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15 calls to BackgroundProcess::logDebug() in Background Process 7.2

BackgroundProcess::claim in ./
Claim process. Before executing the callback, make sure no one else is doing it.
BackgroundProcess::detach in ./
Use blocking style request, and instruct the subrequests to detach asap.
BackgroundProcess::dispatch in ./
Launch the process
BackgroundProcess::doKeepAlive in ./
Re-launch the process if necessary
BackgroundProcess::ensureCleanup in ./
Make sure we clean up after ourselves.
BackgroundProcess::execute in ./
Execute the background process callback function.
BackgroundProcess::keepAlive in ./
Keep the request alive (i.e., restart after finish).
BackgroundProcess::reDispatch in ./
If process has been locked for more than 10 seconds without starting then dispatch it again.
BackgroundProcess::remove in ./
Remove the process from the DB (unlock).
BackgroundProcess::setCallback in ./
Set callback and arguments
BackgroundProcess::setOption in ./
Set callback options
BackgroundProcess::setOptions in ./
Set callback options
BackgroundProcess::shutdown in ./
BackgroundProcess::unlock in ./
Shutdown a process (and ensure it doesn't start again by itself, i.e. "unlock")
BackgroundProcess::writeData in ./
Write applicable data (if any) to the database