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public function BackgroundProcess::shutdown in Background Process 7.2


2 calls to BackgroundProcess::shutdown()
BackgroundProcess::execute in ./
Execute the background process callback function.
BackgroundProcess::reDispatch in ./
If process has been locked for more than 10 seconds without starting then dispatch it again.


./, line 1010
External API short overview




public function shutdown() {
    ->logDebug(__FUNCTION__ . " : {$this->shutdown}");
  try {
  } catch (Exception $e) {

    // During shutdown, let's ignore DB errors, so shutdown handler may
    // pickup errors, etc. But we won't restart the process.
      ->log((string) $e, WATCHDOG_ERROR);

  // Inform shutdown handlers when done.
  if ($this->shutdown) {
      ->logDebug('shutting down!');

    // @todo Bump bootstrap level?
    if (function_exists('module_invoke_all')) {
        ->logDebug('invoking shutdown handlers');
      $this->start = $this->start_stamp;
      module_invoke_all('background_process_shutdown', $this);
      ->logDebug('calling shutdown callbacks');
    foreach ($this
      ->getShutdownCallbacks() as $info) {
      list($callback, $args) = $info;
      $args[] = $this;
      call_user_func_array($callback, $args);
    $this->shutdown = FALSE;
    return $this
      ->doKeepAlive() ? TRUE : $this
  return $this