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better_exposed_filters.test in Better Exposed Filters 6

Tests for the Better Exposed Filters module @author mikeker


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// $Id$

 * @file Tests for the Better Exposed Filters module
 * @author mikeker

 * Functional test for Better Exposed Filters
class BEF_TestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $view_name;
  protected $privileged_user;
  protected $views_version;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'BEF Basic functionality tests',
      'description' => 'Basic tests for Better Exposed Filters.',
      'group' => 'Better Exposed Filters',

   * After setup() runs, the test suite will have access to:
   *    - $this->privileged_user: User with 'administer views' privileges.
   *    - $this->view_name: A view with:
   *        - node->title, node->status and node->type exposed filters
   *        - node->title as a displayed field
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('views', 'views_ui', 'better_exposed_filters');

    // Enable any modules required for the test
    // @TODO: Is there a better way?  Hopefully...
    $this->views_version = substr(views_api_version(), 0, 1);

    // User with edit views perms
    $this->privileged_user = $this
      'access content',
      'administer views',

    // Build a basic view
    $this->view_name = $this
      ->drupalPost('admin/build/views/add', array(
      'name' => $this->view_name,
    ), 'Next');

    // Add filters to the default display

    // Add field to default display

   * Verify BEF options display for binary and unlimited option fields
  public function testsimpletest_befOptionsExist() {

    // Check node->status (binary type)
      ->assertText(t('Display exposed filter as'), 'Verify BEF settings dropdown label displays', 'Better Exposed Filters');

    // Check node->status (binary type)
      ->assertText(t('Display exposed filter as'), 'Verify BEF settings dropdown label displays', 'Better Exposed Filters');

   * Verify BEF options are saved and redisplayed properly
   * @TODO: Need to extend this to cover filters in derived vs. default displays as well as editing
   *        default filter options from derived displays
  public function testsimpletest_befOptionsSave() {
    $edit = array(
      'options[expose][bef_format]' => 'bef',
      'options[expose][bef_filter_description]' => $this
      'options[expose][bef_select_all_none]' => TRUE,
      'options[expose][bef_collapsible]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/nojs/config-item/{$this->view_name}/default/filter/status", $edit, 'Update');
    foreach ($edit as $name => $expected) {
        ->assertFieldByName($name, $expected);

   * Verify BEF radio buttons are rendered correctly on a page view
  public function testsimpletest_befPageDisplayRadios() {
    $bef_settings = array(
      'bef_format' => 'bef',
      'bef_filter_description' => $this
      'bef_select_all_none' => TRUE,
      ->_befExposedFilterSettings('status', $bef_settings);

    // Add a page view to the default view
    $settings = array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => $this
      ->_befCreateDisplay('page', $settings);
      ->assertText(t('Published'), 'Verify exposed filter label', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="status" and @type="radio"]', NULL, 'Exposed filter is shown as radio buttons', 'Better Exposed Filters');

   * Verify BEF radio buttons are rendered correctly in a fieldset (collapsible == TRUE)
  public function testsimpletest_befPageDisplayRadiosFieldset() {
    $bef_settings = array(
      'bef_format' => 'bef',
      'bef_filter_description' => $this
      'bef_select_all_none' => TRUE,
      'bef_collapsible' => TRUE,
      ->_befExposedFilterSettings('status', $bef_settings);

    // Add a page view to the default view
    $settings = array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => $this
      ->_befCreateDisplay('page', $settings);
      ->assertText(t('Published'), 'Verify exposed filter label', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="status" and @type="radio"]', NULL, 'Radio buttons are enclosed by a fieldset', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset/legend', t('Published'), 'Filter label is used as the fieldset legend', 'Better Exposed Filters');

   * Verify that checkboxes are rendered correctly on a page display
  public function testsimpletest_befPageDisplayCheckboxes() {

    // Exposed the type filter such that it allows multiple selections
    $bef_settings = array(
      'bef_format' => 'bef',
      'bef_filter_description' => $this
      'bef_select_all_none' => TRUE,
      'single' => FALSE,
      ->_befExposedFilterSettings('type', $bef_settings);

    // Add a page view to the default view
    $settings = array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => $this
      ->_befCreateDisplay('page', $settings);
      ->assertText(t('Node: Type'), 'Verify exposed filter label', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="type[]" and @type="checkbox"]', NULL, 'Exposed filter is shown as checkboxes', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "bef-select-all-none")]', NULL, 'Class is set correctly for JS to build select all/none links', 'Beter Exposed Filters');

   * Verify that checkboxes are rendered correctly on a page display
  public function testsimpletest_befPageDisplayCheckboxesFieldset() {

    // Exposed the type filter such that it allows multiple selections
    $bef_settings = array(
      'bef_format' => 'bef',
      'bef_filter_description' => $this
      'bef_select_all_none' => TRUE,
      'bef_collapsible' => TRUE,
      'single' => FALSE,
      ->_befExposedFilterSettings('type', $bef_settings);

    // Add a page view to the default view
    $settings = array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => $this
      ->_befCreateDisplay('page', $settings);
      ->assertText(t('Node: Type'), 'Verify exposed filter label', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//input[@name="type[]" and @type="checkbox"]', NULL, 'Radio buttons are enclosed by a fieldset', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset//div[contains(@class, "bef-select-all-none")]', NULL, 'Class is set correctly for JS to build select all/none links', 'Beter Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//fieldset/legend', t('Node: Type'), 'Filter label is used as the fieldset legend', 'Better Exposed Filters');

   * Verify hidden exposed filters are rendered correctly on a page display
   * @TODO: check the functionality of a multi-pass filter using hidden BEF settings.
  public function testsimpletest_befPageDisplayHidden() {
      ->_befExposedFilterSettings('type', array(
      'bef_format' => 'bef_hidden',

    // Add a page view to the default view
    $settings = array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => $this
      ->_befCreateDisplay('page', $settings);
      ->assertNoText(t('Node: Type'), 'Verify hidden label does not appear', 'Better Exposed Filters');

   * Verify taxonomy-based exposed filters display correctly as both radio buttons and checkboxes
  public function testsimpletest_befTaxonomyFilters() {
    $this->taxonomy_user = $this
      'access content',
      'administer views',
      'administer taxonomy',

    // Add a vocabulary and populate with a few terms
    $edit = array(
      'name' => 'BEF test vocab',
      'nodes[page]' => TRUE,
      'nodes[story]' => TRUE,
      ->drupalPost('admin/content/taxonomy/add/vocabulary', $edit, 'Save');
    $terms = array(
    foreach ($terms as $term) {
        ->drupalPost('admin/content/taxonomy/1/add/term', array(
        'name' => $term,
      ), 'Save');

    // Exposed the taxonomy filter
    $addl = array(
      'options[vid]' => TRUE,
      'options[type]' => 'select',
      'options[hierarchy]' => FALSE,
      ->_befAddFilter('term_node.tid', TRUE, 'default', $addl);

    // Exposed filter settings
    $bef_settings = array(
      'bef_format' => 'bef',
      'bef_filter_description' => $this
      ->_befExposedFilterSettings('tid', $bef_settings);

    // Add a page view to the default view
    $settings = array(
      'path' => array(
        'path' => $this
      ->_befCreateDisplay('page', $settings);

    // Verify taxonomy filter as radio buttons
      ->assertText(t('Taxonomy: Term'), 'Verify exposed filter label', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="tid" and @type="radio"]', NULL, 'Exposed filter is shown as radio buttons', 'Better Exposed Filters');

    // Set Force single to FALSE to display as checkboxes and set select all/none option
    $bef_settings = array(
      'bef_select_all_none' => TRUE,
      'single' => FALSE,
      ->_befExposedFilterSettings('tid', $bef_settings);

    // Verify taxonomy filter as checkboxes
      ->assertText(t('Taxonomy: Term'), 'Verify exposed filter label', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//input[@name="tid[]" and @type="checkbox"]', NULL, 'Exposed filter is shown as checkboxes', 'Better Exposed Filters');
      ->assertFieldByXpath('//div[contains(@class, "bef-select-all-none")]', NULL, 'Class is set correctly for JS to build select all/none links', 'Beter Exposed Filters');

   * Helper functions -- mostly to deal with differences between Views 2.x and 3.x

   * Creates a display of $type.  Currently supports:
   *    'page'
   * Also, accepts an associative array of settings in the form of:
   *      'setting_path' => array('form_element' => value, ...),
   *      'setting_path' => array('form_element' => value, ...),
   *      ...
   * where 'link_name' is the name of the setting link and the array is settings for
   * resulting form.
   * For example, to create a new page and set the path to a random name:
   *      $settings = array('path' => $this->randomName(16);
   *      $this->_befCreateDisplay('page', $settings);
  protected function _befCreateDisplay($type = 'page', $settings = NULL) {
    $view_edit_url = "admin/build/views/edit/{$this->view_name}";

    // Add a display of $type to the view
      ->drupalPost($view_edit_url, array(
      'display' => $type,
    ), 'Add display');

    // Grab the name of the newly created view out of the URL anchor text
    $url = $this
    preg_match('/(.*)#(.*)/', $url, $matches);
    $display_name = str_replace('views-tab-', '', $matches[2]);
    $display_edit_url = "admin/build/views/nojs/display/{$this->view_name}/{$display_name}";
    foreach ($settings as $path => $page_settings) {
        ->drupalPost("{$display_edit_url}/{$path}", $page_settings, 'Update');

    // Save the view
      ->drupalPost($view_edit_url, array(), 'Save');

   * Adds a specified filter to the view.
   * @param $field in the form of node.field or, for CCK fields ???.CCK_field_name
   * @param $exposed
   * @param $display
  protected function _befAddFilter($field, $exposed = TRUE, $display = 'default', $additional = array()) {
    $edit = array(
      "name[{$field}]" => TRUE,
    $field_name = preg_replace('/.*\\./', '', $field);
    $view = $this->view_name;
      ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/nojs/add-item/{$view}/{$display}/filter", $edit, 'Add');

    // For taxonomy filters, use info in $additional to configure the filter.
    if (0 === strpos($field, 'term_node.')) {
        ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/nojs/config-item-extra/{$view}/{$display}/filter/{$field_name}", $additional, 'Update');
    if ($exposed) {
        ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/nojs/config-item/{$view}/{$display}/filter/{$field_name}", array(), 'Expose');
      ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/nojs/config-item/{$view}/{$display}/filter/{$field_name}", array(), 'Update');
  protected function _befAddField($field, $settings = array(), $display = 'default') {
    $edit = array(
      "name[{$field}]" => TRUE,
    $field_name = preg_replace('/.*\\./', '', $field);
    $view = $this->view_name;
      ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/nojs/add-item/{$view}/{$display}/field", $edit, 'Add');
      ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/nojs/config-item/{$view}/{$display}/field/{$field_name}", $settings, 'Update');

   * Specifies specific settings for an exposed filter for a given display
   * NOTE: In Views 3.x, some of what used to be in the Configure Filteres dialog has moved to the
   *       Configure Exposed Form dialog.
   * @param string $filter - name of the filter
   * @param array $settings - array of form elements => value entries
   * @return $settings array merged with default values
  protected function _befExposedFilterSettings($filter, $settings = array(), $display = 'default') {
    $processed_settings = array();
    foreach ($settings as $elem => $setting) {
      $processed_settings["options[expose][{$elem}]"] = $setting;


    //    foreach ($processed_settings as $item) {
    //      $this->verbose("processed_setting: $item");
    //    }

    if ($this->views_version == 2) {

      //      $this->drupalGet("admin/build/views/nojs/config-item/$this->view_name/$display/filter/$filter");
        ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/nojs/config-item/{$this->view_name}/{$display}/filter/{$filter}", $processed_settings, 'Update');
    else {

      // All BEF settings are now in the Exposed Form dialog.

    return $settings;

   * Saves the view
   * @return unknown_type
  protected function _befSaveView() {
      ->drupalPost("admin/build/views/edit/{$this->view_name}", array(), 'Save');



Namesort descending Description
BEF_TestCase Functional test for Better Exposed Filters