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class PanelizerEntityBean in Bean (for Drupal 7) 7

Panelizer Entity bean plugin class.

Handles bean specific functionality for Panelizer.


Expanded class hierarchy of PanelizerEntityBean

1 string reference to 'PanelizerEntityBean' in plugins/entity/


plugins/entity/PanelizerEntityBean.class.php, line 13
Class for the Panelizer bean entity plugin.

View source
class PanelizerEntityBean extends PanelizerEntityDefault {
  public $supports_revisions = TRUE;
  public $entity_admin_root = 'admin/structure/block-types/manage/%bean_type_panelizer';
  public $entity_admin_bundle = 4;
  public $views_table = 'bean';
  public $uses_page_manager = FALSE;

   * Access callback.
  public function entity_access($op, $entity) {

    // This must be implemented by the extending class.
    return bean_access($op, $entity);

   * Implement the save function for the entity.
  public function entity_save($entity) {

   * Define the visible identifier of the identity.
  public function entity_identifier($entity) {
    return t('This bean');

   * Define the name of bundles on the entity.
  public function entity_bundle_label() {
    return t('bean type');

   * Determine if the entity allows revisions.
  public function entity_allows_revisions($entity) {
    $bean_type_name = $entity->type;
    $retval = array();
    $retval[0] = TRUE;
    $retval[1] = user_access("edit any {$bean_type_name} bean");
    $retval[2] = TRUE;
    return $retval;

   * Implements a delegated hook_form_alter.
   * We want to add Panelizer settings for the bundle to the bean type form.
  public function hook_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
    if ($form_id == 'bean_admin_ui_type_form') {
      if (isset($form['bean_type'])) {
        $bundle = $form['bean_type']['#value']->type;
          ->add_bundle_setting_form($form, $form_state, $bundle, array(

   * Implements a delegated hook_page_alter.
   * Add panelizer links to the block types page.
  public function hook_page_alter(&$page) {
    if ($_GET['q'] == 'admin/structure/block-types' && !empty($page['content']['system_main']['bean_table'])) {

      // shortcut
      $table =& $page['content']['system_main']['bean_table'];

      // Modify the header.
      $table['#header'][2]['colspan'] = 5;
      $bean_info = bean_entity_info();
      $names = $bean_info['bean']['bundles'];
      foreach ($names as $bundle => $name) {

        // @see bean_admin_ui_admin_page() for information on why we have to
        // append '_0'.
        $type_url_str = str_replace(' ', '', $name['label'] . '_0');
        if ($this
          ->is_panelized($bundle) && panelizer_administer_entity_bundle($this, $bundle)) {
          $table['#rows'][$type_url_str][] = array(
            'data' => l(t('panelizer'), 'admin/structure/block-types/manage/' . $bundle . '/panelizer'),
        else {
          $table['#rows'][$type_url_str][] = array(
            'data' => '',

   * Provides the base panelizer URL for a bean entity.
   * We override the parent function in order to use the delta rather than raw
   * bean id.
  function entity_base_url($entity, $view_mode = NULL) {
    $bits = explode('/', $this->plugin['entity path']);
    foreach ($bits as $count => $bit) {
      if (strpos($bit, '%') === 0) {
        $bits[$count] = $entity->delta;
    $bits[] = 'panelizer';
    if ($view_mode) {
      $bits[] = $view_mode;
    $base_url = implode('/', $bits);
    return $base_url;

   * Implements hook_views_plugins_alter().
  function hook_views_plugins_alter(&$plugins) {
    $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'panelizer') . '/plugins/views';
    $plugins['row']['panelizer_bean_view'] = array(
      'title' => t('Panelizer display'),
      'help' => t('Render entities using the panels display for any that have been panelized.'),
      'handler' => 'panelizer_plugin_row_panelizer_bean_view',
      'parent' => 'bean',
      'base' => array(
      'path' => $path,
      'uses options' => TRUE,
      'type' => 'normal',
      'register theme' => FALSE,
      'name' => 'panelizer_bean_view',



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
PanelizerEntityBean::$entity_admin_bundle public property
PanelizerEntityBean::$entity_admin_root public property
PanelizerEntityBean::$supports_revisions public property
PanelizerEntityBean::$uses_page_manager public property
PanelizerEntityBean::$views_table public property
PanelizerEntityBean::entity_access public function Access callback.
PanelizerEntityBean::entity_allows_revisions public function Determine if the entity allows revisions.
PanelizerEntityBean::entity_base_url function Provides the base panelizer URL for a bean entity.
PanelizerEntityBean::entity_bundle_label public function Define the name of bundles on the entity.
PanelizerEntityBean::entity_identifier public function Define the visible identifier of the identity.
PanelizerEntityBean::entity_save public function Implement the save function for the entity.
PanelizerEntityBean::hook_form_alter public function Implements a delegated hook_form_alter.
PanelizerEntityBean::hook_page_alter public function Implements a delegated hook_page_alter.
PanelizerEntityBean::hook_views_plugins_alter function Implements hook_views_plugins_alter().