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function BackupMigrateUnitTest::testGetFileInfo in Backup and Migrate 5


tests/BackupMigrateUnitTest.test, line 372


Unit tests for Backup and Migrate module.


function testGetFileInfo() {

  // this function uses _backup_migrate_temp_file because it's easy.
  // is that cheating? what's the policy on relying on a previously tested function
  // to run a test? answers welcome at ronan =at= gortonstudios (dot) com or the issue queue
  $contents = $this
    ->randomName($size, '');
  $valid_extensions = array(
    'sql' => 'text/x-sql',
    'gz' => 'application/x-gzip',
    'bz' => 'application/x-bzip',
    'zip' => 'application/zip',
  $invalid_extensions = array(
  foreach ($valid_extensions as $ext => $mime) {
    $file = _backup_migrate_temp_file($ext);
    $size = rand(10, 100);
    file_put_contents($file, $this
      ->randomName($size, ''));
    $info = _backup_migrate_file_info($file);
      ->assertTrue(is_array($info), t('Checking that info is available on the given file (!ext)', array(
      '!ext' => $ext,
      ->assertEqual($info['filesize'], $size, t('Checking that the filesize is correct'));
      ->assertEqual($info['extension'], ".{$ext}", t('Checking that the file extension is correct'));
      ->assertEqual($info['filename'], basename($file), t('Checking that the file basename'));
      ->assertEqual($info['filemtime'], filemtime($file), t('Checking that modified time is correct'));
      ->assertEqual($info['filectime'], filectime($file), t('Checking that created time is correct'));
      ->assertEqual($info['filepath'], $file, t('Checking that file path is correct'));
      ->assertEqual($info['filemime'], $mime, t('Checking that file mime is correct'));
  foreach ($invalid_extensions as $ext) {
    $file = _backup_migrate_temp_file($ext);
    $size = rand(10, 100);
    file_put_contents($file, $this
      ->randomName($size, ''));
    $info = _backup_migrate_file_info($file);
      ->assertFalse($info, t('Checking that info is not available on the given file'));

  // not found file
  $file = file_directory_temp() . $this
    ->randomName(10, '');
  $info = _backup_migrate_file_info($path);
    ->assertFalse($info, t('Checking that info is not available on the non-existent file'));
  _backup_migrate_temp_file(NULL, $true);