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function bat_unit_state_options in Booking and Availability Management Tools for Drupal 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module \bat_unit_state_options()

Helper function to generate a list of available unit states for select lists.


string|null $event_type:

array $conditions:

Return value

array Array of available unit states keyed by id.

4 calls to bat_unit_state_options()
BatEventUiBulkUpdateForm::buildForm in modules/bat_event_ui/src/Form/BatEventUiBulkUpdateForm.php
Form constructor.
BatStateWidget::buildConfigurationForm in modules/bat_facets/src/Plugin/facets/widget/BatStateWidget.php
Provides a configuration form for this widget.
FullcalendarEventManagerForm::ajaxEventStatusChange in modules/bat_fullcalendar/src/Form/FullcalendarEventManagerForm.php
The callback for the change_event_status widget of the event manager form.
FullcalendarEventManagerForm::buildForm in modules/bat_fullcalendar/src/Form/FullcalendarEventManagerForm.php
Form constructor.


modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module, line 460
Manage units - Units are things that can be booked for some period of time. (e.g. rooms - but also villas bungalows, cars, drills, you-get-the-idea etc.)


function bat_unit_state_options($event_type = NULL, $conditions = []) {
  $event_states = [];
  $states = bat_event_get_states($event_type);
  foreach ($states as $event_state) {
      ->id()] = $event_state
  return $event_states;