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bat.permissions.yml in Booking and Availability Management Tools for Drupal 8


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  1. configure bat settings:
  2. title: 'Configure BAT'
  3. description: 'Allows users to manage site-wide BAT configuration settings.'
  4. administer bat_type_group_bundle entities:
  5. title: 'Administer type group bundles'
  6. description: 'Allows users to add type group bundles and configure their fields.'
  7. view any bat_type_group unpublished entity:
  8. title: 'View any unpublished type group'
  9. description: 'Allows users to view any unpublished type group.'
  10. view own bat_type_group unpublished entities:
  11. title: 'View own unpublished type groups'
  12. description: 'Allows users to view own unpublished type groups.'
  13. permission_callbacks:
  14. - Drupal\bat\TypeGroupPermissions::permissions