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14 calls to backup_migrate_get_destination() in Backup and Migrate 5.2

backup_migrate_destination_delete_destination in includes/
Delete a destination from the database.
backup_migrate_destination_delete_file in includes/
Delete a file in the given destination.
backup_migrate_destination_get_file in includes/
Load a file from a destination and return the file info.
backup_migrate_destination_save_file in includes/
Send a file to the destination specified by the settings array.
backup_migrate_perform_backup in ./backup_migrate.module
Perform a backup with the given settings.
backup_migrate_perform_restore_file in ./backup_migrate.module
Restore from a file in the given destination.
backup_migrate_ui_destination_configure in includes/
Get a form to configure the destination.
backup_migrate_ui_destination_delete_destination_confirm in includes/
Ask confirmation for deletion of a destination.
backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_files in includes/
List the backup files in the given destination.
backup_migrate_ui_profile_display_profiles in includes/
List the the available profiles in the UI.
backup_migrate_ui_schedule_display_schedules in includes/
List the the available schedules in the UI.
_backup_migrate_destination_get_file_links in includes/
Get the action links for a file on a given destination.
_backup_migrate_destination_get_links in includes/
Get the action links for a destination.
_backup_migrate_schedule_remove_expired_backups in includes/
Remove older backups keeping only the number specified by the aministrator.