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function bean_ctools_block_info in Bean (for Drupal 7) 7

CTools callback for Bean blocks.

See also

_ctools_block_content_type_content_type() in


./bean.module, line 1161
Block Entity


function bean_ctools_block_info($module, $delta, &$info) {

  // Use the core block icon.
  $info['icon'] = 'icon_contrib_block.png';

  // Load the full bean.
  $bean = bean_load_delta($delta);

  // Identify the bean type.
  $bean_types = bean_get_types();

  // By default store all beans in the Blocks category.
  $info['category'] = t('Blocks');

  // If the bean type loaded correctly (should always happen),
  if (isset($bean_types[$bean->type])) {

    // Optionally group the blocks by their bean type..
    if (variable_get('bean_ctools_separate', TRUE)) {
      $info['category'] = t('Blocks') . ': ' . $bean_types[$bean->type]

    // Optionally prefix the block with the bean type's label.
    if (variable_get('bean_ctools_prefix', FALSE)) {
      $info['title'] = $bean_types[$bean->type]
        ->getLabel() . ': ' . $info['title'];