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function _bakery_taste_chocolatechip_cookie in Bakery Single Sign-On System 7.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 bakery.module \_bakery_taste_chocolatechip_cookie()
  2. 6 bakery.module \_bakery_taste_chocolatechip_cookie()
  3. 7.4 bakery.module \_bakery_taste_chocolatechip_cookie()

Test identification cookie.

1 call to _bakery_taste_chocolatechip_cookie()
bakery_boot in ./bakery.module
Implements hook_boot().


./bakery.module, line 1084
Module file for the Bakery.


function _bakery_taste_chocolatechip_cookie() {
  $cookie = _bakery_validate_cookie();

  // Continue if this is a valid cookie. That only happens for users who have
  // a current valid session on the master site.
  if ($cookie) {
    $destroy_cookie = FALSE;
    global $user;

    // Detect SSO cookie mismatch if there is already a valid session for user.
    if ($user->uid && $cookie['name'] !== $user->name) {

      // The SSO cookie doesn't match the existing session so force a logout.
    if (variable_get('bakery_is_master', 0)) {
      if ($user->uid || variable_get('bakery_subsite_login', 0)) {

        // User is logged in or acquired a chocolatechip cookie from a subsite.
        // Bake a fresh cookie. Yum.
        _bakery_bake_chocolatechip_cookie($cookie['name'], $cookie['mail'], $cookie['init']);
      else {

        // User is not logged in and couldn't have logged in from a subsite,
        // destroy their cookie.
        $destroy_cookie = TRUE;

    // If the user is not logged in and their cookie is not marked for
    // destruction.
    if (!$user->uid && !$destroy_cookie) {

      // Since this might happen in hook_boot we need to bootstrap first.
      // Note that this only runs if they have a valid session on the master
      // and do not have one on the slave so it only creates the extra load of
      // a bootstrap on one pageview per session on the site which is not much.

      // User is anonymous. If they do not have an account we'll create one by
      // requesting their information from the master site. If they do have an
      // account we may need to correct some disparant information.
      $account = user_load_multiple(array(), array(
        'name' => $cookie['name'],
        'mail' => $cookie['mail'],
      $account = reset($account);

      // Fix out of sync users with valid init.
      if (!$account && !variable_get('bakery_is_master', 0) && $cookie['master']) {
        $count = db_select('users', 'u')
          ->fields('u', array(
          ->condition('init', $cookie['init'])
        if ($count > 1) {

          // Uh oh.
          watchdog('bakery', 'Account uniqueness problem: Multiple users found with init %init.', array(
            '%init' => $cookie['init'],
          ), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
          drupal_set_message(t('Account uniqueness problem detected. <a href="@contact">Please contact the site administrator.</a>', array(
            '@contact' => variable_get('bakery_master', '') . 'contact',
          )), 'error');
        if ($count == 1) {
          $account = user_load_multiple(array(), array(
            'init' => $cookie['init'],
          if (is_array($account)) {
            $account = reset($account);
          if ($account) {
            watchdog('bakery', 'Fixing out of sync uid %uid. Changed name %name_old to %name_new, mail %mail_old to %mail_new.', array(
              '%uid' => $account->uid,
              '%name_old' => $account->name,
              '%name_new' => $cookie['name'],
              '%mail_old' => $account->mail,
              '%mail_new' => $cookie['mail'],
            user_save($account, array(
              'name' => $cookie['name'],
              'mail' => $cookie['mail'],
            $account = user_load_multiple(array(), array(
              'name' => $cookie['name'],
              'mail' => $cookie['mail'],
            $account = reset($account);

      // Create the account if it doesn't exist.
      if (!$account && !variable_get('bakery_is_master', 0) && $cookie['master']) {
        $checks = TRUE;
        $mail_count = db_select('users', 'u')
          ->fields('u', array(
          ->condition('uid', $user->uid, '!=')
          ->condition('mail', '', '!=')
          ->where('LOWER(mail) = LOWER(:mail)', array(
          ':mail' => $cookie['mail'],
        if ($mail_count > 0) {
          $checks = FALSE;
        $name_count = db_select('users', 'u')
          ->fields('u', array(
          ->condition('uid', $user->uid, '!=')
          ->where('LOWER(name) = LOWER(:name)', array(
          ':name' => $cookie['name'],
        if ($name_count > 0) {
          $checks = FALSE;
        $init_count = db_select('users', 'u')
          ->fields('u', array(
          ->condition('uid', $user->uid, '!=')
          ->condition('init', $cookie['init'], '=')
          ->where('LOWER(name) = LOWER(:name)', array(
          ':name' => $cookie['name'],
        if ($init_count > 0) {
          $checks = FALSE;
        if ($checks) {

          // Request information from master to keep data in sync.
          $uid = bakery_request_account($cookie['name']);

          // In case the account creation failed we want to make sure the user
          // gets their bad cookie destroyed by not returning too early.
          if ($uid) {
            $account = user_load($uid);
          else {
            $destroy_cookie = TRUE;
        else {
          drupal_set_message(t('Your user account on %site appears to have problems. Would you like to try to <a href="@url">repair it yourself</a>?', array(
            '%site' => variable_get('site_name', 'Drupal'),
            '@url' => url('bakery/repair'),
          drupal_set_message(filter_xss_admin(variable_get('bakery_help_text', 'Otherwise you can contact the site administrators.')));
      if ($account && $cookie['master'] && $account->uid && !variable_get('bakery_is_master', 0) && $account->init != $cookie['init']) {

        // User existed previously but init is wrong. Fix it to ensure account
        // remains in sync.
        // Make sure that there are not any OTHER accounts
        // with this init already.
        $count = db_select('users', 'u')
          ->fields('u', array(
          ->condition('init', $cookie['init'], '=')
        if ($count == 0) {
            'init' => $cookie['init'],
            ->condition('uid', $account->uid)
          watchdog('bakery', 'uid %uid out of sync. Changed init field from %oldinit to %newinit', array(
            '%oldinit' => $account->init,
            '%newinit' => $cookie['init'],
            '%uid' => $account->uid,
        else {

          // Username and email matched,
          // but init belonged to a DIFFERENT account.
          // Something got seriously tangled up.
          watchdog('bakery', 'Accounts mixed up! Username %user and init %init disagree with each other!', array(
            '%user' => $account->name,
            '%init' => $cookie['init'],
          ), WATCHDOG_CRITICAL);
      if ($account && $user->uid == 0) {

        // If the login attempt fails we need to destroy the cookie to prevent
        // infinite redirects (with infinite failed login messages).
        $login = bakery_user_external_login($account);
        if ($login) {

          // If an anonymous user has just been logged in, trigger a 'refresh'
          // of the current page, ensuring that drupal_goto() does not override
          // the current page with the destination query.
          $query = drupal_get_query_parameters();
          drupal_goto(current_path(), array(
            'query' => $query,
        else {
          $destroy_cookie = TRUE;
    if ($destroy_cookie !== TRUE) {
      return TRUE;

  // Eat the bad cookie. Burp.
  if ($cookie === FALSE) {

  // No cookie or invalid cookie.
  if (!$cookie) {
    global $user;

    // Log out users that have lost their SSO cookie, with the exception of
    // UID 1 and any applied roles with permission to bypass.
    if ($user->uid > 1) {

      // This runs for logged in users. Those folks are going to get a full
      // bootstrap anyway so this isn't a problem.
      if (!user_access('bypass bakery')) {
        watchdog('bakery', 'Logging out the user with the bad cookie.');
  return FALSE;