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function bbb_api_getMeetingInfo in BigBlueButton 6

Same name in this branch
  1. 6 includes/ \bbb_api_getMeetingInfo()
  2. 6 includes/ \bbb_api_getMeetingInfo()
Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \bbb_api_getMeetingInfo()

Get Meeting Info (getMeetingInfo)

This call will return all of a meeting's information, including the list of attendees as well as start and end times.


ARRAY $params: Associative array of additional url parameters. Components:

  • meetingID: STRING If you specified a meeting ID when calling create, then you can use either the generated meeting token or your specified meeting ID to find meetings. This parameter takes your meeting ID.
  • password: STRING (REQUIRED) The moderator password for this meeting. You can not get the meeting information using the attendee password.

Return value


See also

2 calls to bbb_api_getMeetingInfo()
bbb_meeting_attend in ./bbb.module
Redirect to big blue button instance; Menu callback
bbb_meeting_moderate in ./bbb.module
Redirect to big blue button instance; Menu callback


includes/, line 177
Big Blue Button - Enables universities and colleges to deliver a high-quality learning experience.


function bbb_api_getMeetingInfo($params) {
  $query_string = bbb_api_generate_querystring(BBB_API_GET_MEETING_INFO, $params);
  $request = BBB_API_BASE_URL . BBB_API_GET_MEETING_INFO . '?' . $query_string;
  return bbb_api_execute_query($request);