary_collapse_override]' => 0,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][more_options][is_secondary]' => 1,

    // Verify a collapsed fieldset exists with the correct label.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset[contains(@class, "collapsible") and contains(@class, "collapsed")]', NULL, 'Collapsible fieldset for secondary options starts collapsed/');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset/legend/span', 'Custom Label', 'Collapsible fieldset has the correct custom label');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset//select[@name="type[]"]', NULL, 'The node.type filter is within the secondary fieldset');

    // Select an option and make sure the fieldset is expanded when rendered.
      ->drupalGet('bef_test_page', array(
      'query' => array(
        'type' => 'page',
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset[contains(@class, "collapsible") and not(contains(@class, "collapsed"))]', NULL, 'Collapsible fieldset starts open');

    // Verify force-open and force-closed fieldset options.
      // Always render opened.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][secondary_collapse_override]' => 1,
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset[contains(@class, "collapsible") and not(contains(@class, "collapsed"))]', NULL, 'Collapsible fieldset starts open');
      // Always render closed.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][secondary_collapse_override]' => 2,
      ->drupalGet('bef_test_page', array(
      'query' => array(
        'type' => 'page',
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset[contains(@class, "collapsible") and contains(@class, "collapsed")]', NULL, 'Collapsible fieldset starts closed');

    // Verify fieldset is collapsed/expanded when a custom filter ID is set.
    // @TODO: Consider refactoring so we can leverage all existing tests to use
    // custom filter ID's...
      ->editFilter('node.type', array(
      'options[expose][identifier]' => 'custom_id',
      // Use default open/closed rendering.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][secondary_collapse_override]' => 0,

    // Verify a collapsed fieldset exists with the correct label.
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset[contains(@class, "collapsible") and contains(@class, "collapsed")]', NULL, 'Collapsible fieldset for secondary options, starts collapsed.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset//select[@name="custom_id[]"]', NULL, 'The node.type filter is within the secondary fieldset');

    // Select an option and make sure the fieldset is expanded when rendered.
      ->drupalGet('bef_test_page', array(
      'query' => array(
        'custom_id' => 'page',
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[@id="edit-secondary-wrapper"]//fieldset[contains(@class, "collapsible") and not(contains(@class, "collapsed"))]', NULL, 'Collapsible fieldset starts open');

    // Add an in-between filter and verify it renders correctly.
      ->addFilter('field_data_field_bef_test_integer.field_bef_test_integer_value', array(
      'options[operator]' => 'between',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][allow_secondary]' => 1,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][secondary_label]' => 'Custom Label',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][secondary_collapse_override]' => 0,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_bef_test_integer_value][more_options][is_secondary]' => 1,

    // Verify labels for the min and max fields.
    // Note: Both labels have a trailing space which is added by Views... I
    // assume to provide some visual whitespace between the label and widget if
    // they are arranged horizontally. I imagine that'll change at some point as
    // it's a terrible way to add some padding to an element!
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//label[@for="edit-field-bef-test-integer-value-min"]', 'Integer (field_bef_test_integer) ', 'Label appears for in-between filters in secondary fieldsets.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//label[@for="edit-field-bef-test-integer-value-max"]', 'And ', 'In-between filter has correct label between min and max inputs');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//label[@for="edit-custom-id"]', 'Type ', 'Single input filter has correct label');

class BEF_TestRewrite extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF rewrite tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies rewriting filter and sort options.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verify rewriting works for filter options
  public function test_befFilterRewrite() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Add a node type filter set to allow multiple selections.
      ->addFilter('node.type', array(
      'options[expose][multiple]' => TRUE,

    // Add a node status filter set to allow a single selection.

    // Add a few terms to the Tags vocab and a Tags filter to the view.
    // Verify values that PHP equates to empty.
    $term1 = new stdClass();
    $term1->name = "0";
    $term1->vid = 1;

    // Verify values with accents.
    $term2 = new stdClass();
    $term2->name = "Tèstiñg Térm";
    $term2->vid = 1;
      ->addFilter('field_data_field_tags.field_tags_tid', array(), array(
      // Choose the dropdown option for term filter, without hierarchy shown.
      'options[type]' => 'select',
      'options[hierarchy]' => '0',

    // Add some exposed sort options.

    // Set rewrite for single and multiple selection filters.
      'exposed_form_options[bef][status_1][more_options][rewrite][filter_rewrite_values]' => "Yes|Hell yeah!\nNo|Booo...",
      'exposed_form_options[bef][type][more_options][rewrite][filter_rewrite_values]' => "bef_test|This is a test\nArticle|",
      'exposed_form_options[bef][field_tags_tid][more_options][rewrite][filter_rewrite_values]' => $term1->name . "|The first one\n" . $term2->name . '|' . $term2->name . ' rewritten',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][sort][advanced][combine]' => '1',
      'exposed_form_options[bef][sort][advanced][combine_rewrite]' => "Post date Asc|Oldest first\nPost date Desc|Newest first\nTitle Asc|A -> Z\nTitle Desc|",
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-type"]/option', 'This is a test', 'Rerwrite of the filter option "bef_test" in "Type" filter');
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-type"]/option', 'Article', 'Rerwrite of the filter option "article" to null in "Type" filter.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-status-1"]/option', 'Hell yeah!', 'Rerwrite of the filter option "Yes" in "Published" filter.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-status-1"]/option', 'Booo...', 'Rerwrite of the filter option "No" in "Published" filter.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-field-tags-tid"]/option', 'The first one', 'Rerwrite of the filter value "0" in "Tags (field_tags)" filter.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-field-tags-tid"]/option', $term2->name . ' rewritten', 'Rerwrite of a filter option with accents in "Tags (field_tags)" filter.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-sort-bef-combine"]/option', 'Oldest first', 'Rerwrite of an exposed combined sort option.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-sort-bef-combine"]/option', 'Newest first', 'Rerwrite of an exposed combined sort option.');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-sort-bef-combine"]/option', 'A -> Z', 'Rerwrite of an exposed combined sort option.');
      ->assertNoFieldByXpath('//select[@id="edit-sort-bef-combine"]/option', 'Title Desc', 'Removal of an exposed combined sort option through rewriting it to NULL.');

class BEF_TestMisc extends BEF_TestBase {

   * Describes these tests to the testing framework.
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF miscellaneous tests',
      'description' => 'Verifies misc BEF functional.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',
      'dependencies' => array(

   * Verifies the "Require input..." option.
  public function test_befRequireInput() {

    // Create a page display to validate rendering.
      ->createDisplay('Page', array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => 'bef_test_page',

    // Add the node.type filter as a multi-select filter.
      ->addFilter('node.type', array(
      'options[expose][multiple]' => TRUE,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][input_required]' => 1,
      'exposed_form_options[bef][general][allow_secondary]' => 1,

    // Verify the "Text on demand" is shown.
      ->assertText(t('Select any filter and click on Apply to see results'), '"Empty" text should show on initial display.');
