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Functions in Better Exposed Filters 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bef_checkbox ./better_exposed_filters.theme Build a BEF checkbox -- very similar to theme_checkbox ( 2
bef_replace_query_string_arg ./better_exposed_filters.theme Replaces/adds a given query string argument to the current URL 1
bef_sort_combine_submit ./better_exposed_filters.module 1
better_exposed_filters_theme ./better_exposed_filters.module Implements hook_theme().
better_exposed_filters_views_api ./better_exposed_filters.module Implements hook_views_api().
better_exposed_filters_views_plugins ./ Implements hook_views_plugins().
theme_select_as_checkboxes ./better_exposed_filters.theme Themes a select element as a set of checkboxes 1
theme_select_as_checkboxes_fieldset ./better_exposed_filters.theme Themes a select element as a collection of checkboxes enclosed in a collapsible fieldset 1
theme_select_as_hidden ./better_exposed_filters.theme Themes a select element as a series of hidden fields 1
theme_select_as_links ./better_exposed_filters.theme Themes a select drop-down as a collection of links 1
theme_select_as_radios ./better_exposed_filters.theme Themes a select drop-down as a collection of radio buttons 1
theme_select_as_radios_fieldset ./better_exposed_filters.theme Themes a select element as a collection of radio buttons enclosed in a collapsible fieldset 1
theme_select_as_tree ./better_exposed_filters.theme Themes a taxonomy-based exposed filter select element as a nested unordered list. Note: this routine depends on the '-' char prefixed on the term names by Views to determine depth. 1

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