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function _backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_file_list in Backup and Migrate 7.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.3 includes/ \_backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_file_list()
  2. 6.3 includes/ \_backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_file_list()

List the backup files in the given destination.

3 calls to _backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_file_list()
backup_migrate_ui_saved_backups in ./backup_migrate.module
List the previously created backups from across multiple destinations.
theme_backup_migrate_file_list in ./backup_migrate.module
Theme file list form widget.
_backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_files in includes/
List the backup files in the given destination.


includes/, line 310


function _backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_file_list($files, $options = array()) {
  drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'backup_migrate') . '/backup_migrate.css');

  // Set some default options.
  $options += array(
    'pager' => TRUE,
    'more' => FALSE,
    'operations' => TRUE,
    'limit' => NULL,
    'form_elements' => NULL,
  $rows = $sort = array();
  if ($files) {
    $headers = array(
        'data' => 'Filename',
        'field' => 'filename',
        'data' => 'Created',
        'field' => 'filetime',
        'sort' => 'desc',
        'data' => 'Size',
        'field' => 'filesize',
    if ($options['operations']) {
      $headers[] = array(
        'data' => 'Operations',
    if ($options['form_elements']) {
      array_unshift($headers, '');
    $sort_order = tablesort_get_order($headers);
    $sort_key = $sort_order['sql'] ? $sort_order['sql'] : 'filetime';
    $sort_dir = tablesort_get_sort($headers) == 'desc' ? SORT_DESC : SORT_ASC;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ((array) $files as $id => $file) {
      $info = $file

      // If there's a datestamp, it should override the filetime as it's probably more reliable.
      $info['filetime'] = !empty($info['datestamp']) ? $info['datestamp'] : $info['filetime'];
      $description = '';

      // Add the description as a new row.
      if (!empty($info['description'])) {
        $description .= ' <div title="' . check_plain($info['description']) . '" class="backup-migrate-description">' . check_plain($info['description']) . '</div>';

      // Add the backup source.
      if (!empty($info['bam_sourcename'])) {
        $description .= ' <div title="' . check_plain($info['bam_sourcename']) . '" class="backup-migrate-tags"><span class="backup-migrate-label">' . t('Source:') . ' </span>' . check_plain($info['bam_sourcename']) . '</div>';

      // Add the tags as a new row.
      if (!empty($info['tags'])) {
        $tags = check_plain(implode(', ', (array) $info['tags']));
        $description .= ' <div title="' . $tags . '" class="backup-migrate-tags"><span class="backup-migrate-label">' . t('Tags:') . ' </span>' . $tags . '</div>';

      // Add the other info.
      if (!empty($info['bam_other_safe'])) {
        foreach ($info['bam_other_safe'] as $label => $data) {
          $description .= ' <div class="backup-migrate-tags"><span class="backup-migrate-label">' . $label . ' </span>' . $data . '</div>';

      // Show only files that can be restored from.
      $sort[] = $info[$sort_key];
      $row = array(
        check_plain($info['filename']) . $description,
        t('!time ago', array(
          '!time' => format_interval(time() - $info['filetime'], 2),
        )) . '<div class="backup-migrate-date">' . format_date($info['filetime'], 'small') . '</div>',
      if ($options['operations']) {
        $row[] = array(
          'data' => implode(' &nbsp; ', $file->destination
          'class' => 'backup-migrate-actions',
      if (isset($options['form_elements'][$id])) {
        array_unshift($row, $options['form_elements'][$id]);
      $rows[] = $row;
    array_multisort($sort, $sort_dir, $rows);

    // Show only some of them if it's limited.
    $showing = $pager = $more = '';
    if ($options['limit']) {
      $limit = $options['limit'];
      $total = count($rows);
      $end = $limit;
      $start = 0;
      if ($options['pager']) {
        $page = isset($_GET['page']) ? intval($_GET['page']) : 0;
        $start = $page * $limit;
        $element = 0;
        $GLOBALS['pager_total'][$element] = ceil($total / $limit);
        $GLOBALS['pager_page_array'][$element] = $page;
        $tags = array(
          t('« newest'),
          t('« newer'),
          t('older »'),
          t('oldest »'),
        $pager = theme('pager', $tags, $limit, $element, array(), ceil($total / $limit));
        $end = min($total, $start + $limit);
      if ($total > $limit && $options['more']) {
        $more = ' ' . l(t('view all'), $options['more']);
      $showing = t('Showing @start to @end of @total files.', array(
        '@start' => $start + 1,
        '@end' => $end,
        '@total' => $total,

      // Limit the number of rows shown.
      $rows = array_slice($rows, $start, $limit, TRUE);
    $out = theme('table', array(
      'header' => $headers,
      'rows' => $rows,
      'class' => 'backup-migrate-listing backup-migrate-listing-files',
    $out .= $showing;
    $out .= $pager;
    $out .= $more;
  else {
    $out = t('There are no backup files to display.');
  return $out;