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Functions in Bakery Single Sign-On System 6

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
bakery_bake_oatmeal_cookie ./bakery.module Create a new cookie for redirection after login 1
bakery_eat_stroopwafel_cookie ./bakery.module Menu callback, invoked on the slave 1
bakery_form_alter ./bakery.module Implementation of hook_form_alter().
bakery_init ./bakery.module Implementation of hook_init().
bakery_menu ./bakery.module Implementation of hook_menu().
bakery_menu_alter ./bakery.module Implementation of hook_menu_alter().
bakery_mix ./bakery.module Encryption 5
bakery_perm ./bakery.module Implementation of hook_perm().
bakery_settings ./bakery.module Admin settings, see INSTALL.txt 1
bakery_settings_submit ./bakery.module 1
bakery_taste_stroopwafel_cookie ./bakery.module Validate update request. 1
bakery_translated_menu_link_alter ./bakery.module Implementation of hook_translated_menu_link_alter().
bakery_uncrumble ./bakery.module Form to let users repair minor problems themselves. 1
bakery_uncrumble_access ./bakery.module Only let people with actual problems mess with uncrumble. 1
bakery_uncrumble_submit ./bakery.module
bakery_uncrumble_validate ./bakery.module Validation for bakery_uncrumble form.
bakery_update_6001 ./bakery.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
bakery_user ./bakery.module Implementation of hook_user().
bakery_user_authenticate_finalize ./bakery.module Finalize the login process. Must be called when logging in a user. 1
bakery_user_external_login ./bakery.module Perform standard Drupal login operations for a user object. 1
bakery_user_logout ./bakery.module Custom logout function modified from user_logout. 1
bakery_user_page ./bakery.module Access callback for path /user. 1
_bakery_bake_chocolatechip_cookie ./bakery.module Create a new cookie for identification 2
_bakery_eat_cookie ./bakery.module Destroy unwanted cookies 3
_bakery_taste_chocolatechip_cookie ./bakery.module Test identification cookie 1
_bakery_taste_oatmeal_cookie ./bakery.module Test redirect cookie 1
_bakery_validate_cookie ./bakery.module Function to validate cookies 4

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