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Functions in Backup and Migrate 8.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
backup_migrate_filters_settings_form_set_parents includes/ Add a form parent to the filter settings so that the filter values are saved in the right table. 1
backup_migrate_filters_settings_form_submit includes/ Submit all of the filters. 1
backup_migrate_filters_settings_form_validate includes/ Validate all the filters. 1
backup_migrate_get_destination includes/ Get the destination of the given id. 12
backup_migrate_get_destinations includes/ Get all the available backup destination. 5
backup_migrate_get_destination_types includes/ Get the available destination types. 4
backup_migrate_get_filters includes/ Get the available destination types. 3
backup_migrate_get_profile includes/ Get the profile info for the profile with the given ID, or NULL if none exists. 5
backup_migrate_get_profiles includes/ Get all the available backup profiles. 3
backup_migrate_get_schedule includes/ Get the schedule info for the schedule with the given ID, or NULL if none exists.
backup_migrate_get_schedules includes/ Get all the available backup schedules. 2
backup_migrate_help ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_help().
backup_migrate_include ./backup_migrate.module Include views .inc files as necessary. 51
backup_migrate_install ./backup_migrate.install Implementation of hook_install().
backup_migrate_menu ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_menu().
backup_migrate_menu_callback ./backup_migrate.module A menu callback helper. Handles file includes and interactivity setting. 3
backup_migrate_parse_info_file ./backup_migrate.module Parse an old fashioned ini-style info file. 1
backup_migrate_parse_ini_format ./backup_migrate.module Parse an old fashioned ini-style info data. 1
backup_migrate_perform_backup ./backup_migrate.module Perform a backup with the given settings. 4
backup_migrate_perform_restore ./backup_migrate.module Restore from a file in the given destination. 4
backup_migrate_permission ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_permission().
backup_migrate_requirements ./backup_migrate.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
backup_migrate_restore_db_from_file_mysql includes/ Restore the db from a valid backup file.
backup_migrate_restore_fail ./backup_migrate.module Clean up when a restore operation fails. 2
backup_migrate_restore_succeed ./backup_migrate.module Clean up when a restore operation suceeds. 1
backup_migrate_schedules_run includes/ Run the preconfigured schedules. Called on cron. 1
backup_migrate_schema ./backup_migrate.install Implementation of hook_schema().
backup_migrate_shutdown ./backup_migrate.module Shutdown callback. Called when the script terminates even if the script timed out. 2
backup_migrate_simpletest ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_simpletest().
backup_migrate_temp_files_add includes/ Add a file to the temporary files list for deletion when we're done. 3
backup_migrate_theme ./backup_migrate.module Implementation of hook_theme().
backup_migrate_ui_destination_delete_file includes/ Menu callback to delete a file from a destination. 1
backup_migrate_ui_destination_delete_file_confirm includes/ Ask confirmation for file deletion. 1
backup_migrate_ui_destination_delete_file_confirm_submit includes/ Delete confirmed, perform the delete.
backup_migrate_ui_destination_display_files includes/ List the backup files in the given destination. 1
backup_migrate_ui_destination_download_file includes/ Download a file to the browser. 1
backup_migrate_ui_destination_restore_file includes/ Restore a backup file from a destination. 1
backup_migrate_ui_destination_restore_file_confirm includes/ Ask confirmation for file restore. 1
backup_migrate_ui_destination_restore_file_confirm_submit includes/ Do the file restore.
backup_migrate_ui_export_form ./backup_migrate.module Convert an item to an 'exportable'.
backup_migrate_ui_manual_backup_advanced ./backup_migrate.module The menu callback for advanced manual backups. 1
backup_migrate_ui_manual_backup_form ./backup_migrate.module The backup/export form. 1
backup_migrate_ui_manual_backup_form_submit ./backup_migrate.module Submit the form. Save the values as defaults if desired and output the backup file. 1
backup_migrate_ui_manual_backup_load_profile_form ./backup_migrate.module The backup/export load profile form. 1
backup_migrate_ui_manual_backup_load_profile_form_submit ./backup_migrate.module Submit the profile load form.
backup_migrate_ui_manual_backup_perform ./backup_migrate.module Perform an actual manual backup and tell the user of the progress. 2
backup_migrate_ui_manual_backup_quick ./backup_migrate.module The menu callback for easy manual backups. 1
backup_migrate_ui_manual_quick_backup_form ./backup_migrate.module The quick backup form. 1
backup_migrate_ui_manual_quick_backup_form_submit ./backup_migrate.module Submit the quick backup form.
backup_migrate_ui_manual_quick_backup_form_validate ./backup_migrate.module Validate the quick backup form. 1


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