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bat_unit.module in Booking and Availability Management Tools for Drupal 7

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 * @file
 * Manage units - Units are things that can be booked for some period of time.
 * (e.g. rooms - but also villas bungalows, cars, drills, you-get-the-idea etc.)
if (module_exists('rules')) {
  include_once '';

 * @section Drupal Hooks
 * Drupal Integration.

 * Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
function bat_unit_module_implements_alter(&$implementations, $hook) {
  if ($hook == 'views_data_alter' && isset($implementations['bat_unit'])) {
    $group = $implementations['bat_unit'];
    $implementations['bat_unit'] = $group;
  if ($hook == 'form_alter' && isset($implementations['bat_unit'])) {
    $group = $implementations['bat_unit'];
    $implementations['bat_unit'] = $group;
  if ($hook == 'menu_alter' && isset($implementations['bat_unit'])) {
    $group = $implementations['bat_unit'];
    $implementations['bat_unit'] = $group;

 * Implements hook_menu_alter().
function bat_unit_menu_alter(&$items) {
  $items['admin/bat/config/types/manage/%bat_type/units']['access callback'] = 'bat_type_access';
  $items['admin/bat/config/types/manage/%bat_type/units']['access arguments'] = array(

 * Implements hook_entity_info().
function bat_unit_entity_info() {
  $return['bat_unit'] = array(
    'label' => t('Unit'),
    // The entity class and controller class extend the classes provided by the
    // Entity API.
    'entity class' => 'BatUnit',
    'controller class' => 'BatUnitController',
    'base table' => 'bat_units',
    'fieldable' => TRUE,
    'entity keys' => array(
      'id' => 'unit_id',
      'bundle' => 'type',
      'label' => 'name',
    // Bundles are defined by the unit bundles below.
    'bundles' => array(),
    // Bundle keys tell the FieldAPI how to extract information from the bundle
    // objects.
    'bundle keys' => array(
      'bundle' => 'type',
    'view modes' => array(
      'display' => array(
        'label' => t('Display'),
        'custom settings' => FALSE,
    'label callback' => 'entity_class_label',
    'uri callback' => 'entity_class_uri',
    'creation callback' => 'bat_unit_create',
    'access callback' => 'bat_unit_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'user key' => 'uid',
      'access tag' => 'bat_unit_access',
    'permission labels' => array(
      'singular' => t('unit'),
      'plural' => t('units'),
    'module' => 'bat_unit',
    // The information below is used by the BatUnitUIController (which extends
    // the EntityDefaultUIController).
    'admin ui' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/bat/config/units',
      'file' => '',
      'controller class' => 'BatUnitUIController',
      'menu wildcard' => '%bat_unit',
    'metadata controller class' => 'BatUnitMetadataController',
    'translation' => array(
      'entity_translation' => array(
        'base path' => 'admin/bat/units/unit/%bat_unit',
        'path wildcard' => '%bat_unit',
        'path schemes' => array(
          'default' => array(),
        'default settings' => array(
          'default_language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
          'hide_language_selector' => FALSE,

  // The entity that holds information about the entity types.
  $return['bat_unit_bundle'] = array(
    'label' => t('Unit Bundle'),
    'entity class' => 'BatUnitBundle',
    'controller class' => 'BatUnitBundleController',
    'base table' => 'bat_unit_bundle',
    'fieldable' => TRUE,
    'bundle of' => 'bat_unit',
    'exportable' => TRUE,
    'entity keys' => array(
      'id' => 'id',
      'name' => 'type',
      'label' => 'label',
    'access callback' => 'bat_unit_bundle_access',
    'module' => 'bat_unit',
    // Enable the entity API's admin UI.
    'admin ui' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/bat/config/unit-bundles',
      'file' => '',
      'controller class' => 'BatUnitBundleUIController',
  $return['bat_type'] = array(
    'label' => t('Type'),
    // The entity class and controller class extend the classes provided by the
    // Entity API.
    'entity class' => 'BatType',
    'controller class' => 'BatTypeController',
    'base table' => 'bat_types',
    'revision table' => 'bat_types_revision',
    'revision' => 'vid',
    'fieldable' => TRUE,
    'entity keys' => array(
      'id' => 'type_id',
      'revision' => 'revision_id',
      'bundle' => 'type',
      'label' => 'name',
    // Bundles are defined by the unit bundles below.
    'bundles' => array(),
    // Bundle keys tell the FieldAPI how to extract information from the bundle
    // objects.
    'bundle keys' => array(
      'bundle' => 'type',
    'view modes' => array(
      'display' => array(
        'label' => t('Display'),
        'custom settings' => FALSE,
    'label callback' => 'entity_class_label',
    'uri callback' => 'entity_class_uri',
    'creation callback' => 'bat_type_create',
    'access callback' => 'bat_type_access',
    'access arguments' => array(
      'user key' => 'uid',
      'access tag' => 'bat_type_access',
    'permission labels' => array(
      'singular' => t('type'),
      'plural' => t('types'),
    'module' => 'bat_unit',
    // Enable the entity API's admin UI.
    'admin ui' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/bat/config/types',
      'file' => '',
      'controller class' => 'BatTypeUIController',
    'metadata controller class' => 'BatTypeMetadataController',
    // The information below is used by the BatUnitUIController (which extends
    // the EntityDefaultUIController).
    'translation' => array(
      'entity_translation' => array(
        'base path' => 'admin/bat/config/types/manage/%bat_type',
        'path wildcard' => '%bat_type',
        'path schemes' => array(
          'default' => array(),
        'default settings' => array(
          'default_language' => LANGUAGE_NONE,
          'hide_language_selector' => FALSE,

  // Enable Inline Entity Form support if module is present.
  if (module_exists('inline_entity_form')) {
    $return['bat_type']['inline entity form'] = array(
      'controller' => 'RoomifyTypeInlineEntityFormController',

  // The entity that holds information about the entity types.
  $return['bat_type_bundle'] = array(
    'label' => t('Type Bundle'),
    'entity class' => 'BatTypeBundle',
    'controller class' => 'BatTypeBundleController',
    'base table' => 'bat_type_bundle',
    'fieldable' => TRUE,
    'bundle of' => 'bat_type',
    'exportable' => TRUE,
    'entity keys' => array(
      'id' => 'id',
      'name' => 'type',
      'label' => 'label',
    'access callback' => 'bat_type_bundle_access',
    'module' => 'bat_unit',
    // Enable the entity API's admin UI.
    'admin ui' => array(
      'path' => 'admin/bat/config/type-bundles',
      'file' => '',
      'controller class' => 'BatTypeBundleUIController',
  return $return;

 * Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
 * We are adding the info about the unit bundles via a hook to avoid a recursion
 * issue as loading the unit bundles requires the entity info as well.
function bat_unit_entity_info_alter(&$entity_info) {

  // Work on Bat Units.
  foreach (bat_unit_get_bundles() as $bundle => $info) {
    $entity_info['bat_unit']['bundles'][$bundle] = array(
      'label' => $info->label,
      'admin' => array(
        'path' => 'admin/bat/config/unit-bundles/manage/%bat_unit_bundle',
        'real path' => 'admin/bat/config/unit-bundles/manage/' . $bundle,
        'bundle argument' => 5,
        'access arguments' => array(
          'bypass bat_unit entities access',

  // Work on Bat Types.
  foreach (bat_unit_get_type_bundles() as $bundle => $info) {
    $entity_info['bat_type']['bundles'][$bundle] = array(
      'label' => $info->label,
      'admin' => array(
        'path' => 'admin/bat/config/type-bundles/manage/%bat_type_bundle',
        'real path' => 'admin/bat/config/type-bundles/manage/' . $bundle,
        'bundle argument' => 5,
        'access arguments' => array(
          'bypass bat_type entities access',

  // Create custom build mode.
  $entity_info['node']['view modes']['bat_list'] = array(
    'label' => t('Bat Results View'),
    'custom settings' => FALSE,

 * Implements hook_permission().
function bat_unit_permission() {

  // Permission for Bat Units.
  $permissions = array(
    'administer bat_unit_bundle entities' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer unit bundles'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to add unit bundles and configure their fields.'),
      'restrict access' => TRUE,
    'view any bat_unit unpublished entity' => array(
      'title' => t('View any unpublished unit'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to view any unpublished unit.'),
      'restrict access' => TRUE,
    'view own bat_unit unpublished entities' => array(
      'title' => t('View own unpublished units'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to view own unpublished units.'),
  $permissions += bat_entity_access_permissions('bat_unit');

  // Override view permissions.
  $entity_info = entity_get_info('bat_unit');
  foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
    $permissions['view own bat_unit entities of bundle ' . $bundle_name] = array(
      'title' => t('View own published %bundle @entity_bundle', array(
        '@entity_bundle' => 'units',
        '%bundle' => $bundle_info['label'],
    $permissions['view any bat_unit entity of bundle ' . $bundle_name] = array(
      'title' => t('View any published %bundle @entity_bundle', array(
        '@entity_bundle' => 'unit',
        '%bundle' => $bundle_info['label'],

  // Permission for Bat Types.
  $permissions += array(
    'administer bat_type_bundle entities' => array(
      'title' => t('Administer type bundles'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to add type bundles and configure their fields.'),
      'restrict access' => TRUE,
    'view any bat_type unpublished entity' => array(
      'title' => t('View any unpublished type'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to view any unpublished type.'),
      'restrict access' => TRUE,
    'view own bat_type unpublished entities' => array(
      'title' => t('View own unpublished types'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to view own unpublished types.'),
    'view bat_type revisions' => array(
      'title' => t('View type revisions'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to view type revisions.'),
    'revert bat_type revisions' => array(
      'title' => t('Revert type revisions'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to revert type revisions.'),
    'delete bat_type revisions' => array(
      'title' => t('Delete type revisions'),
      'description' => t('Allows users to delete type revisions.'),
  $permissions += bat_entity_access_permissions('bat_type');

  // Override view permissions.
  $entity_info = entity_get_info('bat_type');
  foreach ($entity_info['bundles'] as $bundle_name => $bundle_info) {
    $permissions['view own bat_type entities of bundle ' . $bundle_name] = array(
      'title' => t('View own published %bundle @entity_bundle', array(
        '@entity_bundle' => 'types',
        '%bundle' => $bundle_info['label'],
    $permissions['view any bat_type entity of bundle ' . $bundle_name] = array(
      'title' => t('View any published %bundle @entity_bundle', array(
        '@entity_bundle' => 'type',
        '%bundle' => $bundle_info['label'],
  return $permissions;

 * Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
function bat_unit_query_bat_unit_access_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query) {

  // Look for an unit base table to pass to the query altering function or else
  // assume we don't have the tables we need to establish order related altering
  // right now.
  foreach ($query
    ->getTables() as $table) {
    if ($table['table'] === 'bat_units') {
      bat_entity_access_query_alter($query, 'bat_unit', $table['alias']);

 * Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
function bat_unit_query_bat_type_access_alter(QueryAlterableInterface $query) {

  // Look for an type base table to pass to the query altering function or else
  // assume we don't have the tables we need to establish order related altering
  // right now.
  foreach ($query
    ->getTables() as $table) {
    if ($table['table'] === 'bat_types') {
      bat_entity_access_query_alter($query, 'bat_type', $table['alias']);

 * Implements hook_action_info().
function bat_unit_action_info() {
  return array(
    'bat_unit_publish' => array(
      'type' => 'bat_unit',
      'label' => t('Publish unit'),
      'behavior' => array(
      'configurable' => FALSE,
      'vbo_configurable' => FALSE,
      'triggers' => array(
    'bat_unit_unpublish' => array(
      'type' => 'bat_unit',
      'label' => t('Unpublish unit'),
      'behavior' => array(
      'configurable' => FALSE,
      'vbo_configurable' => FALSE,
      'triggers' => array(

 * VBO action: Publish unit.
function bat_unit_publish(&$unit, $context) {
  $unit->status = 1;

 * VBO action: Unpublish unit.
function bat_unit_unpublish(&$unit, $context) {
  $unit->status = 0;

 * Implements hook_theme().
function bat_unit_theme() {
  return array(
    'bat_unit' => array(
      'render element' => 'elements',
      'template' => 'bat_unit',
    'bat_type' => array(
      'render element' => 'elements',
      'template' => 'bat_type',
    'bat_type_add_list' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'content' => array(),
      'file' => '',
    'bat_type_unit_add_list' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'content' => array(),
      'file' => '',
    'bat_unit_add_list' => array(
      'variables' => array(
        'content' => array(),
      'file' => '',

 * Implements hook_views_api().
function bat_unit_views_api() {
  return array(
    'api' => 3,
    'path' => drupal_get_path('module', 'bat_unit') . '/views',

 * Implements hook_views_pre_render().
function bat_unit_views_pre_render(&$view) {

  // Hide "Calendars" field until module "BAT Event UI" is enabled.
  if ($view->name == 'unit_management' && !module_exists('bat_event_ui')) {
    $view->field['calendars']->options['exclude'] = TRUE;

 * Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
function bat_unit_menu_local_tasks_alter(&$data, $router_item, $root_path) {

  // Create an action link on the Units admin page for adding new units.
  if ($root_path == 'admin/bat/units') {
    $item = menu_get_item('admin/bat/units/add');
    if ($item['access']) {
      $data['actions']['output'][] = array(
        '#theme' => 'menu_local_action',
        '#link' => $item,
  elseif ($root_path == 'admin/bat/types') {
    $item = menu_get_item('admin/bat/types/add');
    if ($item['access']) {
      $data['actions']['output'][] = array(
        '#theme' => 'menu_local_action',
        '#link' => $item,

  // Create an action link on the Units admin page for adding new units.
  if ($root_path == 'admin/bat/config/types/manage/%/units') {
    $item = menu_get_item($router_item['href'] . '/add');
    if ($item['access']) {
      $data['actions']['output'][] = array(
        '#theme' => 'menu_local_action',
        '#link' => $item,

 * Implements hook_entity_delete().
function bat_unit_entity_delete($entity, $type) {
  if ($type == 'bat_type') {

    // When delete a Type remove all related Units.
    $units = bat_unit_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type_id' => $entity->type_id,
    foreach ($units as $unit) {

 * @section Bat Hooks
 * Bat Integration.

 * Implements hook_bat_event_target_entity_types().
 * Register BAT Unit as a BAT event target entity type.
function bat_unit_bat_event_target_entity_types() {
  return array(

 * Callback for the type View and Edit titles.
 * @param object $type
 * @param string $op
 * @return string
 *   translatable title string
function bat_type_title_callback($type, $op) {
  if ($op == 'view') {
    return bat_type_get_number_of_revisions_newer_than($type->revision_id, $type->type_id) ? t('View current') : t('View');
  elseif ($op == 'edit') {
    return bat_type_get_number_of_revisions_newer_than($type->revision_id, $type->type_id) ? t('Edit current') : t('Edit');

 * Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the supplied revision_id.
 * @param int $revision_id
 *   The reference revision_id.
 * @param int $type_id
 *   The id of the type.
 * @return int
 *   count of the number of revisions newer than the supplied revision_id
function bat_type_get_number_of_revisions_newer_than($revision_id, $type_id) {
  $revision_count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(revision_id) FROM {bat_types_revision} WHERE type_id = :type_id AND revision_id > :revision_id", array(
    ':revision_id' => $revision_id,
    ':type_id' => $type_id,
  return $revision_count;

 * @section Bat Unit
 * The following code deals with Bat Units and their bundles. (entity types)

 * Determines whether the given user has access to a unit.
 * @param string $op
 *   The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'update', 'create', 'delete'
 *   or just 'edit' (being the same as 'create' or 'update').
 * @param BatUnit $unit
 *   Optionally a unit or a unit bundle to check access for. If nothing is
 *   given, access for all units is determined.
 * @param object $account
 *   The user to check for. Leave it to NULL to check for the global user.
 * @return bool
 *   Whether access is allowed or not.
function bat_unit_access($op, BatUnit $unit = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  return bat_entity_access($op, $unit, $account, 'bat_unit');

 * Filters units based on permissions for multiple values.
function bat_unit_access_filter($op, $units = array(), $account = NULL) {
  $filtered_units = array();

  // If no user object is supplied, the access check is for the current user.
  if (empty($account)) {
    $account = $GLOBALS['user'];
  foreach ($units as $key => $unit) {
    if (bat_unit_access($op, $unit, $account)) {
      $filtered_units[$key] = $unit;
  return $filtered_units;

 * Access callback for the entity API.
function bat_unit_bundle_access($op, $bundle = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  return user_access('administer bat_unit_bundle entities', $account);

 * Implements hook_bat_entity_access_OP_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter().
function bat_unit_bat_entity_access_view_condition_bat_unit_alter(&$conditions, $context) {
  $account = $context['account'];
  if (user_access('view any bat_unit unpublished entity', $account)) {
  $old_conditions = $conditions;
  $conditions = db_and();
  if ($account->uid && user_access('view own bat_unit unpublished entities', $account)) {
    $or = db_and()
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 0)
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.uid', $account->uid);
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 1));
  else {
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 1);
  if ($old_conditions
    ->count()) {

 * Implements hook_bat_entity_access_OP_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter().
function bat_unit_bat_entity_access_view_condition_bat_type_alter(&$conditions, $context) {
  $account = $context['account'];
  if (user_access('view any bat_type unpublished entity', $account)) {
  $old_conditions = $conditions;
  $conditions = db_and();
  if ($account->uid && user_access('view own bat_type unpublished entities', $account)) {
    $or = db_and()
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 0)
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.uid', $account->uid);
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 1));
  else {
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 1);
  if ($old_conditions
    ->count()) {

 * Access callback: Checks whether the user has permission to add a unit.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the user has add permission, otherwise FALSE.
function bat_unit_add_access() {
  if (user_access('administer bat_unit_bundle entities')) {

    // There are no unit bundles defined that the user has permission to
    // create, but the user does have the permission to administer the content
    // types, so grant them access to the page anyway.
    return TRUE;
  $bundles = bat_unit_get_bundles();
  foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
    if (bat_unit_access('create', bat_unit_create(array(
      'type' => $bundle->type,
      'uid' => 0,
    )))) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Gets an array of all unit bundles, keyed by the bundle name.
 * @param string $bundle_name
 *   If set, the bundle with the given name is returned.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.
 * @return BatUnitBundle[]
 *   Depending whether $bundle isset, an array of unit bundles or a single one.
function bat_unit_get_bundles($bundle_name = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {

  // entity_load() will get the Entity controller for our unit entity and call
  // the load function of that object.
  $bundles = entity_load_multiple_by_name('bat_unit_bundle', isset($bundle_name) ? array(
  ) : FALSE);
  return isset($bundle_name) ? reset($bundles) : $bundles;

 * Helper function to easily get unit bundles in an array for use in forms, etc.
 * @return array
 *   An array of unit bundles keyed by bundle name and labels
function bat_unit_bundles_ids() {
  $unit_bundles = array();
  $bundles = bat_unit_get_bundles();
  foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
    $unit_bundles[$bundle->type] = $bundle->label;
  return $unit_bundles;

 * Helper function to easily get unit types in an array for use in forms, etc.
 * @return array
 *   An array of unit types keyed by type id and labels
function bat_unit_types_ids() {
  $unit_types = array();
  $types = bat_unit_get_types();
  foreach ($types as $type) {
    $unit_types[$type->type_id] = $type->name;
  return $unit_types;

 * Menu argument loader; Load a unit bundle by string.
 * @param string $bundle
 *   The machine-readable name of a unit bundle to load.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   A boolean indicating whether the internal cache should be reset.
 * @return array|false
 *   A unit bundle array or FALSE if $bundle does not exist.
function bat_unit_bundle_load($bundle, $reset = FALSE) {
  return bat_unit_get_bundles($bundle, $reset);

 * Fetches a unit object.
 * @param int $unit_id
 *   Integer specifying the unit id.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   A boolean indicating whether the internal cache should be reset.
 * @return BatUnit|false
 *   A fully-loaded $unit object or FALSE if it cannot be loaded.
 * @see bat_unit_load_multiple()
function bat_unit_load($unit_id, $reset = FALSE) {
  $units = bat_unit_load_multiple(array(
  ), array(), $reset);
  return reset($units);

 * Loads multiple units based on certain conditions.
 * @param array $unit_ids
 *   An array of unit IDs.
 * @param array $conditions
 *   An array of conditions to match against the {bat_units} table.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.
 * @return array
 *   An array of unit objects, indexed by unit_id.
 * @see entity_load()
 * @see bat_unit_load()
function bat_unit_load_multiple($unit_ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load('bat_unit', $unit_ids, $conditions, $reset);

 * Deletes a unit.
 * @param BatUnit $unit
 *   The BatUnit object that represents the unit to delete.
function bat_unit_delete(BatUnit $unit) {

 * Deletes multiple units.
 * @param array $unit_ids
 *   An array of unit IDs.
function bat_unit_delete_multiple(array $unit_ids) {

 * Creates a unit object.
 * @param array $values
 *   The properties for the new unit bundle.
function bat_unit_create($values = array()) {
  return entity_get_controller('bat_unit')

 * Saves a unit to the database.
 * @param BatUnit $unit
 *   The Unit object.
function bat_unit_save(BatUnit $unit) {
  return $unit

 * Creates a unit object.
 * @param array $values
 *   The properties for the new unit bundle.
function bat_unit_bundle_create($values = array()) {
  return entity_get_controller('bat_unit_bundle')

 * Saves a unit bundle to the db.
 * @param BatUnitBundle $bundle
 *   The unit bundle to save.
function bat_unit_bundle_save(BatUnitBundle $bundle) {

 * Deletes a unit bundle from the db.
function bat_unit_bundle_delete(BatUnitBundle $bundle) {

 * URI callback for units.
function bat_unit_uri(BatUnit $unit) {
  return array(
    'path' => 'unit/' . $unit->unit_id,

 * Menu title callback for showing individual entities.
function bat_unit_page_title(BatUnit $unit) {
  return $unit->name;

 * Gets a list of Units keyed by id and name in value.
function bat_unit_ids($bundle = '') {
  $units = array();
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'bat_unit');
  if ($bundle != '') {
      ->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle);
  $result = $query
  if (count($result) > 0) {
    $entities = entity_load('bat_unit', array_keys($result['bat_unit']));
    foreach ($entities as $unit) {
      $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('bat_unit', $unit);
        ->value()] = $wrapper->name
  return $units;

 * Sets up content to show an individual unit.
function bat_unit_page_view($unit, $view_mode = 'full') {
  $controller = entity_get_controller('bat_unit');
  $content = $controller
    $unit->unit_id => $unit,
  ), $view_mode);
  return $content;

 * Helper function to generate a list of available unit states for select lists.
 * @param string $event_type
 * @param array $conditions
 * @return array
 *   Array of available unit states keyed by id.
function bat_unit_state_options($event_type = NULL, $conditions = array()) {
  $event_states = array();
  $states = bat_event_get_states($event_type);
  foreach ($states as $event_state) {
    foreach ($conditions as $option => $value) {
      if ($event_state[$option] != $value) {
        continue 2;
    $event_states[$event_state['id']] = t($event_state['label']);
  return $event_states;

 * Returns an initialized bat bundle array. This is here to help other modules easily and
 * consistently add BAT unit bundles.
function bat_unit_unit_bundle_new() {
  return array(
    'type' => '',
    'label' => '',
    'weight' => '0',
    'data' => array(
      'hourly_availability' => 0,
    'bat_opening_time' => '',

 * The class used for unit entities.
class BatUnit extends Entity {
  public function __construct($values = array()) {
    parent::__construct($values, 'bat_unit');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function defaultLabel() {
    return $this->name;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function defaultUri() {
    return array(
      'path' => 'unit/' . $this->unit_id,

   * @param string $event_type
   * @return mixed
  public function getEventDefaultValue($event_type) {
    $bat_type = bat_type_load($this->type_id);
    return $bat_type

   * @param string $event_type
   * @param $value
   * @return mixed
  public function formatEventValue($event_type, $value) {
    $bat_type = bat_type_load($this->type_id);
    $field = $bat_type
    $field_info = field_info_field($field);
    $field_info_instance = field_info_instance('bat_type', $field, $bat_type->type);
    if ($field_info['type'] == 'commerce_price') {
      if (empty($field_info_instance['widget']['settings']['currency_code']) || $field_info_instance['widget']['settings']['currency_code'] == 'default') {
        $currency_code = NULL;
      else {
        $currency_code = $field_info_instance['widget']['settings']['currency_code'];
      $price = array(
        'amount' => $value,
        'currency_code' => $currency_code,
      $field_view_value = field_view_value('bat_type', $bat_type, $field, $price);
    elseif ($field_info['type'] == 'number_integer') {
      $field_view_value = field_view_value('bat_type', $bat_type, $field, array(
        'value' => $value,
    else {
      $field_view_value = field_view_value('bat_type', $bat_type, $field, $value);
    return $field_view_value['#markup'];


 * The class used for unit bundle entities.
class BatUnitBundle extends Entity {

   * The Unit bundle.
   * @var string
  public $type;

   * The unit bundle label.
   * @var string
  public $label;

  public function __construct($values = array()) {
    parent::__construct($values, 'bat_unit_bundle');


 * The MetadataController for BatUnit entities.
class BatUnitMetadataController extends EntityDefaultMetadataController {

  public function entityPropertyInfo() {
    $info = parent::entityPropertyInfo();
    $properties = array(
    foreach ($properties as $property) {
      if (isset($info['bat_unit']['properties'][$property])) {
        $info['bat_unit']['properties'][$property]['getter callback'] = 'entity_property_verbatim_get';
        $info['bat_unit']['properties'][$property]['setter callback'] = 'entity_property_verbatim_set';
    return $info;


 * The Controller for BatUnit entities.
class BatUnitController extends EntityAPIController {

  public function __construct($entityType) {

   * Creates a unit.
   * @param array $values
   *   The properties for the new unit bundle.
   * @return BatUnit
   *   A unit object with all default fields initialized.
  public function create(array $values = array()) {

    // Add values that are specific to our Unit.
    $values += array(
      'unit_id' => '',
      'is_new' => TRUE,
      'title' => '',
      'created' => '',
      'changed' => '',
    $unit = parent::create($values);
    return $unit;

  public function getReferencedIds($unit_type, $ids = array()) {
    $query = db_select('bat_units', 'n')
      ->fields('n', array(
    if (!empty($ids)) {
        ->condition('unit_id', $ids, 'IN');
      ->condition('type_id', $unit_type);
    $bat_units = $query
    $units = array();
    foreach ($bat_units as $unit) {
      $units[] = array(
        'id' => $unit->unit_id,
        'name' => $unit->name,
        'type_id' => $unit_type,
    return $units;

   * Overriding the buildContent function to add entity specific fields.
  public function buildContent($entity, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL, $content = array()) {
    $content = parent::buildContent($entity, $view_mode, $langcode, $content);
    return $content;


 * The Controller for Unit entities.
class BatUnitBundleController extends EntityAPIControllerExportable {

  public function __construct($entityType) {

   * Creates a unit bundle.
   * @param array $values
   *   The properties for the new unit bundle.
   * @return BatUnitBundle
   *   A unit bundle object with all default fields initialized.
  public function create(array $values = array()) {

    // Add values that are specific to our Unit.
    $values += array(
      'id' => '',
      'is_new' => TRUE,
      'data' => '',
    $unit_bundle = parent::create($values);
    return $unit_bundle;


 * @section Bat Type
 * The following code deals with Bat Types and their bundles. (entity types)
 * Bat Types are entities that deal with groups of Units. In a hotel use
 * case, a Type bundle might be called 'Room', and individual entities of
 * type Type might be called 'Single', 'Double', 'Triple', and so on.

 * Determines whether the given user has access to a type revision.
 * @param string $op
 *   The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'revert', 'delete'.
 * @param BatType $type
 * @param int $revision_id
 * @param object $account
 *   The user to check for. Leave it to NULL to check for the global user.
 * @return bool
 *   Whether access is allowed or not.
function bat_type_access_revision($op, BatType $type, $revision_id, $account = NULL) {
  global $user;
  $account = isset($account) ? $account : $user;
  if ($revision_type = bat_type_load_revision($revision_id)) {
    if ($type->type_id != $revision_type->type_id) {
      return FALSE;
    else {
      if (user_access('bypass bat_type entities access')) {
        return TRUE;
      if ($op == 'view') {
        return user_access('view bat_type revisions');
      elseif ($op == 'revert') {
        return user_access('revert bat_type revisions');
      elseif ($op == 'delete') {
        return user_access('delete bat_type revisions');
  return FALSE;

 * Determines whether the given user has access to a type.
 * @param string $op
 *   The operation being performed. One of 'view', 'update', 'create', 'delete'
 *   or just 'edit' (being the same as 'create' or 'update').
 * @param BatType $type
 *   Optionally a type or a type bundle to check access for. If nothing is
 *   given, access for all types is determined.
 * @param object $account
 *   The user to check for. Leave it to NULL to check for the global user.
 * @return bool
 *   Whether access is allowed or not.
function bat_type_access($op, BatType $type = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  return bat_entity_access($op, $type, $account, 'bat_type');

 * Filters types based on permissions for multiple values.
function bat_type_access_filter($op, $types = array(), $account = NULL) {
  $filtered_types = array();

  // If no user object is supplied, the access check is for the current user.
  if (empty($account)) {
    $account = $GLOBALS['user'];
  foreach ($types as $key => $type) {
    if (bat_type_access($op, $type, $account)) {
      $filtered_types[$key] = $type;
  return $filtered_types;

 * Access callback for the entity API.
function bat_type_bundle_access($op, $bundle = NULL, $account = NULL) {
  return user_access('administer bat_type_bundle entities', $account);

 * Implements hook_bat_entity_access_OP_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter().
function bat_type_bat_entity_access_view_condition_bat_type_alter(&$conditions, $context) {
  $account = $context['account'];
  if (user_access('view any bat_type unpublished entity', $account)) {
  $old_conditions = $conditions;
  $conditions = db_and();
  if ($account->uid && user_access('view own bat_type unpublished entities', $account)) {
    $or = db_and()
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 0)
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.uid', $account->uid);
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 1));
  else {
      ->condition($context['base_table'] . '.status', 1);
  if ($old_conditions
    ->count()) {

 * Access callback: Checks whether the user has permission to add a type.
 * @return bool
 *   TRUE if the user has add permission, otherwise FALSE.
function bat_type_add_access() {
  if (user_access('administer bat_type_bundle entities')) {

    // There are no type bundles defined that the user has permission to
    // create, but the user does have the permission to administer the content
    // types, so grant them access to the page anyway.
    return TRUE;
  $bundles = bat_unit_get_type_bundles();
  foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
    if (bat_type_access('create', bat_type_create(array(
      'type' => $bundle->type,
      'uid' => 0,
    )))) {
      return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Gets an array of all type bundles, keyed by the bundle name.
 * @param string $bundle_name
 *   If set, the bundle with the given name is returned.
 * @return BatTypeBundle[]
 *   Depending whether $bundle isset, an array of type bundles or a single one.
function bat_unit_get_type_bundles($bundle_name = NULL) {

  // entity_load() will get the Entity controller for our type entity and call
  // the load function of that object.
  $bundles = entity_load_multiple_by_name('bat_type_bundle', isset($bundle_name) ? array(
  ) : FALSE);
  return isset($bundle_name) ? reset($bundles) : $bundles;

 * Gets an array of all type bundles, keyed by the bundle name.
 * @param string $bundle_name
 *   If set, the bundle with the given name is returned.
 * @return BatType[]
 *   Depending whether $bundle isset, an array of types or a single one.
function bat_unit_get_types($bundle_name = NULL) {

  // entity_load() will get the Entity controller for our type entity and call
  // the load function of that object.
  $bundles = entity_load_multiple_by_name('bat_type', isset($bundle_name) ? array(
  ) : FALSE);
  return isset($bundle_name) ? reset($bundles) : $bundles;

 * Helper function to easily get Bat Type bundles in an array for use in forms, etc.
 * @return array
 *   An array of type bundles keyed by bundle name and labels
function bat_type_bundles_ids() {
  $type_bundles = array();
  $bundles = bat_unit_get_type_bundles();
  foreach ($bundles as $bundle) {
    $type_bundles[$bundle->type] = $bundle->label;
  return $type_bundles;

 * Menu argument loader; Load a Bat Type bundle by string.
 * @param $bundle
 *   The machine-readable name of a type bundle to load.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   A boolean indicating whether the internal cache should be reset.
 * @return array|false
 *   A type bundle array or FALSE if $bundle does not exist.
function bat_type_bundle_load($bundle, $reset = FALSE) {
  return bat_unit_get_type_bundles($bundle, $reset);

 * Fetches a Bat Type object.
 * @param int $type_id
 *   Integer specifying the type id.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   A boolean indicating whether the internal cache should be reset.
 * @return BatType|false
 *   A fully-loaded $type object or FALSE if it cannot be loaded.
 * @see bat_type_load_multiple()
function bat_type_load($type_id, $reset = FALSE) {
  $types = bat_type_load_multiple(array(
  ), array(), $reset);
  return reset($types);

 * @param int $revision_id
function bat_type_load_revision($revision_id) {
  return entity_revision_load('bat_type', $revision_id);

 * @param BatType $type
 * @return array
function bat_type_revision_list(BatType $type) {
  $revisions = array();
  $result = db_query('SELECT r.revision_id,, r.log, r.revision_uid, n.revision_id AS current_vid, r.revision_timestamp, FROM {bat_types_revision} r LEFT JOIN {bat_types} n ON n.revision_id = r.revision_id INNER JOIN {users} u ON u.uid = r.revision_uid WHERE r.type_id = :type_id ORDER BY r.revision_id DESC', array(
    ':type_id' => $type->type_id,
  foreach ($result as $revision) {
    $revisions[$revision->revision_id] = $revision;
  return $revisions;

 * Retrieve a list of revisions with a revision_id greater than the current.
 * @param int $type_id
 *   The type id to retrieve.
 * @return array
 *   An array of revisions (latest first), each containing revision_id, name and
 *   bundle.
function bat_type_get_pending_revisions($type_id) {
  $sql = "SELECT r.revision_id,, n.type FROM {bat_types} n INNER JOIN {bat_types_revision} r ON n.type_id = r.type_id WHERE (r.revision_id > n.revision_id AND n.type_id = :type_id) ORDER BY r.revision_id DESC";
  $result = db_query($sql, array(
    ':type_id' => $type_id,
  $revisions = array();
  foreach ($result as $revision) {
    $revisions[$revision->revision_id] = $revision;
  return $revisions;

 * Get the id of the current revision that the supplied type is pointing to.
 * Used in cases where the type object wasn't fully loaded or was loaded
 * with a different revision.
 * @param int $type_id
 *   The id of the type whose current revision id is to be returned.
 * @return int
 *   A single number being the current revision id (revision_id).
function bat_type_get_current_type_revision_id($type_id) {
  $result = db_query("SELECT revision_id FROM {bat_types} WHERE type_id = :type_id", array(
    ':type_id' => $type_id,
  return $result

 * Loads multiple Bat Types based on certain conditions.
 * @param array $type_ids
 *   An array of type IDs.
 * @param array $conditions
 *   An array of conditions to match against the {bat_types} table.
 * @param bool $reset
 *   A boolean indicating that the internal cache should be reset.
 * @return array
 *   An array of type objects, indexed by type_id.
 * @see entity_load()
 * @see bat_type_load()
function bat_type_load_multiple($type_ids = array(), $conditions = array(), $reset = FALSE) {
  return entity_load('bat_type', $type_ids, $conditions, $reset);

 * Deletes a Bat Type.
 * @param BatType $type
 *   The BatType object that represents the type to delete.
function bat_type_delete(BatType $type) {

 * Deletes multiple Bat Types.
 * @param array $type_ids
 *   An array of type IDs.
function bat_type_delete_multiple(array $type_ids) {

 * Creates a Bat Type object.
 * @param array $values
 *   The properties for the new type bundle.
function bat_type_create($values = array()) {
  return entity_get_controller('bat_type')

 * Saves a Bat Type to the database.
 * @param BatType $type
 *   The type object.
function bat_type_save(BatType $type) {
  return $type

 * Creates a Bat Type bundle object.
 * @param array $values
 *   The properties for the new type bundle.
function bat_type_bundle_create($values = array()) {
  return entity_get_controller('bat_type_bundle')

 * Saves a Bat Type bundle to the db.
 * @param BatTypeBundle $bundle
 *   The type bundle to save.
function bat_type_bundle_save(BatTypeBundle $bundle) {

 * Deletes a Bat Type bundle from the db.
function bat_type_bundle_delete(BatTypeBundle $bundle) {

 * URI callback for Bat Types.
function bat_type_uri(BatType $type) {
  return array(
    'path' => 'type/' . $type->type_id,

 * Menu title callback for showing individual entities.
function bat_type_page_title(BatType $type) {
  return $type->name;

 * Gets a list of Bat Types keyed by id and name in value.
function bat_type_ids($bundle = '') {
  $types = array();
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'bat_type');
  if ($bundle != '') {
      ->entityCondition('bundle', $bundle);
  $result = $query
  if (count($result) > 0) {
    $entities = entity_load('bat_type', array_keys($result['bat_type']));
    foreach ($entities as $type) {
      $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('bat_type', $type);
        ->value()] = $wrapper->name
  return $types;

 * Gets a list of Bat Type bundles keyed by id and name in value.
function bat_type_bundle_ids() {
  $type_bundles = array();
  $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
    ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'bat_type_bundle');
  $result = $query
  if (count($result) > 0) {
    $entities = entity_load('bat_type_bundle', array_keys($result['bat_type_bundle']));
    foreach ($entities as $type_bundle) {
      $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper('bat_type_bundle', $type_bundle);
        ->value()] = $wrapper->label
  return $type_bundles;

 * Sets up content to show an individual Bat Type.
function bat_type_page_view($type, $view_mode = 'full') {
  $controller = entity_get_controller('bat_type');
  $content = $controller
    $type->type_id => $type,
  ), $view_mode);
  return $content;

 * @param string $op
 * @param $type
function bat_type_revisioning_event($op, $type) {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'post update':
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('bat_type_revisioning_post_update', $type);
    case 'pre publish':
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('bat_type_revisioning_pre_publish', $type);
    case 'post publish':
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('bat_type_revisioning_post_publish', $type);
    case 'post unpublish':
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('bat_type_revisioning_post_unpublish', $type);
    case 'pre revert':
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('bat_type_revisioning_pre_revert', $type);
    case 'post revert':
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('bat_type_revisioning_post_revert', $type);
    case 'pre delete':
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('bat_type_revisioning_pre_delete', $type);
    case 'post delete':
      if (module_exists('rules')) {
        rules_invoke_event('bat_type_revisioning_post_delete', $type);

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * FORM_ID = views_form_units_page.
function bat_unit_form_views_form_units_page_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {
  $query = drupal_get_query_parameters($_GET, array(
  $form['#action'] = url($_GET['q'], array(
    'query' => $query,
  if (isset($form['select']['submit']['#submit'])) {
    $form['select']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'bat_unit_form_views_form_units_page_form_submit';
  if (isset($form['actions']['submit']['#submit'])) {
    $form['actions']['submit']['#submit'][] = 'bat_unit_form_views_form_units_page_form_submit';
  $form_state['custom_redirect'] = $form['#action'];

 * Custom submit function for the views_form_units_page form.
function bat_unit_form_views_form_units_page_form_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  if ($form_state['redirect'] != '') {
    $form_state['redirect'] = $form_state['custom_redirect'];

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
 * FORM_ID = bat_type_bundle_operation_form
 * Prevent a Bat type bundle with associated unit bundles from being deleted.
function bat_unit_form_bat_type_bundle_operation_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state) {

  // Check if types of a type bundle exist before allowing deletion.
  if ($form_state['op'] == 'delete') {
    $type_bundle = $form_state['bat_type_bundle'];

    // Load the Bat Types associated with this bundle.
    $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'bat_type')
      ->propertyCondition('type', $type_bundle->type);
    $types = $query
    if (isset($types['bat_type']) && count($types['bat_type'])) {

      // This type bundle has associated types, don't allow deletion.
      form_set_error('confirm', t('This Bat Type bundle has associated Types. Please delete all Types before attempting to delete this Bat Type bundle.'));

 * Returns an initialized bat bundle array. This is here to help other modules easily and
 * consistently add BAT Type bundles.
function bat_type_bundle_new() {
  return array(
    'type' => '',
    'label' => '',
    'weight' => '0',
    'data' => array(
      'hourly_availability' => 0,
    'bat_opening_time' => '',

 * Support for adding price fields to BAT Types - something modules such as Rooms make use of.
 * @param $field_name
 * @param $entity_type
 * @param $bundle
 * @param $label
 * @param string $description
 * @param int $weight
 * @param bool|false $locked
 * @param bool|false $calculation
 * @param array $display
 * @throws \Exception
 * @throws \FieldException
function bat_type_add_price_field($field_name, $entity_type, $bundle, $label, $description, $weight = 0, $locked = FALSE, $calculation = FALSE, $display = array()) {
  $field = field_info_field($field_name);
  $instance = field_info_instance($entity_type, $field_name, $bundle);
  if (empty($field)) {
    $field = array(
      'field_name' => $field_name,
      'type' => 'commerce_price',
      'cardinality' => 1,
      'entity_types' => array(
      'translatable' => FALSE,
      'locked' => $locked,
    $field = field_create_field($field);
  if (empty($instance)) {
    $instance = array(
      'field_name' => $field_name,
      'entity_type' => $entity_type,
      'bundle' => $bundle,
      'description' => $description,
      'label' => $label,
      'required' => TRUE,
      'settings' => array(),
      // Because this widget is locked, we need it to use the full price widget
      // since the currency option can't be adjusted at the moment.
      'widget' => array(
        'type' => 'commerce_price_full',
        'weight' => $weight,
        'settings' => array(
          'currency_code' => 'default',
      'display' => array(),
    $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity_type);

    // Spoof the default view mode and node teaser so its display type is set.
    $entity_info['view modes'] += array(
      'default' => array(),
      'node_teaser' => array(),
    foreach ($entity_info['view modes'] as $view_mode => $data) {
      $instance['display'][$view_mode] = $display + array(
        'label' => 'hidden',
        'type' => 'commerce_price_formatted_amount',
        'settings' => array(
          'calculation' => $calculation,
        'weight' => $weight,

 * The class used for Bat Type entities.
class BatType extends Entity {

  public function __construct($values = array()) {
    parent::__construct($values, 'bat_type');

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function defaultLabel() {
    return $this->name;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function defaultUri() {
    return array(
      'path' => 'type/' . $this->type_id,

   * @param string $event_type
   * @return mixed
  public function getEventDefaultValue($event_type) {
    if ($field = $this
      ->getEventValueDefaultField($event_type)) {
      $field_info = field_info_field($field);
      $values = field_get_items('bat_type', $this, $field);
      if (!empty($values)) {
        if ($field_info['type'] == 'bat_event_state_reference') {
          return $values[0]['state_id'];
        elseif ($field_info['type'] == 'commerce_price') {
          return $values[0]['amount'];
        elseif ($field_info['type'] == 'text' || $field_info['type'] == 'number_integer') {
          return $values[0]['value'];
      else {
        return FALSE;

   * @param string $event_type
   * @return string|false
  public function getEventValueFormatter($event_type) {
    if ($field = $this
      ->getEventValueDefaultField($event_type)) {
      $field_info_instance = field_info_instance('bat_type', $field, $this->type);
      if (isset($field_info_instance['display']['default']['type'])) {
        return $field_info_instance['display']['default']['type'];
    return FALSE;

   * @param string $event_type
   * @return string|false
  public function getEventValueDefaultField($event_type) {
    $type_bundle = bat_type_bundle_load($this->type);
    if (isset($type_bundle->default_event_value_field_ids[$event_type])) {
      return $type_bundle->default_event_value_field_ids[$event_type];
    return FALSE;


 * The class used for Bat Type bundle entities.
class BatTypeBundle extends Entity {

   * The Bat Type bundle.
   * @var string
  public $type;

   * The Bat Type bundle label.
   * @var string
  public $label;

  public function __construct($values = array()) {
    parent::__construct($values, 'bat_type_bundle');


 * The MetadataController for BatType entities.
class BatTypeMetadataController extends EntityDefaultMetadataController {

  public function entityPropertyInfo() {
    $info = parent::entityPropertyInfo();
    $properties = array(
    foreach ($properties as $property) {
      if (isset($info['bat_type']['properties'][$property])) {
        $info['bat_type']['properties'][$property]['getter callback'] = 'entity_property_verbatim_get';
        $info['bat_type']['properties'][$property]['setter callback'] = 'entity_property_verbatim_set';
    return $info;


 * The Controller for BatType entities.
class BatTypeController extends EntityAPIController {

  public function __construct($entityType) {

   * Creates a Bat Type.
   * @param array $values
   *   The properties for the new Bat Type bundle.
   * @return BatType
   *   A Bat Type object with all default fields initialized.
  public function create(array $values = array()) {

    // Add values that are specific to our Bat Type.
    $values += array(
      'type_id' => '',
      'is_new' => TRUE,
      'name' => '',
      'created' => '',
      'changed' => '',
    $type = parent::create($values);
    return $type;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function save($entity, DatabaseTransaction $transaction = NULL) {
    global $user;
    $entity->revision_uid = $user->uid;
    $entity->revision_timestamp = REQUEST_TIME;
    if (!isset($entity->log)) {
      $entity->log = '';
    bat_type_revisioning_event('pre update', $entity);
    $entity->revision = FALSE;
    bat_type_revisioning_event('post update', $entity);

   * Overriding the buildContent function to add entity specific fields.
  public function buildContent($entity, $view_mode = 'full', $langcode = NULL, $content = array()) {
    $content = parent::buildContent($entity, $view_mode, $langcode, $content);
    return $content;

   * Overridden.
   * @see DrupalDefaultEntityController::cacheGet()
  protected function cacheGet($ids, $conditions = array()) {
    if (!empty($this->entityCache) && $ids !== array()) {
      $entities = $ids ? array_intersect_key($this->entityCache, array_flip($ids)) : $this->entityCache;
      return $this
        ->applyConditions($entities, $conditions);
    return array();

  protected function applyConditions($entities, $conditions = array()) {
    if ($conditions) {
      foreach ($entities as $key => $entity) {
        $entity_values = (array) $entity;

        // We cannot use array_diff_assoc() here because condition values can
        // also be arrays, e.g. '$conditions = array('status' => array(1, 2))'.
        foreach ($conditions as $condition_key => $condition_value) {
          if (is_array($condition_value)) {
            if (!isset($entity_values[$condition_key]) || !in_array($entity_values[$condition_key], $condition_value)) {
          elseif (!isset($entity_values[$condition_key]) || $entity_values[$condition_key] != $condition_value) {
    return $entities;


 * The Inline Entity Form Controller for RoomifyType entities.
if (module_exists('inline_entity_form')) {

  class RoomifyTypeInlineEntityFormController extends EntityInlineEntityFormController {

     * Overrides EntityInlineEntityFormController::tableFields().
    public function tableFields($bundles) {
      $info = entity_get_info($this->entityType);
      $metadata = entity_get_property_info($this->entityType);
      $fields = array();
      $fields['name'] = array(
        'type' => 'property',
        'label' => t('Name'),
        'weight' => 1,
      if (count($bundles) > 1) {
        $bundle_key = $info['entity keys']['bundle'];
        $fields[$bundle_key] = array(
          'type' => 'property',
          'label' => $metadata ? $metadata['properties'][$bundle_key]['label'] : t('Type'),
          'weight' => 2,
      return $fields;

     * Overrides EntityInlineEntityFormController::entityForm().
    public function entityForm($form, &$form_state) {
      module_load_include('inc', 'bat_unit', 'bat_type.admin');
      $info = entity_get_info($this->entityType);
      $type = $form['#entity'];
      if (isset($type->is_new) && $type->is_new) {
        global $user;
        $type->created = REQUEST_TIME;
        $type->author_name = isset($user->name) ? $user->name : '';
        $type->status = 0;
      else {
        $account = user_load($type->uid);
        $type->author_name = isset($account->name) ? $account->name : '';
        $type->date = format_date($type->created, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O');
      if (!empty($info['fieldable'])) {
        $langcode = entity_language($this->entityType, $type);
        field_attach_form($this->entityType, $type, $form, $form_state, $langcode);
      $form['#attributes']['class'][] = 'bat-management-form bat-type-inline-edit-form';
      $form['type'] = array(
        '#type' => 'value',
        '#value' => $type->type,

      // Add the default field elements.
      $form['name'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Type name'),
        '#default_value' => isset($type->name) ? $type->name : '',
        '#maxlength' => 255,
        '#required' => TRUE,
        '#weight' => -99,

      // Add the field related form elements.
      $form_state['bat_type'] = $type;
      field_attach_form('bat_type', $type, $form, $form_state, entity_language('bat_type', $type));
      $form['additional_settings'] = array(
        '#type' => 'vertical_tabs',
        '#weight' => 99,

      // Type author information for administrators.
      $form['author'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#access' => user_access('bypass bat_type entities access'),
        '#title' => t('Authoring information'),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        '#attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
        '#attached' => array(
          'js' => array(
              'type' => 'setting',
              'data' => array(
                'anonymous' => variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')),
        '#weight' => 90,
      $form['author']['author_name'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Authored by'),
        '#maxlength' => 60,
        '#autocomplete_path' => 'user/autocomplete',
        '#default_value' => !empty($type->author_name) ? $type->author_name : '',
        '#weight' => -1,
        '#description' => t('Leave blank for %anonymous.', array(
          '%anonymous' => variable_get('anonymous', t('Anonymous')),
      $form['author']['date'] = array(
        '#type' => 'textfield',
        '#title' => t('Authored on'),
        '#maxlength' => 25,
        '#description' => t('Format: %time. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD and %timezone is the time zone offset from UTC. Leave blank to use the time of form submission.', array(
          '%time' => !empty($type->date) ? date_format(date_create($type->date), 'Y-m-d H:i:s O') : format_date($type->created, 'custom', 'Y-m-d H:i:s O'),
          '%timezone' => !empty($type->date) ? date_format(date_create($type->date), 'O') : format_date($type->created, 'custom', 'O'),
        '#default_value' => !empty($type->date) ? $type->date : '',

      // Type publishing options for administrators.
      $form['options'] = array(
        '#type' => 'fieldset',
        '#access' => user_access('bypass bat_type entities access'),
        '#title' => t('Publishing options'),
        '#collapsible' => TRUE,
        '#collapsed' => TRUE,
        '#group' => 'additional_settings',
        '#attributes' => array(
          'class' => array(
        '#weight' => 95,
      $form['options']['status'] = array(
        '#type' => 'checkbox',
        '#title' => t('Published'),
        '#default_value' => $type->status,
      $form['actions'] = array(
        '#type' => 'actions',
        '#tree' => FALSE,
      return $form;

     * Overrides EntityInlineEntityFormController::entityFormSubmit().
    public function entityFormSubmit(&$entity_form, &$form_state) {
      parent::entityFormSubmit($entity_form, $form_state);
      $entity = $entity_form['#entity'];
      $entity->created = !empty($entity->author['date']) ? strtotime($entity->author['date']) : REQUEST_TIME;
      if ($entity->type_id !== '') {
        $entity->changed = time();
      if (isset($entity->author['author_name'])) {
        if ($account = user_load_by_name($entity->author['author_name'])) {
          $entity->uid = $account->uid;
        else {
          $entity->uid = 0;


 * The Controller for Bat Type bundle entities.
class BatTypeBundleController extends EntityAPIControllerExportable {

  public function __construct($entityType) {

   * Creates a Bat Type bundle.
   * @param array $values
   *   The properties for the new Bat Type bundle.
   * @return BatTypeBundle
   *   A Bat Type bundle object with all default fields initialized.
  public function create(array $values = array()) {

    // Add values that are specific to our Bat Type.
    $values += array(
      'id' => '',
      'is_new' => TRUE,
      'data' => '',
    $type_bundle = parent::create($values);
    return $type_bundle;



Namesort descending Description
bat_type_access Determines whether the given user has access to a type.
bat_type_access_filter Filters types based on permissions for multiple values.
bat_type_access_revision Determines whether the given user has access to a type revision.
bat_type_add_access Access callback: Checks whether the user has permission to add a type.
bat_type_add_price_field Support for adding price fields to BAT Types - something modules such as Rooms make use of.
bat_type_bat_entity_access_view_condition_bat_type_alter Implements hook_bat_entity_access_OP_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter().
bat_type_bundles_ids Helper function to easily get Bat Type bundles in an array for use in forms, etc.
bat_type_bundle_access Access callback for the entity API.
bat_type_bundle_create Creates a Bat Type bundle object.
bat_type_bundle_delete Deletes a Bat Type bundle from the db.
bat_type_bundle_ids Gets a list of Bat Type bundles keyed by id and name in value.
bat_type_bundle_load Menu argument loader; Load a Bat Type bundle by string.
bat_type_bundle_new Returns an initialized bat bundle array. This is here to help other modules easily and consistently add BAT Type bundles.
bat_type_bundle_save Saves a Bat Type bundle to the db.
bat_type_create Creates a Bat Type object.
bat_type_delete Deletes a Bat Type.
bat_type_delete_multiple Deletes multiple Bat Types.
bat_type_get_current_type_revision_id Get the id of the current revision that the supplied type is pointing to.
bat_type_get_number_of_revisions_newer_than Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the supplied revision_id.
bat_type_get_pending_revisions Retrieve a list of revisions with a revision_id greater than the current.
bat_type_ids Gets a list of Bat Types keyed by id and name in value.
bat_type_load Fetches a Bat Type object.
bat_type_load_multiple Loads multiple Bat Types based on certain conditions.
bat_type_page_title Menu title callback for showing individual entities.
bat_type_page_view Sets up content to show an individual Bat Type.
bat_type_save Saves a Bat Type to the database.
bat_type_title_callback Callback for the type View and Edit titles.
bat_type_uri URI callback for Bat Types.
bat_unit_access Determines whether the given user has access to a unit.
bat_unit_access_filter Filters units based on permissions for multiple values.
bat_unit_action_info Implements hook_action_info().
bat_unit_add_access Access callback: Checks whether the user has permission to add a unit.
bat_unit_bat_entity_access_view_condition_bat_type_alter Implements hook_bat_entity_access_OP_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter().
bat_unit_bat_entity_access_view_condition_bat_unit_alter Implements hook_bat_entity_access_OP_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter().
bat_unit_bat_event_target_entity_types Implements hook_bat_event_target_entity_types().
bat_unit_bundles_ids Helper function to easily get unit bundles in an array for use in forms, etc.
bat_unit_bundle_access Access callback for the entity API.
bat_unit_bundle_create Creates a unit object.
bat_unit_bundle_delete Deletes a unit bundle from the db.
bat_unit_bundle_load Menu argument loader; Load a unit bundle by string.
bat_unit_bundle_save Saves a unit bundle to the db.
bat_unit_create Creates a unit object.
bat_unit_delete Deletes a unit.
bat_unit_delete_multiple Deletes multiple units.
bat_unit_entity_delete Implements hook_entity_delete().
bat_unit_entity_info Implements hook_entity_info().
bat_unit_entity_info_alter Implements hook_entity_info_alter().
bat_unit_form_bat_type_bundle_operation_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
bat_unit_form_views_form_units_page_alter Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
bat_unit_form_views_form_units_page_form_submit Custom submit function for the views_form_units_page form.
bat_unit_get_bundles Gets an array of all unit bundles, keyed by the bundle name.
bat_unit_get_types Gets an array of all type bundles, keyed by the bundle name.
bat_unit_get_type_bundles Gets an array of all type bundles, keyed by the bundle name.
bat_unit_ids Gets a list of Units keyed by id and name in value.
bat_unit_load Fetches a unit object.
bat_unit_load_multiple Loads multiple units based on certain conditions.
bat_unit_menu_alter Implements hook_menu_alter().
bat_unit_menu_local_tasks_alter Implements hook_menu_local_tasks_alter().
bat_unit_module_implements_alter Implements hook_module_implements_alter().
bat_unit_page_title Menu title callback for showing individual entities.
bat_unit_page_view Sets up content to show an individual unit.
bat_unit_permission Implements hook_permission().
bat_unit_publish VBO action: Publish unit.
bat_unit_query_bat_type_access_alter Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
bat_unit_query_bat_unit_access_alter Implements hook_query_TAG_alter().
bat_unit_save Saves a unit to the database.
bat_unit_state_options Helper function to generate a list of available unit states for select lists.
bat_unit_theme Implements hook_theme().
bat_unit_types_ids Helper function to easily get unit types in an array for use in forms, etc.
bat_unit_unit_bundle_new Returns an initialized bat bundle array. This is here to help other modules easily and consistently add BAT unit bundles.
bat_unit_unpublish VBO action: Unpublish unit.
bat_unit_uri URI callback for units.
bat_unit_views_api Implements hook_views_api().
bat_unit_views_pre_render Implements hook_views_pre_render().


Namesort descending Description
BatType The class used for Bat Type entities.
BatTypeBundle The class used for Bat Type bundle entities.
BatTypeBundleController The Controller for Bat Type bundle entities.
BatTypeController The Controller for BatType entities.
BatTypeMetadataController The MetadataController for BatType entities.
BatUnit The class used for unit entities.
BatUnitBundle The class used for unit bundle entities.
BatUnitBundleController The Controller for Unit entities.
BatUnitController The Controller for BatUnit entities.
BatUnitMetadataController The MetadataController for BatUnit entities.