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7 calls to bat_unit_load_multiple() in Booking and Availability Management Tools for Drupal 7

bat_booking_confirmation_form_submit in modules/bat_booking/bat_booking_example/bat_booking_example.module
Submit function for the bat_booking_confirmation_form form.
bat_event_get_calendar in modules/bat_event/bat_event.module
Retrieves relevant units and instantiates a BAT calendar object than can be reused. It is preferred to use this function to reduce the cost of setting up a calendar (i.e. loading units).
bat_event_ui_bulk_update_form_submit in modules/bat_event_ui/bat_event_ui.module
Submit callback for bat_event_ui_bulk_update_form form.
bat_facets_search_api_query_alter in modules/bat_facets/bat_facets.module
Implements hook_search_api_query_alter().
bat_type_add_units_form_submit in modules/bat_unit/
Submit handler for unit add form.
bat_unit_entity_delete in modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module
Implements hook_entity_delete().
bat_unit_load in modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module
Fetches a unit object.