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function _bm_test_get_mock_schedule in Backup and Migrate 7.3

Helper function to create a mock schedule.

2 calls to _bm_test_get_mock_schedule()
BmTestCtools::testSettingsPage in tests/BmTestCtools.test
Confirm automated settings exist.
bm_test_exportables_backup_migrate_schedules in tests/bm_test.module
Implements hook_exportables_backup_migrate_schedules().


tests/bm_test.module, line 55
Mock module to help and test hooks.


function _bm_test_get_mock_schedule() {
  return array(
    'machine_name' => 'mock_db_weekly',
    'name' => 'Mock weekly database schedule',
    'source_id' => 'db',
    'destination_id' => 'scheduled',
    'copy_destination_id' => '',
    'profile_id' => 'default',
    'keep' => 4,
    'period' => 604800,
    'enabled' => TRUE,
    'cron' => 'builtin',
    'cron_schedule' => '0 4 * * *',