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function theme_select_as_checkboxes_details in Better Exposed Filters 8.3

Themes a select element as checkboxes enclosed in a details element.


array $vars: An array of arrays, the 'element' item holds the properties of the element

Return value

string HTML representing the form element.


./better_exposed_filters.theme, line 18
Provides theming functions to display exposed forms using different interfaces.


function theme_select_as_checkboxes_details($vars) {

  // Merge incoming element with some default values. Prevents a lot of this.
  // $foo = isset($bar) ? $bar : $bar_default;
  $element = array_merge(array(
    '#bef_title' => '',
    '#bef_description' => '',
    '#bef_operator' => array(),
  ), $vars['element']);
  $details = array(
    '#title' => $element['#bef_title'],
    '#description' => $element['#bef_description'],
    '#attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
  if (empty($element['#value'])) {

    // Using the FAPI #collapsible and #collapsed attribute doesn't work here
    // TODO: not sure why...
    $details['#attributes']['class'][] = 'collapsed';

  // We rendered the description as part of the details element, don't render
  // it again along with the checkboxes.
  $children = '';
  if (!empty($element['#bef_operator'])) {

    // Put an exposed operator inside the details element.
    $children = drupal_render($element['#bef_operator']);

  // Render the checkboxes.
  // @TODO: Render in a template
  $children .= theme('select_as_checkboxes', array(
    'element' => $element,
  $details['#children'] = $children;

  // @TODO: Render in a template
  return theme('fieldset', array(
    'element' => $details,