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Functions in Booking and Availability Management Tools for Drupal 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bat_options_property_info_callback modules/bat_options/bat_options.module Property callback for the Entity Metadata framework. 1
bat_options_remove_js modules/bat_options/bat_options.module Page callback to handle AJAX for removing a bat options item. 1
bat_options_remove_submit modules/bat_options/bat_options.module Submit callback to remove an item from the field UI multiple wrapper. 1
bat_permission ./bat.module Implements hook_permission().
bat_type_access modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Determines whether the given user has access to a type. 5 3
bat_type_access_filter modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Filters types based on permissions for multiple values.
bat_type_access_revision modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Determines whether the given user has access to a type revision. 1 1
bat_type_add_access modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Access callback: Checks whether the user has permission to add a type. 1
bat_type_add_page modules/bat_unit/ Page to add Types. 1
bat_type_add_price_field modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Support for adding price fields to BAT Types - something modules such as Rooms make use of.
bat_type_add_units_form modules/bat_unit/ Unit add form. 1
bat_type_add_units_form_submit modules/bat_unit/ Submit handler for unit add form.
bat_type_add_units_form_validate modules/bat_unit/ Validation handler for unit add form.
bat_type_add_units_form_wrapper modules/bat_unit/ Form callback wrapper: create units associated with a type. 1
bat_type_add_units_page modules/bat_unit/ Page to add Units to a Types. 1
bat_type_bat_entity_access_view_condition_bat_type_alter modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Implements hook_bat_entity_access_OP_condition_ENTITY_TYPE_alter().
bat_type_bundles_ids modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Helper function to easily get Bat Type bundles in an array for use in forms, etc.
bat_type_bundle_access modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Access callback for the entity API. 1
bat_type_bundle_create modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Creates a Bat Type bundle object.
bat_type_bundle_delete modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Deletes a Bat Type bundle from the db.
bat_type_bundle_form modules/bat_unit/ Generates the unit bundle editing form.
bat_type_bundle_form_submit modules/bat_unit/ Form API submit callback for the unit bundle form. 1
bat_type_bundle_form_submit_delete modules/bat_unit/ Form API submit callback for the delete button.
bat_type_bundle_form_validate modules/bat_unit/ Validate callback for bat_type_bundle_form form.
bat_type_bundle_ids modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Gets a list of Bat Type bundles keyed by id and name in value.
bat_type_bundle_load modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Menu argument loader; Load a Bat Type bundle by string. 8
bat_type_bundle_new modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Returns an initialized bat bundle array. This is here to help other modules easily and consistently add BAT Type bundles.
bat_type_bundle_save modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Saves a Bat Type bundle to the db.
bat_type_compare_revisions modules/bat_unit/ Create a comparison for the type between versions 'old_revision_id' and 'new_revision_id'. 1
bat_type_create modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Creates a Bat Type object. 5 1
bat_type_create_form_wrapper modules/bat_unit/ Form callback wrapper: create a type. 1
bat_type_delete modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Deletes a Bat Type. 1
bat_type_delete_form modules/bat_unit/ Form callback: confirmation form for deleting a Type. 1
bat_type_delete_form_submit modules/bat_unit/ Submit callback for type_delete_form. 1
bat_type_delete_form_wrapper modules/bat_unit/ Form callback wrapper: delete a type. 1
bat_type_delete_multiple modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Deletes multiple Bat Types.
bat_type_diff_body_rows modules/bat_unit/ Creates an array of rows which represent the difference between types. 1
bat_type_diff_get_next_vid modules/bat_unit/ Get the entry in the revisions list after $vid. 1
bat_type_diff_get_previous_vid modules/bat_unit/ Get the entry in the revision list before $vid. 1
bat_type_edit_form modules/bat_unit/ Form callback: create or edit a type. 1 2
bat_type_edit_form_submit modules/bat_unit/ Form API submit callback for the type form. 1
bat_type_edit_form_validate modules/bat_unit/ Form API validate callback for the booking type form. 1
bat_type_form modules/bat_unit/ Form callback: edit a type.
bat_type_form_submit_delete modules/bat_unit/ Form API submit callback for the delete button. 1
bat_type_form_wrapper modules/bat_unit/ Form callback wrapper: edit a type. 1
bat_type_get_current_type_revision_id modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Get the id of the current revision that the supplied type is pointing to. 1
bat_type_get_number_of_revisions_newer_than modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Return a count of the number of revisions newer than the supplied revision_id. 2
bat_type_get_pending_revisions modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Retrieve a list of revisions with a revision_id greater than the current. 1
bat_type_ids modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Gets a list of Bat Types keyed by id and name in value. 1
bat_type_load modules/bat_unit/bat_unit.module Fetches a Bat Type object. 14


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